November 2024 General Gaming Discussion Thread

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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
I just bought this one while I wait for BG3 patch 8:



Community Contributor
Now this... this is funny
People have been doing this for awhile, and I love it. Here's a service you can sign up to in the US

If you scroll to near the bottom, you can listen to a couple of actual calls. There's an old guy AI who keeps talking about growing tomatoes, and a woman who keeps talking about winning a talent show. It's pretty good stuff.

After the AI handles a call for you, you get a little message and can go listen to the call if you want.

This is one of the greatest uses of AI.
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That game is 75 percent off. Grabbing it now.

Hope you enjoy it! The DLC's are usually worth it too, though I only own Liberation and the new Airborne one, which isn't on sale, but is quite good. The dynamic campaigns are very fun too and I still need to continue my Soviet run through after I finish the Airborne DLC.

I've been in a little bit of a funk lately, not really knowing what to play. I've bought quite a few things recently (admittedly, old DOS games on GoG for cheap), but haven't found much that's really clicking for me right now. Though I did just fire-up Transport Fever 2 again last night, started a new map (finally abandoning my last 50-hour one, where I now basically have infinite money) and I'm enjoying that.

Also still playing Dragon Quest 5, which is a nice diversion. Easy to play and mindlessly grind.
Just had the thought of rebuying Old World on Steam. My copy is locked to Epic, as I had to have it when it first launched 2 years ago and then I spent about 15 minutes actually playing it and haven't really gone back. I'm figuring it might be easier for me to play if it weren't tied there, but do I want to spend $10 for the privilege?

I guess if I do get into it, I wouldn't need to spend more money on Epic. hmmm
Hope you enjoy it! The DLC's are usually worth it too, though I only own Liberation and the new Airborne one, which isn't on sale, but is quite good. The dynamic campaigns are very fun too and I still need to continue my Soviet run through after I finish the Airborne DLC.

For a moment I mixed up ZedClampet's and Frindis' posts, so I thought this was about Pathfinder and got very confused when you mentioned a Soviet run.

I've been in a little bit of a funk lately, not really knowing what to play.

Same. I've been feeling funky as well and have actually been sick at home for a week now. I only have mild cold-like symptoms, but I'm absolutely exhausted. My mom suggested it could be Covid yesterday, but I haven't taken a test yet.

Every time I have some time to play I just haven't felt like playing anything. I did start downloading Middle-Earth: Shadow of War this morning, but then my wife woke up and asked if she could go on the PC and I just went straight back to bed.


On a Journey
So i been doing two IT courses at same time.
I finished one off on Monday.
The other I wasn't sure what week I should be on so I spent 4 days getting up to week 20 of the course just to find out today I should still be on week 18. Oh well, I am ahead of the curve, I can take time with next few weeks and make sure its good enough.
Much relief I was ahead as I had no clue and thought I was behind.
Ok well, I found some extra money in my account after selling a few things on eBay this week and it was absolutely burning a hole in my pocket so I had to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

Anyway, picked-up the following:

Been on my wishlist for like 6 years now and for $2.99 I figured I might as well give it a try:

Saw my buddy playing this on awhile ago and given my love of WW2 stuff and the vaguely XCOM-like strategic map, I thought it might be fun:

I'm not currently in the mood for a visual novel, but I will be in the future and I recently heard of this and it being one of the best visual novels/games in general on PS4, so it went on my wishlist right away:

Another that's been on my wishlist for ages, but I haven't picked up. Every time I was thinking about picking it up I would instead think of The Investigation at Hobbs' Barrow and then be conflicted about which one to pick up. Finally decided to just go ahead and pick this one up, as I've heard it compared favorably with Obra Dinn:

I never played this when it came out, probably because I was already into being a teenager and playing Quake 2 multiplayer, but I find it to be very charming looking and couldn't help but pick it up. I couldn't give a damn about baseball, but we'll see how it is.

Also picked up the two supporter packs for Transport Fever 2, since it was like $7 for the two of them and I love that game, so...
Same. I've been feeling funky as well and have actually been sick at home for a week now. I only have mild cold-like symptoms, but I'm absolutely exhausted. My mom suggested it could be Covid yesterday, but I haven't taken a test yet.

