Bluetooth problems (mostly) fixed. Bought a cheap, no name brand Bluetooth 5.4 adapter and it arrived on Saturday. Good news is that the controllers connect near instantly and have a very long connection range. Bad news, they are still highly sensitive to physical interference but better than the built-in Bluetooth I was having issues with.
I moved my PC to our bedroom so we can hook it up to the TV and play Split Fiction, and there were moments where if my leg was up in a certain way, it would start blocking the connection. It's a lot better than before though, where I was losing connection even though my PC and controller were only about 2-3 feet away from each other. Now in the bedroom, my controller sits approx 15 feet from the PC, with only minor issues.
I can't believe that the Bluetooth just crapped out of my mobo. I tried everything I could to try to fix it, and the only solution was to just get a new adapter. At least while sitting at my desk it works like a charm, only in the bedroom where there is more interference as well as two controller connected at once, does it start to have some minor issues. If I just readjust my sitting position it works better, but at times I just wanna lay all the way down and play.
That all seems so weird. Is there maybe also some radio interference in your house? Maybe your Wifi isn't switching bands and it's somehow interfering with the Bluetooth? Never seen a Bluetooth radio just crap itself, so I'm just curious if maybe there's something else going on.
Otherwise, at least you've got it mostly resolved and can play how you want to.
I've been mostly playing Advance Wars: Days of Ruin lately. I had been playing on my 3DS, but was curious to get my DSi XL back from my buddy and see if I preferred the larger screen and the appropriate screen resolution, so I went over there yesterday to pick it up from him. Well, he ended-up giving it back to me, but also giving me a Dell XPS 9560. It's not an amazing machine, but long story short, it has an i7-7700HQ, 32Gb of RAM and a 1050 Max-Q. Weirdly, for being so big and beefy (4.6lbs! 16.6"!!!), it's really only as powerful as my Thinkpad Nano (1.99lbs, 13")
So I've been testing it anyway, because I'm curious to see if I can live with having such a huge machine, since I usually prefer portability, even if I never use it. So now, I'm looking for a PC game to play; I finished Black Mesa last week and haven't had much motivation to play anything else, but I'm going to force myself to find something to play so I can give this machine an earnest test. I'm thinking I may trying picking up Aliens: Dark Descent again, but might also finally get properly into Selaco or even try Blood West, which I just picked-up last week.
edit: I should also say, I'm kind of hoping the hugeness of this thing helps me out with my RSI/Carpel Tunnel I've been having for about a year now. I've been thinking recently that it's possible my love of my tiny laptop isn't doing me any favors when I'm typing or gaming on the somewhat cramped little keyboard.