April 2024 General Game Discussion Thread

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I've been playing the demo/early build of Shogun Showdown at itch.io. It's a pretty simple TBS game with a little bit of roguelite progression, though in the early build it's limited to unlocking a couple extra characters that play slightly different and a bunch of powers you unlock within 2-3 runs, so there isn't any grinding involved. The strategy part of the game on the other hand is fairly easy to pick up, but it takes a bit to master and I haven't even tried the harder difficulties yet.

For me, it's the perfect game to play in between working, doing a couple of turns whenever I'm waiting for something to load.

On FO76 last night I had a level 3 guy come to my base. I basically forced him to read the signs I wrote and do all of the buff stations with me. It was funny but I feel like I made this guy fear for his life so he went along :ROFLMAO: I was shooting near him, kept emoting to follow me, shooting at the signs so he could read them. When we finally parted ways, I forgot to give him a bunch of ammo and stimpaks, so I chased him down the road and forced him to stop so he could take my items. Nothing better than putting the fear of the Wasteland into a new player so they can learn a thing or two lol.
I had hoped to play some more indie games on my list but i got back into blasting through the Age of Empires 2 campaigns again. I've finished off the Vietnamese and malian campaigns. Started the ethiopean campaign and then that will be african factions sorted. leaving the european and asian campaigns. i might play the Ethiopians and then switch to playing the indie stuff again. Atm i have abyss odyssey installed and i've come to the conclusion i need to dust off my joypad to play it.
Met a fellow PCG at my job! But he preceded to tell me his pc was worth 4,000 USD, but has an Intel Arc A750 as the gpu and 2 60hz monitors. I didnt press him, i actually told him i t was nice to see someone buying Intel.

So i think this guy is extremely new to pc because A. He didnt know what a 4080 super was (he thought this generation was GTX and i told him its RTX) and B. he also thought he was going to get what he paid for his PC back when he said that he would "eventually re-sell it". I laughed, but he was serious. I tried telling him that he wasnt going to get anywhere close to what he originally paid, but he said he could.

But it was nice to finally meet an actual PC gamer at my workplace that you would think would be full of them. Hopefully i can give him some beginner advice about upgrading his rig because he said he eventually wants somethin more powerful.

But seriously 4k PC with an Intel Arc A750? No way. Unless he meant by all the monitors, mouse/kb etc., but he never clarified.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
pollen will probably cause brain tumors.

Upside is research can then commence on a cure for Crazy Cat Lady :)

this guy is extremely new to pc because

I had an acquaintance ~25 years ago whose PC ran on Excel. His work was all spreadsheet, and IT had set it up to boot straight into Excel, so he had no concept of OS or other software.

I frequently still get reminded how much those of us who are enthusiasts know, but which the general public don't. Of course, I frequently remind others of how little I know about their areas of expertise :D
Met a fellow PCG at my job! But he preceded to tell me his pc was worth 4,000 USD, but has an Intel Arc A750 as the gpu and 2 60hz monitors. I didnt press him, i actually told him i t was nice to see someone buying Intel.

So i think this guy is extremely new to pc because A. He didnt know what a 4080 super was (he thought this generation was GTX and i told him its RTX) and B. he also thought he was going to get what he paid for his PC back when he said that he would "eventually re-sell it". I laughed, but he was serious. I tried telling him that he wasnt going to get anywhere close to what he originally paid, but he said he could.

But it was nice to finally meet an actual PC gamer at my workplace that you would think would be full of them. Hopefully i can give him some beginner advice about upgrading his rig because he said he eventually wants somethin more powerful.

But seriously 4k PC with an Intel Arc A750? No way. Unless he meant by all the monitors, mouse/kb etc., but he never clarified.

It kind of sounds like he had his PC put together for him by someone who charged him way more than the components are worth while telling him not to worry about the price because he could resell them for that same price in the future.
I had hoped to play some more indie games on my list but i got back into blasting through the Age of Empires 2 campaigns again. I've finished off the Vietnamese and malian campaigns. Started the ethiopean campaign and then that will be african factions sorted. leaving the european and asian campaigns. i might play the Ethiopians and then switch to playing the indie stuff again. Atm i have abyss odyssey installed and i've come to the conclusion i need to dust off my joypad to play it.

