September 2024 General Game Discussion Thread

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It would appear like no one actually went to Japan to see what it was like there, as there are so many out of place items in the game, or items being used in the wrong time periods

Sums it up. Previous games were in regions where it was possible people on team actually knew, like France, or other parts of Europe ... but this one is outside wheel house and they making obvious mistakes such as Cherry Blossom being in trees when rice being planted, two difference seasons.

Yasuke being used as a shield to hide all the other worthy criticism. It will happen as soon as game is released.

Hopefully game play is good enough that players can just overlook these things. Most won't know - outside Japan. Reviews after its out will reveal how much the errors in cut scenes flowed into actual game as well. Cut scenes meant to show best of game...
Cherries bloom in spring the exact timing and length depends heavily on the locality and weather in the given year, rice is planted in spring to early summer, its not outside the realm of possibility. Especially when you consider artistic license.

Seems to be the case, somebody made a Youtube video without doing their research? For shame!
I should have checked video before typing that as the Wife in the video explained it to show things shown in one shot shouldn't be seen in that shot at same time. She is Japanese so I assumed she would know.

I am as bad as Ubisoft with that... sorry about that :)
I bet about 95% of the population, especially younger people in more economically developed countries dont know one tree from another, so I wouldnt expect everyone to know stuff about plants just because its set in a place they were born.

I imagine if I went through the woods in Valhalla (Im not going to) I'd find some trees and plants that arent historically accurate to Britain or the Nordics. No one cared then for some reason ;)
Played a mix of games last night, couldn’t settle into anything for very long. Played a quick skirmish match in AoE4 as the Rus. Still learning their features and mechanics, they focus a great deal on lumber and gold in unique ways. One weird thing is that the lumber mills will generate gold every minute depending on how many trees it is close by, so you could get an early game gold boost by strategically building the lumber mill in a specific area. It took me 4 skirmish matches as the Rus to learn that was a mechanic.

I also dabbled in a bit of Obensuer. I really need to dive deeper into this game, it’s very brutal as a new player. Last night I ate some presumably rotten canned fish, because immediately after eating the whole can I crapped myself. My hygiene level was at 0%, which causes your health to go down, and I still had another crap left in me. I ran to the nearest apartment block and found a toilet in an abandoned apartment, relieved myself and took a shower to restore my hygiene. I had the good idea to have a few shower beers while I was there, and ended up stumbling out of the apartment like a drunkard.

Shortly after leaving the apartment block, my mushroom addiction was growing and I was all out of laced cigarettes. I scavenged around for some empty bottles to go recycle to get money to buy more drugs, but as I was searching through what I thought was another abandoned building, I accidentally stepped on a bear trap and immediately died. That life was about the furthest I got in this game, it was my third so far. You can always reload an old save, but I’ve been starting new characters as a way to help me learn the game better. The better I get at gathering all the basic necessities at the start of the game, the better I will be in the long run.

Obensuer is such a strange game. It’s brutal, doesn’t hold you hand at all, barely tells you what to do, yet it’s so intriguing and fun to play.

I also played a bit of Descenders. It’s a great BMX roguelite game. What I played last night was a multiplayer server full of people trying to complete a “Wipeout” style obstacle course, but of course on BMX bikes. I was locked in for a good 30 minutes trying to beat it. You can set custom checkpoints and immediately respawn to them so that helps a ton after each major hurdle. Descenders is a great game to relax to, and the main game modes are awesome. It doesn’t take itself too realistically but there is still a lot of skill needed to be good.
I bet about 95% of the population, especially younger people in more economically developed countries dont know one tree from another, so I wouldnt expect everyone to know stuff about plants just because its set in a place they were born.

I imagine if I went through the woods in Valhalla (Im not going to) I'd find some trees and plants that arent historically accurate to Britain or the Nordics. No one cared then for some reason ;)
its not just seasons and trees that are incorrect, there is enough wrongness to make people from country its from to have double takes.
its not just seasons and trees that are incorrect, there is enough wrongness to make people from country its from to have double takes.
I bet there is in all their other games going back to the first one as well, if anyone cared to look closely.

Played a mix of games last night, couldn’t settle into anything for very long. Played a quick skirmish match in AoE4 as the Rus. Still learning their features and mechanics, they focus a great deal on lumber and gold in unique ways. One weird thing is that the lumber mills will generate gold every minute depending on how many trees it is close by, so you could get an early game gold boost by strategically building the lumber mill in a specific area. It took me 4 skirmish matches as the Rus to learn that was a mechanic.

