Managed to get sick yesterday (but I'm the only one in the house. No idea how that happened.) but the kids had a day off. Lucky for me, they played together all day with very minimal fighting, so I played my sick/comfort game, WoW.
But in spite of being sick and very tired from not sleeping at all, I introduced them to Hypercharge Unboxed, which was actually a ton of fun to play with them. Honestly, I'm usually pretty bored when we play games together, because I'm either trying to take care of them in the game or they're just flying around and goofing off in Minecraft.
But Hypercharge, they seem to just implicitly understand. We're playing on Easy and Regular, Regular definitely being more of a challenge for them, but they're still building defenses, hopping around and killing the mobs that show up. I'm having fun supporting them, but running around, exploring the levels and looking for collectables.
I did actually play this on my own for a little while when I first bought it, but it didn't really click at the time, so playing split screen with the kids has been a lot of fun and they're also really enjoying it.
Hypercharge is a first and third-person shooter action figure game you've always dreamed of! Grab your friends, complete objectives, defend the Hypercore against waves of weaponized toys, and defeat Major Evil together in the story campaign!