Community Contributor
Decided not to send my Epos headset in for a second time (microphone quit working), and just bought a $10 microphone off of Amazon.
Decided not to send my Epos headset in for a second time (microphone quit working), and just bought a $10 microphone off of Amazon.
i think JRPGS can be pretty tedious affairs sometimes especially grindy sometimes.
Well Star Wars is a cult thing, isn't it? So they can throw out anything and it'll get lapped up.
I don't think I've played a JRPG yet that didn't have somebody say "I've got a bad feeling about this" or something close. Western games have it a lot, too, but JRPGs never fail.
That looks pretty good. I'll wait and see what people think of the sound quality of this one before I buy anything else.Cant remember if I mentioned it before, I got an Antlion ModMic Uni 3 or 4 years ago. People tell me it has really good sound quality and clips on and off with a magnet clip to the headphones when needed. I had a €10 one before that and it was pretty bad, maybe youll get luckier, but just in case.
Nope, though they do look funny!Have you tried the Epic Battle series? I think it satirizes some parts of JRPGs like the dialogue, but they are supposedly pretty good JRPGs
In Steam? Can't you just unsubscribe from the thread?Ugh. When I uploaded my mods for Troy, I put a statement in saying that after a certain date that I would not support the mods anymore. We are way past that date, and people are still bugging me. The mods still work.
They find me somehow. Someone left a message on a screenshot I took in another game. I guess they just go to my public profile, but I don't want to make it private.Nope, though they do look funny!
In Steam? Can't you just unsubscribe from the thread?
The tropes on repeat are what get me about most JRPGs. I just don't understand the appeal of them, but maybe I'm blind to the tropes in my own media? Though I don't really consume a lot of popular media myself, so maybe that has something to do with it.
I feel like the stories also tend to be grandiose without really ever saying much of anything or really trying to engage the player.
Typically, yes, especially in recent years. I've seen some stinkers in some descent games, though. (Greedfall, I'm looking at you.) Quests where you've got to fetch things from areas you've been in too many times already jump to mind.
It's hard for me to put my finger on exactly what causes situations like backtracking to sometimes bother me and other times not. Maybe there's a little part of my subconscious that sometimes yells, "We aren't making progress!" So in this case, it might be partially due to the flow of the game/story.My first thought was that if the gameplay was fun enough it wouldn't matter that the quest send you back to an area you already spent a lot of time in.
This happens in one way or another a lot these days. Misinformation just gets spread so quickly. Take for instance Forza Motorsport. Before release, the developers said that on most cars, the materials had been built from the ground up, as had the new physics model. This was almost immediately changed to the entire game being built from the ground up. So when people on reddit discovered an old car model, it ignited this whole thing about the developer lying. At one point, at least half the negative reviews that I read on Steam pointed out that the developer lied about building the game from the ground up--even though the developer never actually said they did. This was the whole basis for the original negative reviews, and the game still sits at Mostly Negative 5 months later.Great guns... want to see why professional journalists beat the hell out of the social media rumor mill? Look up what people are saying about Dragon's Dogma 2 right now. Somebody somewhere looked at the game, saw the DLC, and freaked out.
The game has DLC for changing your character's look, for changing your pawn's attitude, for getting fast travel faster... on and on. Now social media is screaming about how they charge you to get any of that stuff. You can't fast travel unless you pay. You can't change your character's look unless you pay. And so on.
It's BS. You can get all that stuff in game, and you can get it easily. This isn't a free to play scam where the items you can earn in game require 500 hours or a luck serum from Red Dwarf, it's stuff you get early on and plenty of it.
But, the lie has taken root, and the people are in an uproar. I expect people will be asking in DD2's forums if "this is the game that makes you pay for fast travel" for months to come.
I just bought this one as it was right up my alley and a good deal: https://www.humblebundle.com/games/back-with-vengeance-best-boomer-shooters
Anime troupes. probably. The stories seem to revolve around the same ideas.
You might want to try fire emblem series i guess. but thats a turn based strategy rather then JRPG. but why do i play them? For some reason it seems right to play them on handhelds (on pcs and consoles i could be playing something more substantial). I'm a relatively patient gamer and i do like RPGs in many forms and have a soft spot for the blob dungeon crawlers even if they can be annoying sometimes.
Alternatively you may want to play final fantasy tactics or the devil survivor series. A mix of tactical and turn based RPG. For the latter, you're limited to the demons you have so you're constantly trying to perform fusions to get decent enough demons to beat bosses. i still did some grinding to level up charcters, demons and generally get more cash etc.
It's hard for me to put my finger on exactly what causes situations like backtracking to sometimes bother me and other times not. Maybe there's a little part of my subconscious that sometimes yells, "We aren't making progress!" So in this case, it might be partially due to the flow of the game/story.