I also dabbled in a bit of Obensuer. I really need to dive deeper into this game, it’s very brutal as a new player. Last night I ate some presumably rotten canned fish, because immediately after eating the whole can I crapped myself. My hygiene level was at 0%, which causes your health to go down, and I still had another crap left in me. I ran to the nearest apartment block and found a toilet in an abandoned apartment, relieved myself and took a shower to restore my hygiene. I had the good idea to have a few shower beers while I was there, and ended up stumbling out of the apartment like a drunkard.

Shortly after leaving the apartment block, my mushroom addiction was growing and I was all out of laced cigarettes. I scavenged around for some empty bottles to go recycle to get money to buy more drugs, but as I was searching through what I thought was another abandoned building, I accidentally stepped on a bear trap and immediately died. That life was about the furthest I got in this game, it was my third so far. You can always reload an old save, but I’ve been starting new characters as a way to help me learn the game better. The better I get at gathering all the basic necessities at the start of the game, the better I will be in the long run.

Obensuer is such a strange game. It’s brutal, doesn’t hold you hand at all, barely tells you what to do, yet it’s so intriguing and fun to play.

I also played a bit of Descenders. It’s a great BMX roguelite game. What I played last night was a multiplayer server full of people trying to complete a “Wipeout” style obstacle course, but of course on BMX bikes. I was locked in for a good 30 minutes trying to beat it. You can set custom checkpoints and immediately respawn to them so that helps a ton after each major hurdle. Descenders is a great game to relax to, and the main game modes are awesome. It doesn’t take itself too realistically but there is still a lot of skill needed to be good.
Obenseur sounds really interesting, I dont usually like survival games but youre selling it to me here :D
Obenseur sounds really interesting, I dont usually like survival games but youre selling it to me here :D
It’s definitely unique compared to your standard survival game. The apartment block renovation aspect is also super interesting but I haven’t even started it yet. I’ve been having too much fun just trying to live and explore the map.
I bet there is in all their other games going back to the first one as well, if anyone cared to look closely.
I think the problems arrive when the inaccuracies start to build. Like with Origins, there are several inaccuracies, but for the most part, they are few and far between. Shadows is not even out yet and people are already dissecting what they have seen for better or worse, but if Ubisoft wants to show off their game, you would think they would want to show the better qualities the game has to offer.
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It’s definitely unique compared to your standard survival game. The apartment block renovation aspect is also super interesting but I haven’t even started it yet. I’ve been having too much fun just trying to live and explore the map.
Makes it sound a bit like This War of Mine whoch I liked quite a lot. That was pretty heavy on story beats though, is Obenseuer more of a sandbox ?
Makes it sound a bit like This War of Mine whoch I liked quite a lot. That was pretty heavy on story beats though, is Obenseuer more of a sandbox ?
Obensuer is a sandbox kind of game but there isn’t a whole lot to do apart from the main quest line. So far I’ve just went through normal survival stages, looted boxes for things to sell, talked to a bunch of people and just explored. You can also gamble at the corner shop on a tiny slot machine. So I suppose there is a lot to do but from what I’ve seen so far nothing will take up much time. Surely as I progress there will be new things unlocked.

In the most recent dev blog, they are working on adding an underground mine/tunnel system where you will be able to mine for ores which will have gameplay effects on your tenements. They are also working on adding chicken coops and the ability to breed cats.
Since I just finished tactician mode in BG3, Honor Mode is next, and with no option to reload the save game without exiting the menu and bosses with legendary attacks, I'm a bit scared. If you beat Honor mode in BG3, you get a reward also, so that is cool.


Community Contributor
I apparently have 20 hours spread out over 16 runs. It's an okay game, but a bit lacking in variety in my opinion.
I thought so as well, but then when I started learning different strategies and doing the Ascension runs it really changed the way I looked at the game. Ended up perfecting the game (all achievements) on hour 590.
I apparently have 20 hours spread out over 16 runs. It's an okay game, but a bit lacking in variety in my opinion.
For me it’s one of those games where I’ve purchased it so many times unnecessarily. I have it on Steam, Switch, my phone, Xbox and have put some time into the Game Pass version as well. It’s such an easy game to pick up and play and works perfectly for short game sessions. I personally find the amount of variety to be decent enough to keep coming back to it. 4 character all with unique cards and playstyles plus a daily dungeon run keeps things fresh for me even after 200 hours total.

