too cool to hear someone was using apple ii . What was it like(the experience)?
Well, two ways of looking at it.
Compared to now? Horrific. You had 48k of RAM and some of that was taken up by the operating system. High rez graphics had 4 colors, including black and white - and that's only if you had one of those pricey color monitors. Sound was done by reading one memory location, which would make the speaker tick so sounds were done by reading the location really fast - the faster you read, the higher the pitch. Games would sometimes flat out stop in order to play sounds! The less said about typing in machine code from magazines the better.
What it was like then? AWESOME! Have you played Ultima 2? It's like D&D but it's got the ENTIRE PLANET and not just once, but four times PLUS every planet in the solar system!
(Eat your heart out MS Flight Simulator.) There's even dungeons to go into and they draw out in 3D! And they're big, too! And, when you want to attack something, you just move into it and you attack. You don't have to roll dice and look up in a table if you hit then roll damage and on and on, it just happens! In a split second! It even tracks how hungry you are! Soooo much easier. And nobody has to DM! What? Too expensive? Well, there are these Eamon Adventures that are fun, too, and they're free. No graphics but you still don't have to mess with dice. AND there's one where your character explores the DEATH STAR!! (Though I think that one needed an Apple 2e.)