I've abandoned two games this week:
Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology for one, which I'm not sure it super counts here, since it's on 3DS, buuutt...
I'm not really a JRPG fan. I've played several and enjoyed them, but I would never say I really like them. This one was cool though, fun story, good VO (surprisingly good VO) and mostly pretty fun gameplay and I played 5 hours of it, but realized this wasn't going to be a thing I really made it all the way through when I thought, "the next time I play, I hope it's all story and no combat."
The combat seems interesting at first, but ultimately becomes very tedious and tiresome, especially because when there is combat, there's a lot of it. It doesn't do the random fights thing like most JRPGs (which I loathe and will not play), but it does have this, initially, interesting combat system where it takes place on a grid and you can move enemies around and stack them up for a big bonus to damage. Unfortunately, this just becomes annoying when every fight becomes the same thing. Instead of being able to mindlessly mash A through each fight without looking, you actually do need to think about it a little bit, which ends up being annoying overall, because there's just not that much thought or tactical consideration. You end up using the exact same skills over and over again for each fight and some enemies just end up making fights take longer because they're immoveable, so it gets even more tedious and annoying. Unfortunate, because I was enjoying the story.
Now, I only lasted about an hour in Star Wars: Republic Commando. I'm not a big Star Wars person, I like it well enough, but haven't watched anything since the prequels 20 years ago, but I'm wanting to get into the Wargame Star Wars: Legion. So I fired this one up and what initially seemed cool, rapidly turned into frustration and anger when I realized it was an "Endlessly Spawning Enemies Until you Reach the Checkpoint" style FPS. Couple this with the fact that your AI partners, which are essential to your progress, are dumb as rocks and will let enemies down them and you have a game where you're constantly babysitting the AI, trying to give it orders to heal itself, kill this, hide here, all while also trying to kill enemies so you can push forward just to make them stop constantly spawning for a damn second, so you can have a breather to babysit the AI again.
It's dumb and frustrating, lazy design and I don't understand how this game was lauded back in its day.
At any rate, the worst part now is that I need to figure out what I would like to play next.