Worker Capture
Why are Workers always captured so easily? All is revealed in 3 short minutes:
ETA: okay, the minutes are actually standard length—sorry.
I knew the fastest path to space ships. I knew very little about the policies, etc. I knew the ones I used, and I didn't stay with them straight through max, which I understand is a frowned upon strategy. At this point, I can't remember what I did exactly, but I would get two or three levels in one and switch. Eventually some or most of them would be maxed, if I remember correctly, but I wasn't concerned about maxing any of them in particular. They each had something that I wanted more than any one of them had a max bonus that I wanted.Raging Barbs
I mostly need to get better at managing the Gold cost of units. Oligarchy policy in Trad tree zaps maintenance cost for the garrison unit, so I must prioritize that. Raging means camps spawn units very quickly—I've often had a ranged unit kill the camp defender in 2-3 turns, and another defender immediately spawn to take its place… this going on for ~5-6 units.
Mind you, not complaining on the global Culture front—with Honor policy enabled each kill provides some of it, which is great early game.
I also need to get better at placing my cities to create safe zones so I can get Workers and resources running with little danger. I'm guilty of going 'the extra mile' to get a resource-heavy site… Barbs love that extra mile, the badstars!
Chap on Steam says…
"Normal barbarian in the BNW are almost as bad the raging barbarians in the G&K. Barbarians are spawning much faster in the BNW and they have randomly better units early (handaxe, horseman)"
…so it sounds like they buffed the Barbs in BNW.
My excuse is I usually setup fairly isolated starts—I don't want to deal with other civs or extra systems while trying to fine tune the basic economy and other foundation systems. So I need a credible military threat so I can't sit around with a Warrior or two, which would of course distort economy and build orders.
But yeah, they are fun too and of course useful for learning combat in the 1UPT hex system. I use a mod which removes the XP cap from Barbs, which makes up for missing out on early wars—ie should have some units of similar veterancy to any stroppy UI later on.
Tips welcome!
That would be 6, wasn't in 4 either.
Some of your games were probably Vanilla, Religion wasn't introduced until the first expansion Gods & Kings. I let it accumulate naturally, grab the 'God of the Sea' one, and when I eventually found one, I take 2 of 3 benefits—100 Gold per city converting, 15% Food growth, 15% border growth… the latter 2 unless I'm still hurting for Gold.
But yeah, I ignore it otherwise. To see how well that works out, check my eulogy on Maria the Pious above
I also switch off Espionage and disable the World Congress victory type—no interest in dealing with them.
Pretty sure you'd need a Religion strategy for that, but that's only from reading, not practice.
Nice when that happens early on, and is your goal. Winning isn't my goal—I haven't progressed any of the earlier games pre-Emperor where I drew ahead easily beyond mid-game. I will try and win an Emperor game tho, if I get into a viable strategy—I need to see the later Techs, Policies and Ideologies to better understand how I should shape the earlier game.
Eh what?!
Aristotle was right, I need to realize that I know nothing!
Anyway, it's still fun, so there's that![]()
policies … I didn't stay with them straight through max, which I understand is a frowned upon strategy. … They each had something that I wanted more than any one of them had a max bonus that I wanted
despite my concentration on money, I paved the world with roads
Workers was another thing that turned me off to 6. I had workers all over the place. I had to get rid of them in droves by the late midgame
my pathetic army
I cleared the relevant barbarians pretty quickly
Sorry, I wrote that about the builders very badly. I meant that I had tons of them in 5 and couldn't do that in 6, which was why the builders in 6 turned me off (as well as the roads, which I think were only made as a part of trade routes, but I could be wrong againPolicies
I'm same as you. Currently I adopt Honor first for the necessary Barb combat and Culture bonuses, then switch to Tradition for the Culture and Gold in first 2 Policies, then onto Liberty to get the Settler and Worker buffs. After all that, Exploration should be open, so that's next for boat movement +1.
Dunno what comes after that as I've dropped games soon after Exploration. Yes this is frowned upon, but that's by those playing more standard style games rather than our weirdos
Roads and Workers
Maybe it was only introduced in G&K or BNW expansions, but roads are a significant plus in earnings, netting maybe 150%-175% of cost. But start building out from Capital, they earn only when a city connects to Capital, not just to another unconnected city. I discovered that when investing a few negative Gold turns to connect 2 cities—and found myself deeper in the red! Sudden flurry of Workers, each building one road tile towards Capital
You must be thinking of a different game. Workers—known as Builders—expire in 6 after 3-7+ actions, so you never have enough of them. Again, this is after both major expansions.
