I picked up State of Decay a few days ago because it was on sale for $5 and I've very much enjoyed the 50 hours I put into State of Decay 2 in the past; it was very much a sleeper game for me, where it looked like it might be fun, but I really ended up loving everything about it and got absolutely absorbed for awhile.
SoD 1 is...not that. It's very much the same as 2, but it just feels so unfinished and unpolished. It runs like butt, which is funny, considering it looks noticeably worse than 2, which runs better. It's also missing a lot of QoL upgrades, like being able to automatically put things from your car into your base storage, as well as upgrade cars with armor kits and the like.
I had done some Googling and some people prefer the first to the second, citing the story, characters and the difficulty, but I'm pretty damn sure they have nostalgia goggles on, as the characters are flat, the story isn't well acted or interesting (especially compared to the Heartland expansion for 2) and the only reason it's harder is because there are so many zombies, it's just oppressive and annoying. They're not harder, it's just they keep spawning in and rushing you, making it challenging to clear a place out or get away. The combat is also worse and there's fewer weapons, upgrades and character skills as far as I can tell.
I tried to like it, mostly because I couldn't play 2 anymore, as it's 20Gb and I've somehow nearly reached my 1.2Tb bandwidth limit (40Gb left), so I didn't want to incur any extra charges. I've been downloading a lot of things to prepare for my trip soon and unfortunately screwed myself in this regard, because I try to generally keep my installed games down for space reasons, as well as just not overwhelming myself. But man, after really trying to like 1, I decided something needed to be done so I could just play 2. Tethering to my phone wouldn't do, as I only have 5Gb of data there, I decided I needed to go to a second location; so I convinced my wife to blow off an unimportant meeting and come to lunch after I pick up my youngest from preschool. Went over to the coffee shop to grab some lunch, having brought my laptop and used their data to download 2 and now all is right with the world.
Also, I'm thankful for Steam's local network transfers. The fact that I could come home and just transfer the game over the network to my server and then to my Deck is fantastic.