February 2025 General Game Discussion Thread

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My friend had said we could continue our Warhammer 3 campaign today, but I was done with my work early today and didn't feel like waiting, so I bought the The Shadow & The Blade DLC for Warhammer 2 and started a Skaven campaign.

Skaven units seem to be vastly underestimated by the auto resolve calculator, so I had to play most of the battles myself to avoid losing too many of my troops. Which was a nice change of pace compared to the Warhammer 3 campaign I did with my friend where I auto resolved everything.

Though when my friend finally had time to play and we continued our campaign I did have to play several battles manually. I did two quest battles, which you cannot auto resolve, and got in slightly over my head in a war against the nearby lizardmen, but by the time we finally decided to call it quits (around 3 AM or so) I'd just beaten the majority of the lizardmen army, though not without losing a couple of units myself.
Dec 22, 2024
This month has really been my month of shooters with a big helping of Assetto Corsa too. I'll share my impressions of four more. They are quite different from each other. From two militaristic commercial arcade games from known developer Psikyo (Strikers 1945 and Zero Gunner 2, to a free doujin game that is rough in some parts but has rock solid gameplay (Shooting Game KARI) to a modern day diamond (Drainus).
I'm still very much going through Drainus. It's amazing. I'm ashamed I've put it off for so long!

Shooting Game KARI (1997; 2022): This is a barebones verical doujin shooter, a commercial adaptation of the original from 1997. With this knowledge in mind you have to admire that the adaptation is well made. The menus are slick and it plays very well in 4K. There is a lack of screen and controller options but otherwise it's functional if a little barebones.

The gimmick here is the ability to choose a wide or straight shot at will (indexed to different buttons). And that's it: no powerups, no levels, no bombs. You have a health bar which is still a rarity and an interesting scoring system that values the risk taking behaviour of shooting closer to the enemy. While the health bar might make it seem like it's more forgiving, take care as there are no extra lives or continues: when it's over, it's over (but the shield refills after each stage).

Visually it's not great. The designs are very bland, the bullets are almost ridiculous and the explosions very fake-looking. However, if there's one thing you can count on doujin games is a lot of inventiveness. The game totally takes you by surprise. The first couple of stages are so disalarmingly simple that you get completely blown away by how incredible the next ones are. There's an element here of old Toaplan (apart from the spirit crushing it reminds me a lot of my favourite Slap Fight), as there's a lot of emphasis to keep moving and a lot of unpredictable and untelegraphed attacks that always keep you on your toes. Key to this is the small size of your craft, as well as the small size of bullets. This allows you to weave gracefully, confidently and fortuitously and keep avoiding and shooting without cluttering the screen with information you don't need.

While the boss designs, like the enemies, are very bland sprites, the attack patterns keep getting better and better. There are three difficulty levels and a practice mode. The presence of the health bar and no lives or continues ends up giving the game a special boost in the adrenaline department. Being close to death will have you grinding away to beat the stage so you can refill, giving more of a survival hue to the action. You're not dependent on the luck of a powerup or amassing lives. The fine line between game on and game over makes for an exhilarating experience especially in conjunction with the quick evasive controls and concentrated shooting. In the end, this is a very interesting, shoot and run, game. Very simple at heart, very visually unimpressive but the meat of the game is all there, in a well made addictive package full of play. What's even better? The game is completely free to download. Amazing.

Strikers 1945 (1995, 2020): This is an arcade game through and through. Short stages, lovely animations and impressive graphics. Gameplay is solid if unspectacular. You have a regular shot and bomb, which you can upgrade with a few options. Death gets you a running restart but downgrades you back to the pea shooter. This is equal to a game over situation sometimes as the base gun is close to useless during late stage.

This is another great edition by City Connection. Lots of controller, game and screen options. Unfortunately, no 4K mode is available. The setting is not a straight war game like 1942 but offers a more cybernetic take with lots of giant robots about too. I'm not much for jingoistic settings but I felt this was one of the more harmless ones. However, it's not terribly appealing either.

Due to the short stages there is a lot of variety. Compounded by this are a lot of different fighters to select, which play marginally different. The meat of the game is the score attack. While beating it by itself is a problem, doing so while maximizing score is quite another. The biggest issue really is with death leaving you helpless in the battlefield. This is not aided one bit by the relatively large size of your hitbox, which makes avoiding things, particularly with the festival of animations going around you and in the background a real challenge. Perhaps to aid to the impressive visuals bullets are often quite fast - faster than your aircraft, in fact. So it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the unfairness.