Fast travel options definitely help, but then I remembered that I quit the last point & click game that I played because I got annoyed that I kept having to go back to this one spot and talk to a guy sitting on a bench. I was irritated about it even though I just had to walk to the door and then, on the next screen, walk over to the bench. Seems silly now. Maybe the walking was really slow or something. Not sure.
But in bigger games, I seem to remember sometimes feeling irritated even if there was a fast travel option, so I'm not exactly sure what's going on in my own brain. Maybe it's just what you said. I don't mind it if I'm having fun, but once the game starts to wear thin, it starts bothering me.
SRPGs are completely my jam and I've played quite a few of them, though I don't really consider them part of the JRPG genre. I do actually need to try a newer Fire Emblem, as I played quite a lot of the first North American release on GBA and really didn't care for it, especially in comparison to Advance Wars. But I have completed the first Disgaea game and am 30-hours or so into 2, as well as many other tactics games. Haven't actually tried any SMT games besides Persona, but I ought to give them a try at some point, as I do recall there being some on DS, which is where I'm enjoying playing right now.
if it helps, they released remastered versions on devil survivor on 3ds. So its got FMV sequences, voice acting and in DS2 case a whole new second episode/epilogue chapter.
Much as i wanted to like the advance war series the game didn't sit well with me. namely battles either became stalemates or a quick and utter reversal of fortunes with super powers. Final fantasy tactics 2 yeah only DS sadly.
i have the 3ds fire emblems and have yet to play those ones. Will hopefully find time. one day. Got to get through shin megami tensei first and then jump onto the vita and try and complete a game there. perhaps i should go back to Valkyria chronicles 2 - the mechanics rub me the wrong bloody way - Especially those close quarter melee guys. Absolute walking tanks that need quite literally explosives (or a tank shell) to take them out.
I have had a disagreement with Valve. It involves my stupid decision to join that family sharing group. I left it, but I can't make a real family sharing group for a year. They refused to lift this requirement, so I told them I wasn't purchasing from them until it was over, one year from now, and that my next $2000 of game purchases would be on Epic. In reality I probably just won't buy games because I have way too many as it is, and every game I wanted this year has already come out.I can now put all this extra money towards my new system, which is kind of exciting, actually.
Unfortunately that would mean that the other people couldn't join another family for a year. It was my mistake joining it. I'm not going to punish them for it.Just rejoin and kick everyone else out, then add the people you want to have in it.
I also just noticed that you can only have 5 other people in a Steam Family and you have to wait a year after someone leaves to replace them.Unfortunately that would mean that the other people couldn't join another family for a year. It was my mistake joining it. I'm not going to punish them for it.
I started Valkyria Chronicles 2 on my Vita and made solid progress, but didn't go back to it for some reason.
I've got a lot waiting to play at the moment I'm excited for, so this is a wait and see for me. I assume in a few months theyll have dealt with some of the CPU limitations and other bugs. The MTX stuff does seem unnecessary, but also the response is overblown for sure.Kind of a rant here
Dragons Dogma 2. GOTY material right here. Its a fun RPG with a good combat system. Exciting, big monsters to kill and good gear/items to collect. Its kinda like the ARPG Baldurs Gate 3. You have companions, but instead of the stop-and-go combat, its extremely fluid and, albeit some bad moves/dialogue, the AI of the companions is good enough.
I believe its getting wrongfully dragged through the mud for things that most (dare i say all) games have nowadays. Mtx's and rough launches, whether its the un-optimization or poor servers, Dragons Dogma is no different, but its getting so much hate for its MTXs that absolutely do not interfere with your game play and can all be found in the game. This along with extremely simple mods that make the mtxs irrelevant, but nonetheless.
The game also has a weird save system where there is only 1 save slot and apparently, a lot of people have messed up their games and the in-game saving mechanics, causing games to be deleted or overwritten entirely.
Personally, have had no issue with this save system, nor the fast travel system, which is another "pain point" but the travel system was developed that way for a reason this way and thats being the directors vision. It was supposed to be that way. You cant just fast travel everywhere, you need "ferrystones" but capcom has added the ability to buy them. Even though you get them in chests, at end of missions and just off dead bodies, it still seems to make a bunch of people mad, like this kind of practice isnt done in tons of other games that dont get the same treatment.
The game runs alright for me but i am using a 4080s with a 12900k so i dont have a bad system to run it on, but yes the city tanks my fps down to between 50-70 max settings in 3440x1440 in cities and over 100 in the wild. I tried it on a 3070ti and notice it goes down to between 40-60 on mid-lower settings. but fairs about 70-75 in the wild at mid-high settings.
So, yes it can do with some optimizations, but it is nowhere near 'unplayable'.
Im not trying to white-knight for Capcom, they couldve done better with this release, but its nowhere near as bad as the dialogue around the game is. Completely overblown and im saying you should play the game and make your own judgement. The 2 hour window, imo is enough time to see if you are gonna play or not. Just dont spend it in the character creator! Which, id add, was released as a stand-alone thing to mess with for a while before the game released.