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Page 17 - Love gaming? Join the PC Gamer community to share that passion with gamers all around the world!
May 27, 2020
Hey everyone coming from Facebook so I'm new to this forum. I have been gaming since the early 90s started on snes the first game I've ever beaten was Zelda a link to the past I play and finish it once a year and can find every heart but 2 I can't seem to find and ill never use a guild. Just finished building my first real pc that aint a pre-built. I'm happy to be able to join and hopefully make some friends along the way
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Reactions: Berious and SWard
May 27, 2020
Hello everyone! !
Greetings from Dhaka. This is Rolin. I hope everyone is doing fine in these quarantine days. Oh, I am a PC enthusiastic and love to play games in my rig.

Stay safe everyone.
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Reactions: Berious and Frindis
May 27, 2020
Yo, it's Mango.
Unprofessional shitposter and wannabe competitive player.
Rainbow is suffering and League is... League.
Waiting for that jelly good Cyberpunk to get some change from Total War Warhammer and stuff.

Naxx is out
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May 27, 2020
Helllo everyone, I live in Mexico and am relatively new to PC gaming (used to play in consoles), I really like story driven, open world games, however I sometimes jump on some casual competition game (Overwatch, CS:GO, some StarCraft II).

Right now I play on an ASUS gaming laptop that can run most games with acceptable quality, and I'm in the process of getting enough money and info to build my first gaming PC (any tips will be greatly appreciatted).
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Reactions: Berious
May 27, 2020
Hello everyone, my name is hothead and I am just looking for interesting and fun conversations. My current favorite game is Red dead redemption 2. Its the first game in a while that I have gotten lost in, just searching for easter eggs and cool collectibles. Also the story is phenominal. If I had to say my all time favorite game, I would have to pick the last of us, and yes i know this is pc gamer lol but i cant resist the emotional power that i feel when I play that game. It deeply connects with you and makes you emotional for the story in its entirety. Anyway if anyone wants to recommend some games to me or just have a fun conversation just lemme know!
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Reactions: Berious
May 28, 2020
G'day all!!
Aussie Born Chinese guy here
M-ursey (Emergency trained Nurse) by Day
PC Game fanatic by Night
Taekwondo Fan all the time

I play only PC Games as long as I can remember. Did have a PS1 and PS2 oh so long ago...never remember what happen to them...lost between moving houses and all :(
I am particular on games as long it has a good story/plot line to follow through
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Reactions: Berious and Frindis
May 27, 2020
Hello, I'm TentaclePrincess Aka SirBinks. I love playing videogames on all platforms and PC. I stream from my PC randomly. Favorite all time games are legend of Zelda ocarina of Time and mariokart double dash. Game I'm currently obsessed with is Hellblade. I will pretty much play anything though if it means I can play with friends.
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Reactions: Frindis and Berious
May 28, 2020
I'm jasen. yes thats my irl name.

i like anime and drawing and i want to be an animator as a profession.

My hobbies are playing Minecraft with the boys, researching fulldive vr, watching people make swords and knives, especially japanese ones, and playing video games.

I like anime tid.
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Reactions: Frindis and Berious
May 2, 2020
Hello, I'm snake55k I got my name from metal gear solid and my favorite number 55,000 I enjoy rpgs such as elder scrolls and fallout. I also enjoy competitive games like overwatch and apex legends that I stream on twitch when I'm not watching anime or tweeting. That's mostly it for me im just your friendly neighborhood weeb who plays video games.
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Reactions: Frindis and Berious
May 29, 2020
HEYO! I'm n0zaut and like most people here I love playing videogames.

I do not have my own PC so I play at computer shops, it's kind of a hassle but I don't really have a choice. Recently, I discovered streaming and immediately decided to become a streamer.

I am positive that this will be a healthy community that shares the same passion as I do for gaming!
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Reactions: Frindis and Berious
May 29, 2020
Kami here! Just saying hello after receiving notification that PC Gamer Club has ended. That being said, been reading PC Gamer content since I was a kid and now it's over two decades later... and still a PC gamer!

