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May 2, 2020
Hallow,hallow there friends.

My name is Locus and I'm a tiny weeny little nerd because once I start something I must know everything there is about it and I just feed on all the lore and info I can find. First game that I remember playing was Halo Combat Evolved on PC and that game gave birth to my obsession with gaming and fantasy.I love all the genres well except MMORPGs tho I like the lore in those games I find game-play very off putting.I'm currently playing a lot of R6Siege and XCOM but a few months back I was deep in Dark Souls universe and before that I was exploring the depths of Darkest Dungeon and strolling through the Stolen Lands and so on and so forth .I love to hunt achievements and when that tiers me out I like to switch on some jazz and read some Epic Fantasy or Sci-Fi books for example The Wheel of Time and The Expanse.At this point I'm just rambling because I haven't played DnD for a month now due to this outbreak and I'm slowly losing it so I guess I will have to boot my DOS2 again .Anyway have a good one,cheers!
May 2, 2020
Hi, I'm Basti, Hence my username. An 18-year-old teenager living in his dad's house playing games on Steam, watching youtube videos, and from time-to-time checking social media for memes and little giggles. I'd say a typical teenager. I started playing exclusively on the PC this year and I'm trying out other platforms like the Switch. The biggest game I'm hyped for is Cyberpunk 2077 and was brought here because of a giveaway from a post I saw on Facebook.
May 2, 2020
Hello world, im mariozlp from Greece and the last year i build a respectful powerfull pc so i can finally set game settings to max. I mostly enjoy car games.
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Reactions: jpishgar
May 2, 2020
Hello everyone!
My name is Federico, how are you?
Avid RPG and RTS gamer, with a soft spot for CD Projekt Red.
Also life long Star Wars fan (well, most of Star Wars)
IRL I am a Photographer and a Graphic.
Nice to see you all folks!
May 3, 2020
Hi everyone,
I’m a simple guy, I like my FPS games, big fan of exploration, to this day i have never finished a dark souls, elder scrolls or witcher game, I’m too pre-occupied with with the world around me to ever focus on main story lines.
I’m big fan of Warhammer 40k, having played many of their games but i love the lore behind it all, currently buying and reading Warhammer novels.
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Reactions: kenzi and SWard
May 2, 2020
My namn is Anton (ingame names: Doldas or Gommash) and I am born in 1997 (22 years old). Currently I am Living in middle of Sweden in a village located 16/17km South East from a city called Östersund.
Currently in life in life I am studing 3 years in Computer Science, hopefully I will get the bachelour degree next year.
My first video games to play as Child was Super Mario bros 3, Duck tales 2 and duck hunt on our old Nintendo 8 bit console. Later on I played 40+ games on my PlayStation 2.
In August 2006 I started playing a multiplayer game called Runescape.
Now I am playing games like World of Warcraft, Witcher 3 and Witcher 2, Destiny 2, Elder Scrolls Online, Final Fantasy and Vr games like Beat Sabers and Ohshape.
  • CPU: AMD FX 8350​
  • RAM: Corsair Balistics Sports 2x8GB 1600mhz.​
  • GPU: Asus Gtx 770-DC2​
  • SSD: Kingston Hyper X Savage 240GB , Samsung Evo 860 1TB​
  • SSHD: 2TB Seagate St2000Dx001​
  • VR HEADSET: Oculus rift Cv1​
Vr Games like Beat Sabers and Ohshape seems to love 2012/2013 computer era.
YES I am playing songs like FitBeat on Expert+ and many custom songs like quaver.
I hope the end of this year or next year will be worth upgrading, would love to play Half Life Alyx and Cyberpunk.
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May 4, 2020
Hello everyone! I am Leonidas, aka katabrok. I've been reading the mag since last century, and bought them at a time when I didn't even could read in english that well. I'm playing elite dangerous lately, but like RPGs in general and I'm awaiting for the launch of Cyberpunk 2077.
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Reactions: Rizkia86 and SWard
Apr 28, 2020
Hi all, I'm Rolan the Brave. I'm from the UK and have been playing games on all sorts of different platforms for over 35 years now.

