March 2024 General Game Discussion Thread

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Kind of a rant here

Dragons Dogma 2. GOTY material right here. Its a fun RPG with a good combat system. Exciting, big monsters to kill and good gear/items to collect. Its kinda like the ARPG Baldurs Gate 3. You have companions, but instead of the stop-and-go combat, its extremely fluid and, albeit some bad moves/dialogue, the AI of the companions is good enough.

I believe its getting wrongfully dragged through the mud for things that most (dare i say all) games have nowadays. Mtx's and rough launches, whether its the un-optimization or poor servers, Dragons Dogma is no different, but its getting so much hate for its MTXs that absolutely do not interfere with your game play and can all be found in the game. This along with extremely simple mods that make the mtxs irrelevant, but nonetheless.

The game also has a weird save system where there is only 1 save slot and apparently, a lot of people have messed up their games and the in-game saving mechanics, causing games to be deleted or overwritten entirely.

Personally, have had no issue with this save system, nor the fast travel system, which is another "pain point" but the travel system was developed that way for a reason this way and thats being the directors vision. It was supposed to be that way. You cant just fast travel everywhere, you need "ferrystones" but capcom has added the ability to buy them. Even though you get them in chests, at end of missions and just off dead bodies, it still seems to make a bunch of people mad, like this kind of practice isnt done in tons of other games that dont get the same treatment.

The game runs alright for me but i am using a 4080s with a 12900k so i dont have a bad system to run it on, but yes the city tanks my fps down to between 50-70 max settings in 3440x1440 in cities and over 100 in the wild. I tried it on a 3070ti and notice it goes down to between 40-60 on mid-lower settings. but fairs about 70-75 in the wild at mid-high settings.

So, yes it can do with some optimizations, but it is nowhere near 'unplayable'.

Im not trying to white-knight for Capcom, they couldve done better with this release, but its nowhere near as bad as the dialogue around the game is. Completely overblown and im saying you should play the game and make your own judgement. The 2 hour window, imo is enough time to see if you are gonna play or not. Just dont spend it in the character creator! Which, id add, was released as a stand-alone thing to mess with for a while before the game released.

I think more and more people are getting fed up with microtransactions and broken releases and Dragon's Dogma 2 just became a target that these people latched on to as an example of what they think is wrong with the current game industry.
the game is too bloody repetitive for my liking. get use to the training grounds and early maps like the darcsen villiage. you'll be seeing those map(s) a lot. the game will slowly add more and more maps but, it will recycle those maps constantly.

That could be it with the first one, as well. For whatever reason, it just doesn't feel very strategically rewarding or interesting.


Community Contributor
Jeez, I have to get here more often. Y'awl keep saying things I want to respond to, and it ends up as a mega-post!! OK "Insert quotes" - don't fail me now!

Did you know that if you select all the files in a folder and then rename the first one that Windows will rename all the rest sequentially?
Yep. I rarely need it, but it's very nice to have when I do!

... caused my sharpshooter to miss a shot against a stationary object that normally is a guaranteed hit, which wasn't communicated in any way.
Guaranteed hit? In XCOM??? I had one situation where the barrel of my soldier's gun clipped INSIDE an alien's body and he still missed.

the game is too bloody repetitive for my liking.
What!? Oh, wait, Valkyria Chronicles 2 and 3 never came out on PC. I thought the franchise was dead when 4 suddenly game out of the blue. It's hard not to think of 4 as 2.

I think more and more people are getting fed up with microtransactions and broken releases and Dragon's Dogma 2 just became a target that these people latched on to as an example of what they think is wrong with the current game industry.
That certainly made it easier to believe, but this was mostly just a reflection of how inaccurate a rumor mill is. As the story gets re-told with less and less accuracy, it warped into pure BS over just a few hours. The game media and some early players have countered the "misperceptions" with their own videos, but I'm not seeing a flood of "I'm sorry, I was wrong about DD2" follow-ups. If people are making them, they aren't getting up-votes for it.
I had the Avatar progress on 1 and no immediate threats, so I finally got to spend some time just focusing on upgrading my stuff in XCOM 2. Turns out that it's not that hard to get supplies if you can just take the time to gather them. It also didn't hurt that I didn't have a Dark Event this time that slashed my income in half.