Every time I have some time to play I just haven't felt like playing anything. I did start downloading Middle-Earth: Shadow of War this morning, but then my wife woke up and asked if she could go on the PC and I just went straight back to bed.

I think I've discovered I just want to play a few of my fallbacks and play something chill that I can just jump into and play, no real story to pay attention to (or at least, no VO).

I had these grand plans recently to play The Black Parade, but after trying several times, decided that I don't want to play anything I have to actively listen to. That includes voice acting, but also just the general idea that I need to closely pay attention to the sounds in the game. Same goes for trying to get some DOS games to run on my handheld; I have zero motivation to sit and **ck with settings and setup, then figure out some obtuse gameplay (I literally just tried Wing Commander Privateer and got no further than 5 minutes with it), I just want to sit and play.

But yes, I've been generally beat as well. I've had consistent social obligations since about last Thursday, continuing on until Sunday this week with a short break on Friday. As an introvert, I'm just tired and want to hide, turn my brain off.
The good thing about being a gamer is that the chance of getting the flu is much rarer. So, if anyone of you feel sicker, you just need to close the door and game more!

Sadly, the Gamer buff to flu prevention is nothing relative to the Parent Of A Young Child debuff.

Though I suspect it was actually my boss who got me sick, as he was sniffling last time I was in the office.
Having a little nurgling around as well we tend to get a lot of colds. Thankfully we havent really caught any stomach bugs from daycare yet.

Picked up FrostPunk 2, Tactical Breach Wizards and 1000x Resist in the Steam sale.

Dug into Tactical Breach Wizards for a couple hours today, its pretty good so far. It is the kind of puzzle box tactics that I complained about with Into the Breach, but the abilities are more interesting straight up, and the fact you can rewind an unlimited amount of times within the same turn makes it less frustrating. The story and characters are fun, it doesnt take itself too seriously but its not Marvel movie levels of quippage, very British humour. I dont think its an all timer after 4 hours or so, but if you like tactics games then its a good one of those all around.

The Last of Us is showing its age mechanically a little in the large fight sequences, but the voice acting and story keeps it interesting. I'm going to try and finish it, still having fun there.

Against the Storm is just a brilliant game, another update landed with more biomes, a new resource (salt) and cornerstone options. They had already added fishing and ponds, another complex food recipe and a new race of Frog-pops to please since it released to 1.0, probably more. Having spent another 20 or 30 hours there over the last few weeks Im probably going to put it down again mainly because Im excited to play FrostPunk 2, but seriously its one of my favourite games of all time at this point. Check it out if you havent already, its half price in the Steam sale right now.
I had a look at the steam sale but therer are a few other games besides psychonauts 2, mad max looks like something i want to get (although not sure how good it is. But for the price its worth a punt i guess).

Frozen synapse 2 is something i have an eye on but mixed reviews is a bit troubling.

Dungeon warfare 2 is dirt cheap at 1.59 but not entirely sure i want it. i know how the first one is like so not sure if its worth getting grabbing.

hades is for 8.39 something i have been eyeing but maybe a i can get it later.

maybe shakedown 2 is worth a look.

Also the monty pythonesque adventure game the 4 last thing is for £2

The procession to cavalry for 3.59 - maybe can be a bit more cheaper...

All said and done. Part of me just wants to wait. Epic might give some of these games free later and i've got a large backlog still. I'm sitting on them for a while and maybe decide on sunday.

As for playing, Path of exile progress is slow but i now have some divine orbs! The problem is that no one is selling which is a bit depressing. i'm tempted to just quit and move on. Its not worth grinding hours upon hours repeatedly for some prize. As to what to play next? No idea i haven't quite figured it out.
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I managed to get a couple of hours to play Shadow of War this morning. It's just as fun as I remembered and I've just been hunting captains the entire time. Or being hunted, as I decided to play on Nemesis (hard) difficulty and it took me a while to get used to the controls. I've probably died about ten times already.

Some of those were because I decided to make the stealth button a toggle instead of having to hold it down, but you can't fight or counter while in stealth, so I'd be mashing the counter button while my character is sniffing the crotch of the orc in front of him. I'll probably switch the crouch controls back to default next time.