In all, I didn't find much to enjoy here that I couldn't enjoy in other shooters. But if you're into the setting, this is a really solid and well-made shooter, with impressive visuals and animations and quick gameplay, all in a very modern reissue package. Perhaps one of the least original of Psykio's games but at the same time one of the slickest arcade experiences they made.

Zero Gunner 2- (2001, 2020): Technically this is an identical re-release to Strikers from City Connection. Still no 4K, but plenty of other game, controller and screen configurations. This is a great looking, 3D, Naomi-era game. Thematically it's not too dissimilar to Strikers with its militaristic giant robot slant (now in 3D). The gimmick now is that you control one of three choppers. This means that this is one of the rare vertical shooters with a 16:9 screen. Why? Because you can rotate at will, like a chopper would, turning this into a multidirectional shooter stuck inside an arcade type vertical shooter.

Unfortunately this doesn't work with analog sticks. Rather, when you press the turn button, you turn instead of moving. While this must read as more complicated than it should, it actually makes sense mechanically in the context of the helicopter gimmick. So, this isn't like a simple free moving object, but a heavy object that goes in a direction, but needs to be operated to turn. It adds complexity, of course, but that complexity works in the game's favour (otherwise it would be too mindless).

Presentation is great. I have a soft spot for the bright, crisp Naomi board graphics and this looks as good as any. Gameplay is often interrupted by dramatic cutscenes that still look impressive and energetic. The rotation mechanic might feel weird at first but it actually controls pretty well. This means, of course, that enemies come from all sides. Avoiding stray bullets or even barging into enemies is a challenge in harder difficulties, of course. Gameplay is otherwise pretty simple with a shot and bomb, and the ability to upgrade them. Enemy and boss designs are not great at first but increasingly become more impressive. Like in Strikers the best is left for last, and the "King Kong" boss and stage, and especially the elevator stage are particulary impressive.

Like Strikers the game suffers from its uninteresting setting. Militarism is a dime a dozen and ditto giant robots. The gameplay is more compelling but one wonders if it wouldn't sit better in a different skin. As it is it's a fine game that is definitely memorable from its original mechanics and impressive arcade like bells and whistles and gameplay that clash highly with its rather forgettable setting. The high octane impressions will however live long.

Drainus (2022): This is a really interesting and impressive take on the horizontal shooter genre. While menu presentation is sparse, as soon as you begin you find the game is peppered with lots of visual detail. These are superbly animated sprites with 3D effects to boot. The action is very well set, very dynamic, with impressive enemy designs.There's quite an effort made with the story too. It's not terribly interesting of course, but offers a lot more than the average smattering we usually get.

Gameplay-wise this is nothing if not ambitious. Central to the gimmick is the ability to absorb energy shots and then release that energy into blasts. This means you have to manage when to expose yourself to enemy fire so you can use it to your advantage, without overloading your shield and take damage. Not only that but you can also upgrade your ship through a menu-based system between stages. This ends up being the most game-changing feature as it works unlike upgrades usually work in these games but more like an RPG: you collect power-up flasks and have lots of different ways to spend them on: shot variations, missiles (secondary weapon), options or even just upgrading your attack power or the strength of your shields. And, of course, a myriad of variations of these. This sort of depth is incredibly rare.

The setting is not terribly exciting by itself although the story adds a lot of drama. Characters are anime-types but otherwise fairly passable. This is something else regarding the melding of set pieces, gameplay and graphical effects. There's a sense of gravity to the set pieces that translates beautifully to the designs and amazing 3D effects as well as gameplay. A superb section with a free-rolling camera in a huge space station that ended with a physics based puzzle before another fantastic boss battle was a particular highlight. Apart from that there's a sense of hommage present as the developers pay their dues to the greats of the genre, in particular Gradius and R-Type but even Starfox as well. The dramatic action actually tires one out, and the menu between stages is actually a welcome chance for a breather. Taking their liberties and not actually making an arcade game, they've managed to create something something that hits differently from an arcade game, but still provide plenty of thrills.