However, I got a warning that the last remaining Chosen was training to become stronger, so I decided it was time to take him out. Most of my soldiers were max rank and I had absolutely no problems getting through the facility, nor with defeating the Chosen.
I had the Avatar progress on 1 and no immediate threats, so I finally got to spend some time just focusing on upgrading my stuff in XCOM 2. Turns out that it's not that hard to get supplies if you can just take the time to gather them. It also didn't hurt that I didn't have a Dark Event this time that slashed my income in half.

However, I got a warning that the last remaining Chosen was training to become stronger, so I decided it was time to take him out. Most of my soldiers were max rank and I had absolutely no problems getting through the facility, nor with defeating the Chosen.
Sounds like you've finally got that snowball and are close to completion. Weirdly, I suspect the "meta" is to not ever collect supplies, something I noticed on my stats vs World on my final stats.

I picked up Red Dead Redemption 2, finally. Unfortunately, I ****** it up, because it was an impulse purchase; as I bought through fanatical, which turns out sold me a key for the Rockstar Social Club. It's fine, it's just...another launcher and makes it more challenging to Stream it to my HTPC in my living room. Adding it as a Non-Steam game doesn't seem to work, so I have to use Moonlight (which is great, usually), but for some reason that's not detecting my controller, so now I need to fix that.

But, I also screwed-up, because I played about 30 minutes yesterday before realizing it's probably a game my wife would be interested in watching me play, due to the heavy story emphasis. So now I'm forcing myself to wait to play until she can at least watch a little bit and get a feel; kind of hoping she doesn't like it so I can just play it on my own, because I'm impatient.


Community Contributor
Played some Disco Simulator, which is sort of a casual tycoon game. I'm not sure it's a game that's overly replayable. In fact, once you've unlocked and seen everything, it may be a struggle to finish the campaign, which is kind of in the same vein as a typical tycoon game like Roller Coaster Tycoon, where you do a bunch of escalating jobs. Nevertheless, it's well made, and I've enjoyed it.
I’ve been playing a ton of Lightyear Frontier on Game Pass. It’s pretty great for an early access game, though I wouldn’t pay $20 for it on Steam just yet, it needs more content and more QoL changes before I recommend buying it. I’m 8 hours in and getting close to finishing what is available in EA so far, maybe about 60-75% done, but what is available has been very fun.

It’s a “cozy” farming simulator with a very satisfying daily loop with a really great sense of progression. You and your mech crash land on a planet thought to be dead but it turns out it’s full of life and mystery. You explore different micro-regions that have unique resources and plants in each area, and as you find these new resources you are able to start building up your base. Along with this you can build farms to help create oils, upgrade your mech, and build more machines to produce more materials.

It’s a fun daily loop of farming, starting up your machine production, then going out to explore. You have to make a choice to either clean up a new region so it can start producing resources, or go grind areas you’ve cleaned already to gather resources to bring back. One main gripe I have with the game so far is the days are too short, you spend the first 25-50% of it farming if your farm has gotten big, then it’s dark by the time you set out to explore. You have to choose between a new region or previously explored region.

This leads to my next gripe, lack of map markers. It will come in the future for sure but right now you have to rely on remembering where specific things are: remember where the unique resources of a region spawn, where the animal nests are (feeding them gives resource spawn boosts for the next day), remember the path you took to get from place to place, it becomes a bit tedious.

You have to figure out the progression yourself also. Some regions require mech upgrades to your water blaster or vacuum to clean up the noxious waste, and you wouldn’t know it unless you went there and tried. You get all these objectives to clean up regions but it doesn’t recommend or tell you which to start with, so it’s a bit of a guessing game at first. These are my main gripes but they are common early access game gripes which I’m sure will all be fixed, added and updated in the future. Oddly enough, these gripes kind of added to my enjoyment of the game because it forced me to learn the map and explore so I know where to go and practically made me plot my own path for progression (unintentional alliteration).

The things I really do like is once you do figure out which resources should be gathered first, how fast you start unlocking new stuff goes pretty quickly. Every in game day or two you are finding something new, making a new machine, farming a new plant, feeding new animals. That is the main thing that kept me hooked to this game, I kept wanting to see what was next to do. I also really enjoy the space cowboy soundtrack, it is very comforting.

The mech is so much fun to control. It’s fairly basic if you’ve played other mech games, it controls really easily like the Titanfall games. You can get out and explore on foot, there are a few sections that require it.

I recommend this game only if you have Game Pass and you’re into farming/crafting games. There’s no combat or survival mechanics so it’s quite relaxing. I can’t wait to see what updates this game gets, and if it gets enough I may end up buying it. It has a lot of potential.
Sounds like you've finally got that snowball and are close to completion. Weirdly, I suspect the "meta" is to not ever collect supplies, something I noticed on my stats vs World on my final stats.

Strange, I wonder how other players get their supplies then and what they do in between missions. Perhaps they buy/sell more at the black market?

I've probably made a bunch of "meta" mistakes. For example, I build power plants on both of the coils, but I found out it's more efficient to build the shadow chamber and psi room there.

I do have a bunch of story missions left to do, so I think I have a decent number of hours left before I've finished the game. I should be able to make plenty of use of the plasma weapons I'm about to unlock (assuming I'll be able to afford them).

I’ve been playing a ton of Lightyear Frontier on Game Pass. It’s pretty great for an early access game, though I wouldn’t pay $20 for it on Steam just yet, it needs more content and more QoL changes before I recommend buying it. I’m 8 hours in and getting close to finishing what is available in EA so far, maybe about 60-75% done, but what is available has been very fun.

It’s a “cozy” farming simulator with a very satisfying daily loop with a really great sense of progression. You and your mech crash land on a planet thought to be dead but it turns out it’s full of life and mystery. You explore different micro-regions that have unique resources and plants in each area, and as you find these new resources you are able to start building up your base. Along with this you can build farms to help create oils, upgrade your mech, and build more machines to produce more materials.

It’s a fun daily loop of farming, starting up your machine production, then going out to explore. You have to make a choice to either clean up a new region so it can start producing resources, or go grind areas you’ve cleaned already to gather resources to bring back. One main gripe I have with the game so far is the days are too short, you spend the first 25-50% of it farming if your farm has gotten big, then it’s dark by the time you set out to explore. You have to choose between a new region or previously explored region.

This leads to my next gripe, lack of map markers. It will come in the future for sure but right now you have to rely on remembering where specific things are: remember where the unique resources of a region spawn, where the animal nests are (feeding them gives resource spawn boosts for the next day), remember the path you took to get from place to place, it becomes a bit tedious.

You have to figure out the progression yourself also. Some regions require mech upgrades to your water blaster or vacuum to clean up the noxious waste, and you wouldn’t know it unless you went there and tried. You get all these objectives to clean up regions but it doesn’t recommend or tell you which to start with, so it’s a bit of a guessing game at first. These are my main gripes but they are common early access game gripes which I’m sure will all be fixed, added and updated in the future. Oddly enough, these gripes kind of added to my enjoyment of the game because it forced me to learn the map and explore so I know where to go and practically made me plot my own path for progression (unintentional alliteration).

The things I really do like is once you do figure out which resources should be gathered first, how fast you start unlocking new stuff goes pretty quickly. Every in game day or two you are finding something new, making a new machine, farming a new plant, feeding new animals. That is the main thing that kept me hooked to this game, I kept wanting to see what was next to do. I also really enjoy the space cowboy soundtrack, it is very comforting.