I really gotta get into AoE2. Loved the original forever ago and own the new AoE2, but haven't gotten into it yet. Maybe it needs more tanks for me...

Met a fellow PCG at my job! But he preceded to tell me his pc was worth 4,000 USD, but has an Intel Arc A750 as the gpu and 2 60hz monitors. I didnt press him, i actually told him i t was nice to see someone buying Intel.

So i think this guy is extremely new to pc because A. He didnt know what a 4080 super was (he thought this generation was GTX and i told him its RTX) and B. he also thought he was going to get what he paid for his PC back when he said that he would "eventually re-sell it". I laughed, but he was serious. I tried telling him that he wasnt going to get anywhere close to what he originally paid, but he said he could.

But it was nice to finally meet an actual PC gamer at my workplace that you would think would be full of them. Hopefully i can give him some beginner advice about upgrading his rig because he said he eventually wants somethin more powerful.

But seriously 4k PC with an Intel Arc A750? No way. Unless he meant by all the monitors, mouse/kb etc., but he never clarified.

This sounds like one of those conversations I would have politely Noped out of. It's perfectly ok and normal to be ignorant of some things, but to wallow in it tells me something of a person's character.

Or, at the very least tells me they might still be in grade school and they have an uncle who works at Nintendo and they have a Switch 3 at home.


Community Contributor
I have cracked the Fabledom code. I literally thought the game was too poorly balanced to win, but I found that the keys were:

1) Ignore all the events and most of the missions. First time I played, I thought I needed to do them. There are so many of them and they seem to be randomly generated not taking your situation into account. They will drain you of everything.

2) Ignore what the starter tips/tutorials tell you to do. You need 3 things more than anything: housing, food, and coal. After that it's wood and stone. Try to get the wood and stone, but not at the expense of the first three things. Those should take #1 priority at all times in the early game.

Everything else, and there's a lot, that the game also throws at you also should be ignored until you see that your food stores and coal are rising comfortably and that you have plenty of housing for people moving into the city.
Great time on FO76 last night. I played for 3 hours but it felt so much faster, I haven’t had that feeling in a little while.

Tons more newbies stopped by the base. I showed a few groups of players to use all the buff stations, and I crafted them all lots of ammo and chems. We goofed around a bit, I decorated the base some more, I really like how it turned out. I enjoy having unusual shaped bases, with weird little nooks here and there. The bar being under the main building in the street looks really neat to me.

I’ve put a good 5-8 hours on the game this week and don’t think I’ve completed a single quest. I’m having trouble coming back to my level 56 character because I feel so weak. I don’t have many good weapons so that doesn’t help either. I have decent perks to boost damage to automatic rifles but the ones I have are very low level. This is the problem with not starting a new character and having so many updates come out between now and the last time I was really into FO76. The balancing and stuff all changed, I lost my Legacy weapons, and I just don’t know where I was heading build-wise for this character. I need to spend more time reassigning my perks and finding better weapons and armor. It takes so long to kill a single Scorched which is practically the main enemy in this game, they’re feral ghouls that haven’t lost their mind completely yet and typically have guns or melee weapons.
Played a bit more Returnal this afternoon and made some progress, saw the first area boss and some story beats for the first time. The mystery as to why youre stuck in a loop is interesting, everythings quite alien and weird in this game which I enjoy. The shooting and movement still feels great. The weapons get more powerful in a few ways as a run progresses, and the alt fires of the weapons are satisfyingly powerful. I want to keep at it, but its not a game Im good at when I'm tired so may fall off it over time as the difficulty ramps up. Good game though.

Also played some Aliens Dark Descent. Man its pretty good. Its heavy on atmosphere, which is pretty faithful to the original trilogy. The story is a bit contrived, but its serviceable so far. Theres some obvious Xcom inspiration in the way the interface for the home base works in between missions, but the game plays as an action RTS with a slow motion on space bar where you can access limited amounts per mission special abilites like grenades or shotguns. Its a new take on a squad based strategy game to me at least, and although its tense not so hectic that my tired eyes and reflexes can keep up so far. Like it, will play more.