Apart from the huge replayability added by the depth of the upgrade system the campaign itself is quite long and there are also secrets to find and hidden story snippets. In all, this is a success. A marvelous, modern game that respects its origins but builds to the future in a complete package. It's really that impressive. Hard not to recommend!
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I was going to take a week off from posting, but I had a PC disaster where due to a faulty Windows update, my C drive disappeared. Just gone. Computer wouldn't boot. Thirty minutes or less later, and I got my drive and all my data back. I AM A COMPUTER GOD

Just had to commit my god complex to the Internet.

I've now disabled Windows updates for this old PC.

And just for the record, the responses to other people who had this problem were all disastrously incorrect, both on Windows help site and other sites, and would have cost me all my data had I followed their advice. All I did was boot to an external drive and run a devices troubleshoot.
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My friend and I continued our Warhammer 3 campaign today. We've almost completed our short victory conditions (actually we might have, I didn't check before we stopped playing).

We declared war on a Skaven faction on another continent and I send a small army there to take one of their cities. Next thing I know I'm being besieged by 3 full stacks of Skaven with 4 more full stacks standing nearby. Turns out that Skaven faction had conquered almost the entire continent and when we stopped playing they were ranked as the 5th strongest faction, after my friend had won several battles against multiple stacks.

My friend's legendary lord, Kairos, is ridiculously overpowered now. He basically has unlimited magic and his spells can eliminate multiple units at once if he manages to catch them in the blast radius. So in most battles at least half of the enemy army is dead before they reach the rest of his units.


Community Contributor
My friend and I continued our Warhammer 3 campaign today. We've almost completed our short victory conditions (actually we might have, I didn't check before we stopped playing).

We declared war on a Skaven faction on another continent and I send a small army there to take one of their cities. Next thing I know I'm being besieged by 3 full stacks of Skaven with 4 more full stacks standing nearby. Turns out that Skaven faction had conquered almost the entire continent and when we stopped playing they were ranked as the 5th strongest faction, after my friend had won several battles against multiple stacks.

My friend's legendary lord, Kairos, is ridiculously overpowered now. He basically has unlimited magic and his spells can eliminate multiple units at once if he manages to catch them in the blast radius. So in most battles at least half of the enemy army is dead before they reach the rest of his units.
So many of the magic users are practically useless, it's nice to come across one who isn't. Another great one is Lord Kroak for the lizardmen. If you aren't familiar with him, he a legendary hero. A nice thing about him is that his massive spells don't have friendly fire. I think he's eventually available for most lizardmen factions, but you get him at the start if you are Itza (or very near the start).

I think they should add the campaigns from the first two games to the 3rd one. I also wish that the three Chaos lords from 2 were still nomadic in 3.


By the way, I don't know if anyone is still using Geforce Experience or whether it even still exists, but the Nvidia App seems to be far superior and much faster at updating drivers, and it doesn't require a log in.
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Is this the bathtub you want to install in your new hotel?

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So many of the magic users are practically useless, it's nice to come across one who isn't. Another great one is Lord Kroak for the lizardmen. If you aren't familiar with him, he a legendary hero. A nice thing about him is that his massive spells don't have friendly fire. I think he's eventually available for most lizardmen factions, but you get him at the start if you are Itza (or very near the start).

I think they should add the campaigns from the first two games to the 3rd one. I also wish that the three Chaos lords from 2 were still nomadic in 3.

I'm playing Wurrzag myself and he has a special skill that vastly discounts the Foot of Gork spell, which can also delete entire units. His other spells aren't quite as good though and Kairos flies, making him much better at harassing the enemy army.

I've heard Gelt can also get ridiculously overpowered as he also gets massive discounts on his spells and he gets a flying mount as well.
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I'm playing Wurrzag myself and he has a special skill that vastly discounts the Foot of Gork spell, which can also delete entire units. His other spells aren't quite as good though and Kairos flies, making him much better at harassing the enemy army.

I've heard Gelt can also get ridiculously overpowered as he also gets massive discounts on his spells and he gets a flying mount as well.
I like any lord who can fly. The magic guys aren't as strong, so you have to be careful who you put them up against.

It's been a long time since I played Gelt, and I only played him once so far, but I don't remember him being particularly OP, but maybe I didn't play him correctly.
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Oh, man. One of my wishlist games went on sale, Carnaval Simulator, where you build floats, ride in parades, and try to win the "best float" award.