The mech is so much fun to control. It’s fairly basic if you’ve played other mech games, it controls really easily like the Titanfall games. You can get out and explore on foot, there are a few sections that require it.

I recommend this game only if you have Game Pass and you’re into farming/crafting games. There’s no combat or survival mechanics so it’s quite relaxing. I can’t wait to see what updates this game gets, and if it gets enough I may end up buying it. It has a lot of potential.

All of your gripes sound like common game mechanics in all of the cozy farm games I've played. Typically you need to keep your farm small until you can speed up or automate taking care of your crops and animals if you want to have enough free time each day.
What!? Oh, wait, Valkyria Chronicles 2 and 3 never came out on PC. I thought the franchise was dead when 4 suddenly game out of the blue. It's hard not to think of 4 as 2.

yeah it was a bit strange that they moved the series to the PSP. Either it wasn't a massive commercial hit or it was some piss poor decision making. VC2 is definitely constrained by its limitations. Storywise it takes place a few years after VC1 with the hard fought peace is torn asunder as no sooner had Gallia attained peace, civil war breaks out. With the entire gallian army either still too battered or defected to the rebels, its up to military academy students to take up fighting between their studies.

As a technical achievement VC2 isn't bad, it captures the game in portable form, but yeah the maps and unit sizes are small and the balance is a bit off from what i've been told.


Community Contributor


AH HA! because I just realized one big reason of why I love early access games. It's because it is like having the good parts of a live service game: continuous development. Enshrouded just came out with, so far as I know, their first content update after spending the first couple of months bug fixing, optimizing and soliciting feedback. The new update has some new dungeons, which should be fun. Also, they've released a roadmap which looks fun:


So I have all these new things to look forward to, but unlike live service games, it doesn't take a battle pass to get them and there are no microtransactions.

WELL CRAP! because I thought for sure I had solved a 2 year problem with the game Farming Simulator 22. At least I had a few minutes of "I'm a genius!" before I was met the with usual failure.
Strange, I wonder how other players get their supplies then and what they do in between missions. Perhaps they buy/sell more at the black market?

I've probably made a bunch of "meta" mistakes. For example, I build power plants on both of the coils, but I found out it's more efficient to build the shadow chamber and psi room there.

I do have a bunch of story missions left to do, so I think I have a decent number of hours left before I've finished the game. I should be able to make plenty of use of the plasma weapons I'm about to unlock (assuming I'll be able to afford them).

All of your gripes sound like common game mechanics in all of the cozy farm games I've played. Typically you need to keep your farm small until you can speed up or automate taking care of your crops and animals if you want to have enough free time each day.
Keeping it small is an issue I have with the game. As far as I know, there’s no way to automate farming but there’s some things to help like a plant that provides water which I’ve yet to find. I want to make my farm big so I can yield the most crops but that prolongs the farming part which takes away from exploring. It’s tedious, but from I’ve noticed a lot of the earlier crops lose their purpose after you get a large quantity of whatever the plant is needed to craft, so you can start to rotate your crops to the new ones you find later as you go along. Each region has unique crops so there’s a decent variety right now.


AH HA! because I just realized one big reason of why I love early access games. It's because it is like having the good parts of a live service game: continuous development. Enshrouded just came out with, so far as I know, their first content update after spending the first couple of months bug fixing, optimizing and soliciting feedback. The new update has some new dungeons, which should be fun. Also, they've released a roadmap which looks fun:


So I have all these new things to look forward to, but unlike live service games, it doesn't take a battle pass to get them and there are no microtransactions.

WELL CRAP! because I thought for sure I had solved a 2 year problem with the game Farming Simulator 22. At least I had a few minutes of "I'm a genius!" before I was met the with usual failure.

It's exciting to feel like something is always coming down the pipe, but I always have this question with EA: When should I play? EA games I like, I tend to not play, because I know I'll burn out before all the new stuff comes out, so I want to make sure I get to play the complete experience. I desperately want to play Shadows of Doubt, but I've been putting it off for like a year now because I want experience the full thing when it hits 1.0.