Also, have you guys heard that Slay The Spire is still a good game?
I picked up State of Decay a few days ago because it was on sale for $5 and I've very much enjoyed the 50 hours I put into State of Decay 2 in the past; it was very much a sleeper game for me, where it looked like it might be fun, but I really ended up loving everything about it and got absolutely absorbed for awhile.

SoD 1 is...not that. It's very much the same as 2, but it just feels so unfinished and unpolished. It runs like butt, which is funny, considering it looks noticeably worse than 2, which runs better. It's also missing a lot of QoL upgrades, like being able to automatically put things from your car into your base storage, as well as upgrade cars with armor kits and the like.

I had done some Googling and some people prefer the first to the second, citing the story, characters and the difficulty, but I'm pretty damn sure they have nostalgia goggles on, as the characters are flat, the story isn't well acted or interesting (especially compared to the Heartland expansion for 2) and the only reason it's harder is because there are so many zombies, it's just oppressive and annoying. They're not harder, it's just they keep spawning in and rushing you, making it challenging to clear a place out or get away. The combat is also worse and there's fewer weapons, upgrades and character skills as far as I can tell.

I tried to like it, mostly because I couldn't play 2 anymore, as it's 20Gb and I've somehow nearly reached my 1.2Tb bandwidth limit (40Gb left), so I didn't want to incur any extra charges. I've been downloading a lot of things to prepare for my trip soon and unfortunately screwed myself in this regard, because I try to generally keep my installed games down for space reasons, as well as just not overwhelming myself. But man, after really trying to like 1, I decided something needed to be done so I could just play 2. Tethering to my phone wouldn't do, as I only have 5Gb of data there, I decided I needed to go to a second location; so I convinced my wife to blow off an unimportant meeting and come to lunch after I pick up my youngest from preschool. Went over to the coffee shop to grab some lunch, having brought my laptop and used their data to download 2 and now all is right with the world.

Also, I'm thankful for Steam's local network transfers. The fact that I could come home and just transfer the game over the network to my server and then to my Deck is fantastic.
i remember playing state of decay. i found it alright but i don't remember much of it. The DLC stuff was pretty dull affairs if i recall. The problem with it is when the hordes attack and its both annoying and tedious as stamina drains away very quickly. I put in about 22 hrs and was done with it.

Might get SOD2 but i hear it wasn't all that good.

The first one is definitely just "ok" and yeah, that's exactly my problem is that it ends up being tedious and annoying because there are too many zombies.

2 is much, much better. Fundamentally the same game, so if you're not interested in the style, you won't care for it, but it's substantially more fleshed out and less annoying. It's a bit more like a sandbox game, mixed with a survival game, where you're not building a base from scratch by placing walls and windows, but you're still finding good spots for your people and then going out of expeditions to harvest resources.

If I had one complaint about it, it's that I wish maps were a little larger so that going out on those expeditions felt a little more dangerous, like you need to prepare to be out for multiple days before you'll be back, because going out and coming back is dangerous and arduous.

Still, I enjoy going out, filling up my car with resources and then trundling them back to base and trying not to run over too many zombies so I don't destroy my car.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maCHHSussS4

Chinese whispers strikes again
No one ever tested her... she as in Guiness Book of World Records based on what people said. No proof.

Next I will find out Robert Wadlow was actually 4 midgets in a suit standing on each others shoulders

A new Karl takedown video is welcome. That bit of schadenfreude to brighten my day.

She looks like my Nana.


On a Journey
Was claimed to be able to type at 212 wpm. Tested on a show as actually doing 70 wpm and having fingers in wrong place on kb.
World record now for same amount of characters she said to have been able to achieve 212wpm, the world record holder can type 400.

Actual world record now is about 300 wpm in 15 seconds.

She is still better than me.

People not checking the facts led her to be in Guinness book for 14 years. She is still claimed to be record holder today.
It can lead to Welsh Kings that didn't exist being on Wikipedia
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Control is a good ass game, and still looks incredible 5 years after release.

Thats all I have to say about that.