Just because I had to, I made the most WTF float I could. It was wondrously bad. It was supposed to say "The $h!t Float" on the side, but the S and the T fell over, which I thought was perfect. It had random and ridiculous decorations that didn't go together, a guy doing a hilarious dance and a woman trying her best but failing to throw confetti into the crowd. I would post a clip, but it does have the curse word in it even if some of the letters are laying down.

Anyway, it made me unspeakably happy. The crowd was booing, and I came in last place with the judges. :ROFLMAO:
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I saw a Reddit thread of someone asking for a list of good quality mods, stuff like complete overhauls that are basically entirely new games that only exist as a mod, lamenting that there isn't really a good way to find these mods besides going through random lists of "the best total conversions".

So I decided to see if I could look up which games have the largest number of Workshop items. Steam does allow you to browse through all workshops, but sadly doesn't let you order them by number of items. Luckily I managed to just get the data on all workshops and with a bit of notepad++ magic I managed to extract the games with the highest number of workshop items.

However, it turns out the games with the highest number of workshop items are just the ones for which it's the easiest to upload workshop items. Portal 2 is the highest with almost a million workshop items, but it seems most of them are just a single room thrown together and uploaded. Next is Space Engineers with over half a million items, most of which are random ships and bases.

There are actually two workshops with more items: Wallpaper Engine, a piece of software for making wallpapers which has over 2.5 million workshop items, and Garry's Mod, which has close to 2 million.


Community Contributor
I saw a Reddit thread of someone asking for a list of good quality mods, stuff like complete overhauls that are basically entirely new games that only exist as a mod, lamenting that there isn't really a good way to find these mods besides going through random lists of "the best total conversions".

So I decided to see if I could look up which games have the largest number of Workshop items. Steam does allow you to browse through all workshops, but sadly doesn't let you order them by number of items. Luckily I managed to just get the data on all workshops and with a bit of notepad++ magic I managed to extract the games with the highest number of workshop items.

However, it turns out the games with the highest number of workshop items are just the ones for which it's the easiest to upload workshop items. Portal 2 is the highest with almost a million workshop items, but it seems most of them are just a single room thrown together and uploaded. Next is Space Engineers with over half a million items, most of which are random ships and bases.

There are actually two workshops with more items: Wallpaper Engine, a piece of software for making wallpapers which has over 2.5 million workshop items, and Garry's Mod, which has close to 2 million.
The answers to the total overhaul question are probably Skyrim and Fallout New Vegas, but it depends on what type of game you want. Garry's Mod is basically an adult (or maybe teen) version of Roblox. Most total overhauls aren't really total overhauls and tend to still stick with the same or similar genre. So if he likes Xcom, for instance, he should check there. If he likes survival, look at Ark, etc. although I'm sure any Fallout game and Skyrim would work for that, too.

And thanks for the mod stats. I love that sort of thing.
I am moving about in Norway, so no beefy games for me to play for a while. My laptop is so bad it cannot even play Runescape, so I am stuck with some older text adventure games. On a positive note, I have time to finish Gabriel Knights: Sins of the Father and perhaps I can even run Grim Fandango on it.

One of my favorites for my low powered machines. I actually should go play it again...

We had a hella busy and social weekend, but I did end up getting to play a ton of games on Saturday.

To start with, I was supposed to go to a friend's house on Saturday; the plan was to have a "nerd day" as we call it where the friend group gets together and plays wargames. We'd had it planned for several weeks, but two of the four of us were ill, so we ended up calling it off. Instead, we all got on Discord and played Vanilla WoW from about 10am until about 4pm.

We actually had a great time, running one dungeon and then another, which we were both under leveled for, as well as not inviting anyone else to join us, so we were 4/5 for a group. We died a lot, but ended up finishing the dungeon in the end, having had a great time; though one friend was clearly crabby, as he usually only plays because he gets fomo, rather than actually enjoying the game itself.

My wife then went out in the evening, so my kids and I played more Hypercharge Unboxed, which was fun. Though I was admittedly a little too fatigued to be at my best, so I didn't do a great job exploring, collecting and doing challenges. That game just has great appeal though, I love being toy size and exploring regular spaces from that perspective.
Dec 22, 2024
Any NextFest recommendations? I gave it a quick rundown and download a couple but nothing really sprung up.
I always find it a bit hard wading through these massive chunks. It's too much..
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Strongly considering picking up Cruelty Squad and Blood West.