I finally got Moonlight/Sunshine streaming working on my HTPC, which required some updates and running Sunshine as an administrator on the Host PC.

I had a fun time messing around with Red Dead Redemption this afternoon while my youngest napped. I didn't play, but just kept testing various settings amongst my two computers to see what got me the most reasonable FPS with the best image on both of them. My Host PC with the Ryzen 5600 and Radeon 6700XT runs the game great, though I'm surprised at the performance hit MSAA provides. Though it's absolutely worth it for the improvement in image quality.

Also, I continue to be impressed with my HTPC, which is an i7-7700 and GTX 1070; pretty old these days, but at 1080p, with a mix of Medium to Ultra, with TSAA and MSAA x2, it hovers around 55FPS average, with 45-Low and 65 High, which is damn impressive, considering the benchmarks of the game when it released. I could theoretically run the game at 4k on my HTPC on the TV and lock it to 30FPS, but I'd rather have the increased performance and lower resolution. Again, I am just damn impressed with this machine, given those specs. Honestly, I sometimes wonder if I should swap the machines around and make my Server/Host the HTPC, because it tends to get gamed on the most.
i noticed that evil genius 2 is at a rock bottom price of less then 3 quid for the deluxe edition (which includes season pass). has anyone played it or have any thoughts on the game? i mean its sitting at mixed and some of that is because of the MTX, but with everything thrown in at less then my local super market lunch deal or a mcdonalds set meal deal its a killer deal.

i've been also thinking about upgrading my pc, this time i might of it this time as i have a full tower and i think some of the parts are still good (NOTE: need to verify that!) or i can carry with my new pc (DDR4 is still the standard atm and nothing needs 32gb of ram yet). Atm i'm just thinking of replacing just my processor + motherboard but haven't looked too deeply into it tbh (eyeballed a few things). I think i could wait a few more years before i consign everything except the case to the scrapheap.
i noticed that evil genius 2 is at a rock bottom price of less then 3 quid for the deluxe edition (which includes season pass). has anyone played it or have any thoughts on the game? i mean its sitting at mixed and some of that is because of the MTX, but with everything thrown in at less then my local super market lunch deal or a mcdonalds set meal deal its a killer deal.

i've been also thinking about upgrading my pc, this time i might of it this time as i have a full tower and i think some of the parts are still good (NOTE: need to verify that!) or i can carry with my new pc (DDR4 is still the standard atm and nothing needs 32gb of ram yet). Atm i'm just thinking of replacing just my processor + motherboard but haven't looked too deeply into it tbh (eyeballed a few things). I think i could wait a few more years before i consign everything except the case to the scrapheap.
Looks like the Deluxe Edition, which in the US is only $2.99, includes all of the DLC besides the already free ones. There doesn’t seem to be any actual microtransactions such as in game power ups, just the smaller DLC packs people wrongly labeled as MTX. For the price of a McDonald’s burger you get the whole game, I may check it out!


Community Contributor
It's exciting to feel like something is always coming down the pipe, but I always have this question with EA: When should I play? EA games I like, I tend to not play, because I know I'll burn out before all the new stuff comes out, so I want to make sure I get to play the complete experience. I desperately want to play Shadows of Doubt, but I've been putting it off for like a year now because I want experience the full thing when it hits 1.0.

Shadows of Doubt is sort of a narrative story with progression. I wouldn't play that in EA. Most of the games I like have only a small amount of narrative to them and the main focus of the game is something else, like Satisfactory or Enshrouded for instance. In Satisfactory, you're obviously really there to build factories, and you just pick up snippets of story every now and then. In Enshrouded, the story is mostly just lore that you pick up here and there. You know that your eventual job is probably to end the Shroud, but that will probably just be some sort of end game boss or something.

Unsurprisingly, I already own Shadows of Doubt, bought in a mindless, game-shopping fever dream-state, so I'm just waiting for them to finish it now.

