What was the first video game you remember playing?

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Nov 18, 2020
Classic (original) Duke Nukem and Doom were what introduced me to PC games. Shortly after Doom came out I was gifted the floppy disks and damn I swear it was only half an hour in and I was hooked on first person shooters after that. Started collecting games like it once I finished a couple of runs on different difficulties. Wolfenstein 3D, Heretic, Blood, Hexen, Duke Nukem 3D, Tek War....etc

As much as I love all the new graphics intensive and open world games that have come out over the years, I think the older, sprite based games will always hold a larger spot in my gamer heart.
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Nov 17, 2020
I'm an avid gamer, but I've been trying to think of the first games I remember playing and really loved. I remember sneaking into my cousins dad's study to boot up his mac to play Monkey Island, where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? And Myst (which I wasn't very good at). If you're a gamer, what do you remember playing and why?

The Sears brand version of Pong on my parents' 11" black and white living room television (which I later was given after they upgraded to a 13" color TV). I also remember playing a vector graphics based tank game on an Apple IIe (or somesuch) that my mother somehow convinced my elementary school to let her bring home over spring break one year. Then my Dad got a TI 99/4a with a 13" color monitor, and there was suddenly a panoply of games to play, loaded from cartridges, cassette tape, and floppy disk, as we as typed in from the magazines.
Dec 3, 2020
I think probably Super Mario Bros on the NES on my tv video game but My first Pc game was Need For Speed , i actually totally made about that game and i played all of my day just to complete my mission after completing the game i played all the version of Nfs Underground,Hot pursit , most wanted and all that . I played IGI too and , X- men , Far cry, Far cry 2 and after a long break i again started with Pubg , Fortnite


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