I probably should just play something I already have but haven't played, but they're both tempting. Though, I'm also thinking about saving money by only getting Blood West, because Cruelty Squad looks so offputting, which is why I haven't played it already.
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My single-player Warhammer 3 campaign as the Skaven isn't going so well. It was going great, I had finally defeated my last enemy, allowing me to send my legendary lord on a mission. He got back two turns later to a war on three fronts. One I'm not equipped for, as I haven't had a chance to upgrade my units yet.

Luckily the AI is stupid, so when I attack their walled settlements they just sit there while I unload all of my artillery ammunition on them. However, on an open field the lizardmen especially are a problem, as they are hard to kill and have units that give a leadership debuff, causing my already cowardly units to run away way too fast.

I had a bit of luck though when two of their armies decide to attack two of mine in the underway. The underway map is a lot more narrow, so I don't have to worry about being flanked. On top of that his reinforcements spawned inside of mine, letting me deal with them before his other army arrived. Even then it was a rough battle that I played almost entirely on half speed just to keep on top of things, but I managed to win.


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The battle system in the Final Fantasy VII: Re* games lets your characters do all sorts of actions in combat. However, you can't do them just any old time. You have to take and/or cause damage to build up your action meter before you can so much as toss down a potion.

Your damage will be pretty low against most enemies most of the time until they are "staggered." When you stagger an enemy, it stops attacking and your attacks against it cause far more damage than normal.

You can control any of the three characters in your active party. There are often quite a few enemies to fight, and I would often concentrate on one to try and stagger it. When I got it staggered, the others in the party would come over to help wail on it. I just assumed they were fighting their own enemies the rest of the time, but it looks like they often don't! They just defend themselves, guarding and evading most of the time, which means not doing or taking much damage, which means anemic action meters, which means that auto-cast-heal I set up on them hardly ever does anything until an enemy gets staggered!

But this is PC so, sure enough, there's a mod for that. (On Nexus. No Steam Works for this game, though FF15 has one.) Everyone is aggressive all the time, not just when an enemy is staggered. The mod recommends another mod to increase enemy hit points, as the game is balanced around passive party members. I used it for a while last night and it made the battles more fun! I haven't gone up against a big boss yet, though. This could result in allies getting KO'ed a lot more often.
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Community Contributor
Any NextFest recommendations? I gave it a quick rundown and download a couple but nothing really sprung up.
I always find it a bit hard wading through these massive chunks. It's too much..
I made a Next Fest thread if you want to check there. Aren't many posts yet. I found a few demos I wanted to try by searching with tags, but then you miss a lot of interesting things.
Thats why people like Asmon need to go away expeditiously because the amount of biased reviews is at an all time high right now imo.
He is definitely one of the major factors feeding into the gaming communities’ extremely negative mindset. He’s one of the loudest voices in game streaming, and typically the stuff he says is pure negativity and hatred, and his audience adopts that same way of thinking. Dude couldn’t even bother cleaning his house for years and this is the guy people choose to listen to when it comes to any sort of valid critique on games lol.


Community Contributor
He is definitely one of the major factors feeding into the gaming communities’ extremely negative mindset. He’s one of the loudest voices in game streaming, and typically the stuff he says is pure negativity and hatred, and his audience adopts that same way of thinking. Dude couldn’t even bother cleaning his house for years and this is the guy people choose to listen to when it comes to any sort of valid critique on games lol.
Even Stephanie Jim Sterling, at the height of their madness, weren't just slamming games to slam them. Glad I don't watch Asmondwhatever.
nowadays, gamers just attach themselves to whatever their friends or favorite youtuber say about the game. Thats why people like Asmon need to go away expeditiously because the amount of biased reviews is at an all time high right now imo.

I'm pretty sure gamers have been talking bad about games they've never played for years. There were console wars 30 years ago, probably even longer, and I doubt most of the fanboys really knew what they were talking about. They just parroted random facts and opinions they heard somewhere because some people just like complaining about what other people like so they can feel superior about their own choices.
I'm pretty sure gamers have been talking bad about games they've never played for years. There were console wars 30 years ago, probably even longer, and I doubt most of the fanboys really knew what they were talking about. They just parroted random facts and opinions they heard somewhere because some people just like complaining about what other people like so they can feel superior about their own choices.

