What was the first video game you remember playing?

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Nov 4, 2020
The first game I remember playing was Transformers, but then I moved to Counter Strike, Transformers ROTF, Transformers WFC, Crysis 2, NFS Most Wanted, NFS Undercover, and NFS Hot Pursuit 2010. But then I stopped playing games for sometime until I have problems in my family. Then I start gaming again with Warcraft 3, I realized that I am good at making strategies and it help me coped with mild depression and I stuck with DotA and Dota 2 in my teenage years.After that, I quit playing Dota when my younger brother introduced me to Assassin's Creed 2 and I fall in love with the series since then. Now in 2020 I am Addicted to FromSoft games from DS1 to DS3 and Sekiro. I'm going to play Bloodborne and Demon's Souls when I get to have a job one day.
Nov 4, 2020
The first game I remember playing was Star Wars: Battlefront 2 when I was little, the original one I should add. I remember sneaking downstairs at night and playing it on the original xbox, before I got the 360 and later my first PC! I used to play it every day with my dad and my brother, sometimes with my aunt, in the morning and after school.
Nov 5, 2020
Can't chronologically pinpoint the absolute first, but from what I remember it was either Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, some Tarzan game, one of the Need For Speeds or GTA Vice City. The first game I played fully from start to finish is Pokemon Silver(Yes, I played Pokemon Red afterwards and figured out Red was at the end of Mount Silver.)
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Nov 5, 2020
The first game I ever played was a game my dad introduced to me when I was about 7ish it was called "Fate: the cursed kings" here is a link to it on steam.
Nov 5, 2020
For me it was Steeets of Rage on the Sega. I was about 7 or 8 and my mother used to play it into the night (she looked after me and didn't work at the time). I remember getting up at 2am, my Mum playing, and I joined in and we completed it.
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Nov 6, 2020
I think the first game i played is final fantasy, i remember it that i saw my brother playing it, so i tried it and it fun
Nov 7, 2020
I'm an avid gamer, but I've been trying to think of the first games I remember playing and really loved. I remember sneaking into my cousins dad's study to boot up his mac to play Monkey Island, where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? And Myst (which I wasn't very good at). If you're a gamer, what do you remember playing and why?
I'm an avid gamer, but I've been trying to think of the first games I remember playing and really loved. I remember sneaking into my cousins dad's study to boot up his mac to play Monkey Island, where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? And Myst (which I wasn't very good at). If you're a gamer, what do you remember playing and why?

My first game was when I was 11y old. I had first Sony playstation in my town. Need for Speed was amazing to play. Also had ATARI before this with old classical games
Nov 4, 2020
Probably Mario, but I think I've played something else first. I can't really remember as I've had a few more games on a Terminator console which I've played constantly in the same period of time.
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Nov 12, 2020
First game I remember playing is Space Invaders in the Arcade. Soon after I had the pleasure of playing it at home thanks to the Atari 2600. Then moved on to the ZX Spectrum with classics like Manic Miner, Jet SetWillyand Monty Mole and not to forget Horace goes skiing. Eventually Scraped enough paper round money to get the C64 and Impossible Mission. Started working in the mid 80’s and moved on to the Commodore Amiga 500 and been pretty gaming ever since.
Nov 12, 2020
Pretty sure my first game was a first-person maze game I played on my Sinclair. If not that one, then Richthofen's Revenge. I distinctly remember these being loaded on a cassette deck, however I can't find any info on them - lost to time, I suppose. Maybe I should dig that box out of the garage and see if anything still works.
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