I also decided to turn off a bunch of HUD elements, but the game obviously wasn't really designed for that. I managed to lose a tutorial mission because I wandered out of bounds while trying to figure out where to go. Turns out I had to go into Wraith mode (which wasn't hinted at) and look at one particular spot on the ground that wasn't very obvious without the quest marker.
It also means marking something on my map doesn't help me find it, so I'll have to go back and forth between the map and then scout around in Wraith mode hoping to find whatever I'm looking for. It works, but it doesn't really enhance my immersion, so I might as well turn quest markers back on.

EDIT: turning quest markers on also turns on markers floating above every captain, which includes their health. Which is useful, but maybe a bit too powerful.
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On a Journey
I been playing "whack a spammer" but not on here... its too quiet around here these days... maybe they noticed we aren't worth attacking anymore.
I almost miss how it was 4 years ago... almost... I mean, its nice having a front page that isn't all spam. Its nice not deleting threads after the starter ends up spamming. We lost so many in the past. Now they go on forever.

Nice having more users but should be happy we have any :)
I almost forgot, but I wanted to share my favourite way I defeated a captain:

I had just poisoned one of the orc's grog(?) barrels when a captain ambushed me from the nearby bushes and berated me for using too much poison. He then promptly threw a poisoned spear at me, which was the first time I got poisoned myself. Apparently being poisoned means you have to do a quick time event every time you want to counter, along with getting damage over time and making you run slower, but I did manage to eventually get away.

I found a lone orc to drain life from, then tried to figure out a plan to kill the captain that ambushed me. At that point I suddenly get a kill cam of said captain, with the message that he just died of poison. Turns out he walked back to the barrel I had poisoned and just took a big swig. Guess he got thirsty and had a poor short-term memory.


Community Contributor
Ha! I won a game of Distant Worlds 2! I was having enough fun playing around with the technologies and figuring out how the game worked that I didn't care about being ahead. The game just pops up a quick bar chart showing how well you're doing vs. the AI's, which is kinda pathetic, but a win is a win - and I haven't done one of those in a 4X game in a few years! I always get to a point where it gets obvious whether I'll win or lose, then quit.

I just bought this one while I wait for BG3 patch 8:

Sheesh, that will certainly do it! That patch will likely be out before Valentine's Day, you know.

Tell us how the Battle of the Pub goes!
Just had the thought of rebuying Old World on Steam. My copy is locked to Epic, as I had to have it when it first launched 2 years ago and then I spent about 15 minutes actually playing it and haven't really gone back. I'm figuring it might be easier for me to play if it weren't tied there, but do I want to spend $10 for the privilege?

I guess if I do get into it, I wouldn't need to spend more money on Epic. hmmm
Can you point Steam to the game and launch it that way? Or make a shortcut to the game and stick it next to your Steam shortcut?


Community Contributor
@BeardyHat I think you'll enjoy Northgard. Everything seems to work much better in that than in a lot of these early access colony sims, particularly the combat.

What I played of Shibuya was interesting, but I got distracted by something else and only "played" it a couple of times. Now that I'm reminded of it, I might download it again.

The Golden Idol game is really good. Puzzles are just hard enough to give you a feeling of accomplishment without requiring you to look up a guide.


Note: the following is not self-promotion because I have no intention of ever selling the game even if I finish making it, which is highly unlikely.

I don't know if I mentioned this before but I'm casually making a strategy game that takes place in an alternate timeline in ancient Greece. If i ever actually finish it, it will be a combination of a Total War game and a collectible card game. Battles will be turn-based and your units, including mythological heroes and beasts, will be cards placed in slots on a battle map.

Right now there are going to be 3 decks--military, civilian and city. The map is planned to be 3d animated hex, including rushing rivers and models of individual trees, mountains, Greek architecture, etc. I already have the map foundation made and some of the models (free models) in place. And I have a bunch of cards made by AI (they all use the same art styles and look very good).

I have some UI made, but am struggling with that part a bit. There are too many elements at the moment.

My goal is to get bored with this and start working on something else... :ROFLMAO: