Hi all, I am Bayu, I like playing simple video games, but I'm starting to like sophisticated video games
hi bayu, my name is emlyn.

have you got steam? if you have, theres a few 'simple' games you might like that arent to expensive,have a look at one called stardust-its the most underrated game on steam i think,on the surface it looks simplistic and to some people might be repetititve but look deeper than the cover and its addictive and a strong multi sensory experience.
-i recorded just under 2 minutes of stardust gameplay a while ago and put the video on youtube,if you search on youtube 'stardust using a third party xbox one pad' it shoud come up first,its not a well known game but it shoud be.
stardust is simple,relaxing and fun.
have a look at 'spirit of the north' on steam as well, its not complicated, you dont have a health bar so theres no way to suddenly die (apart from in the storyline which you have no control over),it looks amazing-it is based in iceland and you play as a fox. its a mostly relaxing adventurous journey with not to challenging puzzle bits involved you have to solve,but the storyline is great.
are you into on rail shooters ? this is not a common genre anymore but you possibly might find you like these as they do a lot of the delicate positioning for you and you have to mainly concentrate on the shooting and changing camera angles-usualy fast paced, one i can recommend is panzer dragoon (the remake of the first panzer dragoon is on steam,its stunning work).
or are you into first person and/or third person shooters? action? adventure? racing? simulators of any kind (for example,being able to play as an animal,or running your own farm or being a train,truck or plane driver/pilot?)