Here's to more games of all kinds! Cheers!
Jun 1, 2020
Hi my name is Darren.

I have been a avid gamer for years and played mostly the FIFA Football franchise until my recent Fortnite obsession kicked in.

I recently switched to PC from PS4 and haven't looked back.

I am a marketing manager and a author away from gaming.
May 1, 2020
Hey Everyone, I'm DarkFrostX, the name is lame but I've had this alias since I was 11 and have not changed it in any online game since then (I'm 29 now) so it's really hard to change it.

I would say what I play, but it's easier to say that I don't play racing or sports games, otherwise I play almost anything.
I mostly enjoy adventure games, like "you are the hero, go and beat the dark emperor" and stuff like that and my favorite game of all time is Metal gear solid 3.

Really glad to join this group.
Jun 1, 2020
Hey, Quabity Assuance here. I recently landed a job as a Quality Assurance Analyst after about 7 months of looking in the software development field, thus the reference to The Office. It's been very strange starting my career from home.

Built my first PC about 4 and a half years ago, and since then I've been an avid PC gamer. Stealth and immersive sim games are my favorites. Dishonored 2 was the first game in a long time to be my Favorite Game. Very much enjoying Doom Eternal right now. Also loved Control.

Dig the articles PC Gamer publishes.
May 26, 2020
Andrei here! HELLO World!

Incurable gamer, probably exceeded normal human capacity of hours spent gaming and movie watching, no regret though, i did something I love and will continue to do so.

Fan of all game Studios, EA, Ubisoft, Bethesda, etc but mostly I like CDRedProjekt, top of the food chain.

I hope cyberpunk will be an amazing game!!!

Have a great day peeps, glad to be here!
Jun 4, 2020
I'm apoth0r, a gamer, streamer, content creator and general gaming and technology enthusiast. I work as a technology professional, in the business world, by day. At night I run my website, streams, content and enjoy discussing gaming technology, recent releases and the games i enjoy the most!
I've invested quite some time (and money to be fair) in getting a decent setup and I've enjoyed blogging about my journey to a decent spec PC.
If anyone wants a game, hit me up and I'll gladly :)

Thanks for having me here
May 31, 2020
Hi everyone I'm Berious!

Been gaming for as long as I can remember. Started with a BBC Micro B back in the day (that will age me lolz). First PC game I played was the original Command & Conquer over at a friends house. Was completely blown away!

Favorite sort of games are turn based strategy/tactics, city builders, RPGs, sims etc.Like multiplayer FPS too but I'm terrible at them.

In RL I'm an IT nerd for the NHS.
Jun 9, 2020
Hello, Sean Noonan here!

I'm a game developer based in the UK. I was lead level designer on Gears Tactics, a game PC Gamer gave 83% and called "a shockingly good strategy game". Happy face.

Previously I worked on Star Citizen, Watch Dogs, Far Cry and a bunch of other stuff. I also work on indie games in my free time, currently working on a WW1 exploration game in the vein of Thirty Flights of Loving (if I can achieve anything close I'll die happy).

The FPS genre is my jam and I'm a long time Quake fan and Half-Life enthusiast. Most recently I committed the sin of making Super Mario an FPS and giving him a gun...

Look forward to talking nonsense with you all :D
Jun 12, 2020
Hello Folks!

I'm Elric, and I'm from Spain. I've been playing videogames since I was a little kid, starting with the arcades and my NES.

I'm a mainly Nintendo lover but I've always played all platforms, and now I'm coming back to Pc gaming + Switch (or the future Nintendo console).

Big hugs to all.
Jun 14, 2020
Hi everyone,

Just joined. Am old school gamer since getting my Atari fir Christmas 1979 as a small kid. I don't play that many games. I have a few favourites that are getting harder and harder to play as the consoles or the Operating Systems keep updating.

I'm desperately hoping that someone will know how I can play the original CoD and the United Offensive add on on my PC, as I have tried all the guides I can find on the web, and still no joy :(
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