For a day job I work for the NHS (health service) in a mental health unit - challenging, but rewarding.
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Reactions: Rizkia86 and SWard
May 4, 2020
Hi guys, I am Quoc Nguyen from Viet Nam. I am a PC lover but financial struggler because of busying with my job so I can't invest my time in PC gaming that much but currently I am a big fan of ARK survival and GTA V , As well as flight simulator X and league of Legend. I love technology so I am currently a volunteer at a Church's digital ministry team, even though I am not a catholic or Christianity and I am also a volunteer at a community center. I am currently in Canada in order to conquer my dream as a Pilot. I am currently having a pc with a medium-end and a semi-high-end laptop that supported me in my work a lot. that's all about me, happy to see everyone. Have a great day and stay safe!
May 5, 2020
Hi. How are you? Thank you PC Gamer friends for making this site.
Stay safe, boost the immune system.

I love revisiting the relaxing experience of the father of all 3D open world games: Shenmue and pushing for it, along with Cyberpunk 2077 to support VR, fully (especially the ones with finger-tracking), hopefully all with full ray-tracing with the new cards this year and beyond. It's always amazing to see the beautiful 3D open world with 3D depth/stereoscopic, the detail are more pronounced.

I love catholicism very much (the source of the greatest peace in times that need it), swimming, gregorian chant, deep math, philosophy, block timing and Pomodoro technique to help control activities, including gaming which is usual on a sunday, the best time to game, after a week of extreme hardwork and starting the day, before dawn.

God bless, Revelation 21:4
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Reactions: Rizkia86 and SWard
May 5, 2020
Hi, I am Probably Human.

A big ardent fan of PC games, I could never for the life of me use a controller or figure out how people use controllers to play games. While many would disagree i did enjoy the Mass Effect series ( 1 2 3 ) and still think Fallout 2 is the best fallout of all time.
May 5, 2020
Greetings all. StuffyBunnyy here.

Actually somewhat getting reacquainted, starting this year, to the world of PC gaming honestly. Taking baby steps as there is a large gap of PC gaming in my history. Actually started playing PC gaming in the early to mid 90's on games like Warcraft:Tides of Darkness, Pitfall 3D; things like that. Long story short, I built my own PC at one point in my life and it ended up becoming the Family Computer. It evolved to becoming Malware city and I gave up on fixing the issue in the end. So I've focused mainly on gaming consoles like PlayStation for most of my life due to this. No one bothers me to check their Facebook when I have a console, is what I thought. This was the time before smartphones though. ^^

Anyways, open to hearing all about new and lasting trends about PC gaming as a whole. What's great, not so great, what others are interested in and why. Might rub off on me in the long run in researching what works for me. For the now, been playing FPS games like COD and the RE remakes. I'm building a library though, please give me time.

I look forward to your guidance (to everyone).
May 6, 2020
Hi everybody! (DoTA2 Alch voice)
I currently play DoTA2, crossout, lost oasis, & occasional apple mobile games.
I guess what I want to contribute is some random knowledge/tips about games I play in whatever thread I cross path.
May 6, 2020
To be honest I joined due to the giveaway.

However, I've been reading PC Gamer off and on since Half-Life 1 graced it's cover (my fav article of all time was on the gold release of Diablo II, got me so excited).

I got out of PC Gaming for awhile due to consoles (as well as buying a "gaming" laptop that couldn't run anything), but recently built a new desktop machine and am glad to play a lot of titles that my older machine couldn't handle.

It's so weird to me to be writing on a forum in 2020, but it's also kind of nice.

(I am so old).
May 6, 2020
Hello folks, my name is Travis and i was born in 1990 and been gaming since i was around 5/6 years old. I love games, music and anime and i believe in rating them not based on if you like them are not but based on a open mind and giving a honest rating.
Here is a list of some of my favorite games, the order changes a little sometimes but Xenogears is always number 1.
1. Xenogears! you need to play it if you have not, TRUST ME IT IS EPIC.
2. Last of us
3. Chrono Cross
4. Legend of Dragoon
5. Valkyrie Profile
6. Resident Evil series for the most part with Nemesis being my favorite
7. Mass Effect 1 and 2
8. Final Fantasy series with X being my favorite
9. Fable
10. Crimson Skies
11. Jade Empire
12. Life is Strange
13. Tomb Raider series for the most part
14. Diabo 2
15. Uncharted series
16. Zombies eat my neighbors
17. Duke Nukem series but not the last one.
18. Skyrim
19. Indigo Prophecy
20. Persona 5
May 2, 2020
@Locus86 speaking of lore: If you have not visited VaatiVidya I can highly recommend it. He talks in-depth about the lore from the Dark Souls series and is often a person I go back to from time to time whenever I am strolling the ember lit lands.
I like to read more then watch videos but I will look at his content since I love people that put their time away to explain lore to people that have no time exploring it them self or it's just to complex for them.


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