War is usually the easiest way to play for a win in any Civ version, so you did well coming out ahead via other victory conditions. I haven't looked into city specialization yet, dunno if it's much of a thing in 5—but in current game I did notice an inland city had access to build both Barracks and Stable, so that's done a few horsy troops for me—best for rapid transit.
In 4 after the first year or so I'd learned the combat and it ceased to have any interest from then on—later wars were a real chore, moving dozens of troops to other landmasses without Embarkation, yuck. So I built the Heroic Epic city and let it put out enough troops to prevent other civs from declaring on me—carry a big stick
Found an interesting 40+m video by FilthyRobot yesterday where he holds a ridiculous number of Barbs at bay with only a Warrior and Scout! He does add an Archer later when getting Settlers out, but that was it. His premise was don't attack the Barbs, just stop them from disrupting you working the tiles you need. Fortify on rough terrain and they won't attack since your bonuses are big, and keep chipping away at them with the city's ranged attack.
Tidbit: apparently the only way a Barb can heal is if they pillage a tile.
So that was interesting. I was pumping out more units—minimum 2 Archers + Scout—and chasing the Barbs around, which is basically a mug's game with Raging and also drains the Gold. So I must see how working and fortifying on defensible tiles works out to get 3 extra cities out quickly.
in 6 … roads, which I think were only made as a part of trade routes
roads/gold, though. I thought they were an expense
in order to win the game you had to build the temple right away
Yeah, I wondered about the temple and the culture win. I only did a culture win once, and it was something of an accident. Think it was actually the first game I played.Roads
Been a bit since I dipped into 6, but I'm pretty sure you're right. The Roman UU Legion could build roads too if I recall correctly.
You're right, each road tile is 1 Gold cost per turn. However using them to connect cities brings in bigger income—I don't know if there's an exact calc but it's close to double the cost. So minus 1 and plus 2 in rough terms.
Same with rail later, but there is a Wagon Trains Policy in the Commerce tree which halves the cost. By mid game tho you are likely to be bringing in lots of Gold from Trade Routes—fyi sea routes pay double land routes, but are more difficult to defend from Barbs—improvement buffs, commerce buildings and selling resources to other civs. So it's entirely feasible to afford to build lots of extra roads by that stage, which is likely when you did it.
I don't have a good answer on that, don't see it as an emergency either, but haven't paid attention yet—still working on core basicsBut it's likely if playing a high level and going for a Culture win, that you need to start generating Faith asap—so Shrine for +1 with Pottery and Temple for +2 at Philosophy. Faith plays into Tourism somehow, which is apparently the prime method of winning by Culture.
Was that a Cuckoo bird at the start of the video!?
Is there a mod for it?Do you know of a way to skip the silly Play screen Civ5 stops at on initial launch?
Is there a mod for it?
disable the World Congress victory type—no interest in dealing with them
Hmm, doesn't stop the WC process tho, just had it pop up![]()
I'll ask on CFC
I'm enjoying reading these. Thanks for the thread. Who knows what will happen with the raging barbs? Would be awesome if they get Xcom troops and just drop out of the sky on a settler being escorted by a musket dude.City Connections v Road Costs
@ZedClampet Damn, those Connections really pay off mid-game—compare this to previous:
Navy Meandering
Above income surge allowed me to pump out units, so I quickly got ~a dozen Frigates and went Barb hunting and exploring. All well and good, except I'm on a huge map so pretty soon my fine navy is spread all over the place—so I have effective units, but not an effective force.
I'm bringing them back so I can make a couple of 'corridors' for Settlers and Crossbows to occupy a couple of local significant islands—the map is still that… what was it again? —TenIslands one, so with 5 players there seems to be plenty of empty ground.
Hmm, doesn't stop the WC process tho, just had it pop up![]()
Afaik they don't upgrade the ones they have but eventually they start spawning more advanced units.At least it looks like Barbs don't upgrade their units, a small mercy.
eventually they start spawning more advanced units
I'd love to see the rules for Barb spawn, both regular and Raging.
Some logic described here:
Strange, I would've thought those would be stored in variables, updated in real-time as changes happen. Looping every tile every turn seems wasteful to me.
every time anything happens
[PS it's also possible Firaxis know how to program]
As much as I love Kingdoms Reborn, I've never finished a game, and I'm now considering tossing my current one. I thought the area I chose for my civilization was perfect, but I'm down to one tiny spot of fresh water that I can build irrigation on for more farms, and then I'm going to have to find a place for a colony. Colonies are much harder to manage than in Civ, and I'm probably just going to roll a new map and start over.Game too big
I may drop current game and start afresh on a smaller map.