What was the first video game you remember playing?

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Sep 8, 2020
This is an easy one for me to remember. My first video game ever was Combat on the Atari 2600.

If you want to get into PC Games, my first was Decathlon on the Commodore 64.

On DOS PC, it was Pengo.

And damn I feel old now.
Sep 11, 2020
Pokemon red & yellow on the gameboy lol I was in elementary school when my cousin gave me his old gameboy & that's when i bought pokémon games for it (loved the cartoon as a kid.) So I became hooked immediately to games since lol
Sep 13, 2020
My grandfather, for a time, ran some kind of business that provided arcade games and billiard tables to local bars and restaurants and the like. He brought a lot of his work home with him, so to speak, for us grandkids. And a pool table for the adults during family gatherings. The first game I can recall playing is the tabletop version of Space Invaders II, in his basement.

Later in life, as he got older and could not properly care for all of the various machines he'd gathered over the years, he gifted me the Space Invaders II machine. I was able to keep it until my mid 30s, when circumstances forced me to part with it for far less than it was worth.
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Jan 30, 2020
I know we had a console with Pong, but the first I remember playing would be Radar Rat Race on the Commodore Vic 20
Sep 21, 2020
Spy Hunter for the PS2. I remember it so well because it was the greatest and most fun experience of the entire year. After that, I just couldn't stop playing PS2. Spy Hunter, RE4, Twisted Metal Black, SOCOM, SEGA classics, Onimusha, those were some of my first games ever.
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Sep 19, 2020
It was Cosmo 2 or Duke Nukem 1 on DOS. I've beaten both and both were awesome except for the lack of pixel perfect movement.
Sep 21, 2020
Space invaders on my cousins Atari 2600. loved it so much my grandad got me one the very next day

Upvoting anyone that mentions Atari2600
Golden Axe! Beautiful
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Sep 25, 2020
Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga on the Xbox 360. I was 6 at the time and was at a friend's house, I wasn't very good at it but I enjoyed playing it with him.
Sep 25, 2020
Hm the first ones are probably Dave, Roadrash and Mario in the 2000s but I do seem to remember playing some bootleg pc port of a Sonic The Hedgehog game. I've tried to look it up several times but never have I found out what that Sonic game actually was.
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Sep 26, 2020
The first actually recognized "video game" I remember playing would be the first Sonic: The Hedgehog on the Sega Genesis. I do remember playing some games on the Atari, the Commodore 2600, and the ColecoVision but I don't know if they count. LoL

I was active military when the NES dropped so I missed all the Nintendo hype and craze (that's why to this day, I'm just not all that into anything Nintendo does). When I first got back home, my cousin who had also served but had got out before me had a Sega Genesis. It was Thanksgiving and he had Sonic and John Madden and Joe Montana Football. At the time, there was simply too much going on on the screen of the football games😂, so I tried Sonic and the rest is history. I've been hooked ever since
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