Hello everyone, and thank you for joining us for the inaugural Studio Spotlight developer takeover! We're delighted to be first in line to enjoy these new forums with you. Thank you Stevie for inviting us! We promise not to spill anything on them.
We're Failbetter Games from London, England. You might know us from our games Sunless Skies and Sunless Sea. We make narratively interesting, deep, dark, and weird games that play with the intersection of horror and whimsy.

We released Sunless Sea in 2015 after running a £100,000 Kickstarter and a successful Early Access period. Sunless Skies followed after another Kickstarter (£378,000!), and more Early Access. We've been hugely gratified to be nominated for over a dozen awards for Sunless Skies, and it's been named one of the games of 2019 by all kinds of media, from The New Yorker to the Guinness Book of Records (yeah, really).
Alongside those games, we run a browser game set in the same universe called Fallen London, which just turned ten years old at the weekend!

In the last decade, Fallen London has grown from a handful of stories to a 2.5-million word epic with tens of thousands of monthly players and over a million registered accounts. We're pretty sure it was the first commercial RPG to include a third gender option, and shares a setting with Sunless Sea and Sunless Skies.
This week, we'll be leading some threads about our work and expertise, and there's a fantastic giveaway going on right now for our games and some very spiffy playing cards.
I'm Hannah, your host for the week, and I'd love to know if any of you have already played our stuff, especially if you remember coming across Fallen London in the last ten years!
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