Keeping it small is an issue I have with the game. As far as I know, there’s no way to automate farming but there’s some things to help like a plant that provides water which I’ve yet to find. I want to make my farm big so I can yield the most crops but that prolongs the farming part which takes away from exploring. It’s tedious, but from I’ve noticed a lot of the earlier crops lose their purpose after you get a large quantity of whatever the plant is needed to craft, so you can start to rotate your crops to the new ones you find later as you go along. Each region has unique crops so there’s a decent variety right now.
You are absolutely right about the day/night cycle being too short. Usually in this type of game, which is more like a survival game without eating/drinking than a life sim like Stardew Valley (funny enough, lots of survival games are dropping eating and drinking as requirements, Enshrouded being the most recent), being able to change the length of the days and nights is one of the first requests that people make. Usually the developer goes along with it and adds a slider in the options, but sometimes they don't. You just never know. Some developers value what they want over what players want, which is fine. It's their game, I guess.

As for sleeping, you are a lot farther in the game than I am. I'm a very distracted, wandering around type player, so in my couple of hours I really haven't farmed anything but that one blue thing you find laying all over the place. But if being back first thing in the morning isn't important, say if you can water the plants and such later, then you might consider just not going back when it gets dark. There's no penalty for not sleeping. I'm on day 6 or 7 and have only slept once, and that's because it was my mission to go to sleep. The game doesn't tell you much, but "F" turns on your lights if you didn't know that already. Night doesn't last that long anyway.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
evil genius 2 is at a rock bottom price … any thoughts on the game?

95% off—I can reward such respect for Patience. I played the original a long time ago—I don't remember much detail, but it was fun… fun as in humorous… and had some nice strategy-style play with base building, which are my cuppa.

I just bought it, but it'll be a while before I get to it.


Community Contributor
95% off—I can reward such respect for Patience. I played the original a long time ago—I don't remember much detail, but it was fun… fun as in humorous… and had some nice strategy-style play with base building, which are my cuppa.

I just bought it, but it'll be a while before I get to it.
You all got the "this game isn't selling anymore. screw it." deal. Congrats. Reviews are mixed, but people are just nitpicking it. What they seem to be really mad about are the DLC, which you just added to the game for $1. Seems like a great buy.


Community Contributor
I wish Copilot still gave human-like responses. Ever since it released, it's been getting more and more robotic every few weeks. It started off argumentative and with a bad temper, then slowly transitioned into strangely needy, caring and supportive, and now it's just boring. I just had a completely uneventful conversation about my plans to become a 6-toed foot model. Instead of acting incensed and frustrated, or concerned about me being disappointed, it just linked me to foot modeling resources and wished me a good trip on my foot modeling journey.
As for sleeping, you are a lot farther in the game than I am. I'm a very distracted, wandering around type player, so in my couple of hours I really haven't farmed anything but that one blue thing you find laying all over the place. But if being back first thing in the morning isn't important, say if you can water the plants and such later, then you might consider just not going back when it gets dark. There's no penalty for not sleeping. I'm on day 6 or 7 and have only slept once, and that's because it was my mission to go to sleep. The game doesn't tell you much, but "F" turns on your lights if you didn't know that already. Night doesn't last that long anyway.
The one and only benefit to sleeping I’ve found is that your production machines will produce everything in queue when you go to sleep. So instead of waiting 12 minutes for a stack of 6 iron bars to smelt, going to sleep will produce them all right away. If you don’t go to sleep and the day changes you have to wait for the queue.

I’m still battling the day/night cycle but making it work, you just need to pick your priorities for each day. I unlocked a large farm plot which holds 25 crops. At this point I have so much oil of the first 3 plants I found that I’m going to focus on planting new stuff only. My last farm plots were near a river but with these large ones I put them directly on the bank of a river so I don’t have to go far at all to fill up. I think the further you get in the game, more advanced crafting recipes don’t require any of the early game stuff but I could be wrong.

I unlocked a lot more crafting materials last night and upgraded my mech some more. I also found out how to paint your mech which was nice, I’m not a big fan of the color red so I made it a nice white with yellow secondary colors. I need to post of a screenshot.

You can build a merchants landing pad which allows a NPC merchant land in your base once a day to sell and buy stuff which I found useful to help cut down on the amount of time I spend away from my base. Turns out, when you find a new plant, you can start to buy seeds for it at the merchants ship. They get more pricey as you go on but there’s some easy ways to make money like sell wood and stone, as well as finding rare hidden objects throughout the world which their purpose is to sell. This way I can farm a ton of the brand new plant I found so I can more quickly unlock new crafting recipes. Speaking of the merchant, lately I’ve been seeing these really cool wooden/overgrown plant styled mech parts but they’re soooo expensive. I think my endgame goal is to get all those pieces and decorate my mech to look like it’s been abandoned in a forest for 100 years, I love that aesthetic.

Overall I’m still having a lot of fun with it. It’s a great relaxing game, I really enjoy the world and graphics, and it’s a nice change of pace from games I’m used to playing.
Shadows of Doubt is sort of a narrative story with progression. I wouldn't play that in EA. Most of the games I like have only a small amount of narrative to them and the main focus of the game is something else, like Satisfactory or Enshrouded for instance. In Satisfactory, you're obviously really there to build factories, and you just pick up snippets of story every now and then. In Enshrouded, the story is mostly just lore that you pick up here and there. You know that your eventual job is probably to end the Shroud, but that will probably just be some sort of end game boss or something.

Unsurprisingly, I already own Shadows of Doubt, bought in a mindless, game-shopping fever dream-state, so I'm just waiting for them to finish it now.

Fair enough and it is easier to go back to something like Valheim, but I often burn myself out on stuff and never want to go back. Terraria for example; played it a load when it first released and now that my son wants to play, I need to force myself, because I find the loop pretty boring after playing so much in the past.

95% off—I can reward such respect for Patience. I played the original a long time ago—I don't remember much detail, but it was fun… fun as in humorous… and had some nice strategy-style play with base building, which are my cuppa.

I just bought it, but it'll be a while before I get to it.

Thanks for the heads-up. I have the first one, but barely touched it and I can't avoid this for $3, especially when it looks like a modern Dungeon Keeper; War for the Underworld didn't really do it for me.

Also had Titanfall 2 in my cart, which was about to go off sale. I do have it on Origin, but this will make it easier to play on my Deck for a mere $3.
95% off—I can reward such respect for Patience. I played the original a long time ago—I don't remember much detail, but it was fun… fun as in humorous… and had some nice strategy-style play with base building, which are my cuppa.

I just bought it, but it'll be a while before I get to it.

i have the original but never played it as it didn't seem like my thing. at 95% off its just too tempting and decided to get it as well. The final insult would probably be epic giving it away for free but meh, less then 3 quid isn't really a big loss tbh.

Still thinking about that humble bundle for boomer shooters. at £15 and really 2 or 3 games i really want (the rest i've got or just tat) i'm still sitting on the fence. Might get it unless its cheaper somewhere else. its just the duplicate keys i need to deal with.
i have the original but never played it as it didn't seem like my thing. at 95% off its just too tempting and decided to get it as well. The final insult would probably be epic giving it away for free but meh, less then 3 quid isn't really a big loss tbh.

Still thinking about that humble bundle for boomer shooters. at £15 and really 2 or 3 games i really want (the rest i've got or just tat) i'm still sitting on the fence. Might get it unless its cheaper somewhere else. its just the duplicate keys i need to deal with.
Is it weird that Turbo Overkill is supposed to be the best of the bunch, but I have zero interest in it? Seems to be too fast and "zany" for me. I like a good fast paced shooter, but there's a point where it becomes frenetic and loses the appeal for me.

Sort of similar to how I feel about Cruelty Squad. The art style is just so off-putting, that even though it sounds like my kind of game, I just haven't even looked twice at it.