What was the first video game you remember playing?

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Been here pretty much from the beginning. My first game was Pong. There was also a really cool shooting game on that system. You had a gun with a light sensor in the barrel. You had to turn the lights off, and a white target bounced around your television screen. You just aimed at the light and pulled the trigger to get points. Not sure there were anymore 'aim at your screen' games until the Wii. Maybe I just didn't know about them, though.
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Been here pretty much from the beginning. My first game was Pong. There was also a really cool shooting game on that system. You had a gun with a light sensor in the barrel. You had to turn the lights off, and a white target bounced around your television screen. You just aimed at the light and pulled the trigger to get points. Not sure there were anymore 'aim at your screen' games until the Wii. Maybe I just didn't know about them, though.

I had House of the Dead 2 on Dreamcast which was awesome. I do love a great gun game.
Sep 29, 2020
Hey guys I am new here but the first game I ever played was Super Mario on my Nintendo plus 3D when I was only 6 can you imagine?
Sep 29, 2020
There was a text game on Commodore plus 4, without graphics. I had to answer questions to progress.

Video game? Some karate game on Commodore. Test drive, Street Fighter 2. The most I remember is GODS from Bitmap Brothers also Xenon 2, on CGA green 14" monitor. I still have it.

Sorry was long time ago.
Sep 25, 2020
I'm an avid gamer, but I've been trying to think of the first games I remember playing and really loved. I remember sneaking into my cousins dad's study to boot up his mac to play Monkey Island, where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? And Myst (which I wasn't very good at). If you're a gamer, what do you remember playing and why?
Well, my first game was Counter-Strike. When I first got that game, it was in summer vacations, and I used to play 10 hrs in a day, and I was only 5 years old. The interesting thing is that my father and I used to play it together for some part of the day. They were actually good old days.
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Oct 9, 2020
The first video game I remember playing was Tetris. Almost every kid in my neighborhood had the game device and if you didn't have it, you were not one of the cool kids. At that time I begged my dad to by me the Tetris device and the day he finally bought it, I was the most happiest kid that day.
Oct 11, 2020
Adventure island. I still remember jumping over the obstacles and most memorable would be skating in the game.
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Oct 14, 2020
i remember the first multiplayer game i played on my pc was Wizard 101, about my first game ever it has been a nintendo DS one for sure, maybe Pokemon Pearl :)
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Oct 16, 2020
First PC game I played was Command and Conquer: Yuri's Revenge. After that I'm into RPG Games and Strategy Games. Diablo, Starcraft, Battle Realm, Rose Online. Etc..
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