I agree with this. I find people more reasonable these days, but that could be because I limit myself to this forum!

In the early 2000's you were "gay" for disagreeing with people who hated things. Everything was "for the lulz". People didn't listen and just took the mick.
I feel like I'm starting to peter out a little with Aliens: Dark Descent and that is 100% because there is now a timer. I'm quite far into the game, Mission 7, I believe and it's come to the point that the planet I'm on is going to be bombarded in x amount of days and I basically have to get off the planet before that happens. At least, I'm pretty sure, I haven't bothered to look it up. I started at 30-days and I'm currently down to 13, soon to be 12 or 11, based on how long it takes my Marines to heal-up before I can deploy them again. I'm almost done with Mission 7, which I assume should allow me off the planet, but I suppose we'll see. I'm going to keep plodding away for now, but I hate the timer...

I also started playing Half-Life again; it's been years at this point and in the interim I've played a lot of Doom, and Quake (1/2) and so it's interesting to go back and discover some things, namely, that Half-Life feels very dated by comparison to the former games. I was musing over this with a friend and he thinks it's because Half-Life includes much puzzle elements and platforming, whereas Quake and Doom are just pure shooters and I'm inclined to agree.

Now, that said, I'm still actually having fun with the game. I just finished On A Rail (my favorite set of levels, which I think is an unpopular opinion) and I'm still plowing ahead. I've actually been playing primarily on my Steam Deck, because it just feels right there and even though it's definitely much harder to aim, I'm using it as an excuse to get better at playing FPS games on the Deck, rather than feeling like I need a mouse and keyboard. I'm trying to remind myself it's ok to play on Medium difficulty, especially when the control scheme makes it feel more like Hard...

Also, I got that inkling again for a new laptop. Again, not sure why, but I started looking again, only to have the universe provide. Same friend mentioned above says he just got a new laptop from work and he intends to give me his old work laptop, which he thinks has a 1060 in it (I suspect it's actually a 1050. I don't know the model yet, but I'm guessing it's either a Dell XPS15 or a Thinkpad X1 Extreme, both of which came with 1050's). So I'll get to experiment with it for awhile and I figure worst case, I'll sell it for a bit of money to purchase a new laptop that I really want. But I don't know when I'll get this, as he lives across town and we're not seeing each other super often right now as he just had his first child, so he's still in baby mode and I don't want to be cloying. Though maybe I'll cook him and his wife a meal and bake some bread for them as an excuse to go over there...
I'm pretty sure gamers have been talking bad about games they've never played for years. There were console wars 30 years ago, probably even longer, and I doubt most of the fanboys really knew what they were talking about. They just parroted random facts and opinions they heard somewhere because some people just like complaining about what other people like so they can feel superior about their own choices.
While that is true, and there is no real way of measuring how much "hatred" a game gets based off online comments alone, I feel generally these days people are way quicker to jump on a bandwagon of hate and not give any meaningful critique. It all comes with the destruction of our attention spans due to internet use/social media. People are easily persuaded in their opinions, and social media makes it much easier to make someone think one way or another.

With Avowed specifically, the amount of Youtube comments Tiktok videos/comments trash talking this game is way higher than I at least personally have noticed. Heck I just seen this guy on Tiktok who's whole schtick is "if this game fails to impress me in 30 minutes then I move onto the next game" and he didn't even get past the opening sequence before deeming Avowed to be a bad game, then everyone in his comments sees that and starts agreeing.

This whole convo isn't about me defending Avowed because I think it's the best game ever made, it's just all the poor opinions being spewed about this game that just irks me. I only call them poor because as I stated above, it seems nearly everyone talking bad about it has not actually played the game or given it a fair chance at all. Now with the internet you are able to throw your opinion out there and find a hundred people who agree, which then just keeps getting echoed and grow louder. I have only seen one video where I felt the person gave the game a very fair shot and came to the conclusion that the game just isn't for them, which I completely respect. That guy had the decency to play 10 hours of the game before making that video, and that is more than a fair shot at it.


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