I thought so as well, but then when I started learning different strategies and doing the Ascension runs it really changed the way I looked at the game. Ended up perfecting the game (all achievements) on hour 590.
Forgot to mention the Ascensions as well. Love how it totally changes up the game and makes you come at it from new strategies than you would on normal runs.


Community Contributor
Ugh, folks, come on! There are always HUGE inaccuracies in games!
  • Mountains are laughably small.
  • Towns/villages are laughably cramped together. You really don't want that tannery close! Often times, there's hardly any place for people to live - which is fine, because they work stand around in their shop 24/7, I guess?
  • You NEVER have to wait in line to buy your stuff in a shop.
  • Buildings are exact replicas of each other.
  • Bathrooms are rare.
  • Open sewers are rare.
  • Underground sewers are gargantuan and plentiful!
  • Caves show up in the craziest places.
  • The tunnels in a cave are not only huge but tend to stay huge (unless new sections need to be loaded).
  • Caves are stunningly well lit.
  • Nights are stunningly well lit.
And on and on and on.
Spire has consumed nearly 200 hours of my life

In yesterday's Civ 7 video interview with Spud, Ed Beach mentioned he's almost 100%ed Spire :)

Spud also mentioned everyone at Firaxis seemed to be playing Balatro a while back. Probably coincidence that Spire inspired some Balatro gameplay elements.

There are always HUGE inaccuracies in games!

Oh c'mon, next you'll be claiming that games are fiction! Haven't you learned anything from this discussion?
[*]You NEVER have to wait in line to buy your stuff in a shop.

That was actually a thing in the MMO Tibia when I played. Only one person could buy or sell something at a shop at a time and you had to do it by typing it all out.

They got rid of the "one person at a time" thing at some point, but I think you still buy and sell stuff by telling the shopkeeper what you want.
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Ugh, folks, come on! There are always HUGE inaccuracies in games!
  • Mountains are laughably small.
  • Towns/villages are laughably cramped together. You really don't want that tannery close! Often times, there's hardly any place for people to live - which is fine, because they work stand around in their shop 24/7, I guess?
  • You NEVER have to wait in line to buy your stuff in a shop.
  • Buildings are exact replicas of each other.
  • Bathrooms are rare.
  • Open sewers are rare.
  • Underground sewers are gargantuan and plentiful!
  • Caves show up in the craziest places.
  • The tunnels in a cave are not only huge but tend to stay huge (unless new sections need to be loaded).
  • Caves are stunningly well lit.
  • Nights are stunningly well lit.
you didn't even have to wonder out of skyram for any of those examples

Oh c'mon, next you'll be claiming that games are fiction!
Probably thinks invisible walls only happen in games.
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In yesterday's Civ 7 video interview with Spud, Ed Beach mentioned he's almost 100%ed Spire :)

Spud also mentioned everyone at Firaxis seemed to be playing Balatro a while back. Probably coincidence that Spire inspired some Balatro gameplay elements.
Reminds me of this PCG article from when Balatro released.

"Balatro is the first deckbuilder I ever played!" says LocalThunk in a Reddit AMA he hosted yesterday on the r/games subreddit. Instead, he says that a huge inspiration for Balatro was watching YouTube's Northernlion playing slot machine roguelike Luck Be a Landlord, and loving the core mechanics. "...After that I went cold turkey and avoided playing any others so I could really dig into the design space myself. I first played Slay the Spire after about 18 months of dev to learn how they handled controller support, and I'm glad I designed my game before doing that because I certainly would have taken some of the design ideas from that brilliant game."
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I finally finished the tutorial in my Minecraft game, using the Interactions Remastered modpack.

One of the very first things I saw when I stepped through the portal, before the world had even finished loading, was something that looked like a giant sea snake. Luckily portal on the overworld side spawned quite a bit into the air, so I probably won't have to worry too much about enemies, but just to be safe I encased both sides entirely in stone.

I got two teleporters for free, so I can put one near the portal and the other one wherever I end up making my base. Which I think I'll just make somewhere underground, that seems the safest option.
The credits for Concord are over one hour long. I wonder how many people wish they weren't on that list. How many people contributed? answer to that question is 1982

They spent 400 million making the game. That doesn't include buying the studio.

Half the money was spent before Sony bought them, then they spent 200 million more to get game to a point it could be released. Much of it was outsourced to other studios.

They thought it would be their Star Wars moment... a franchise to build company around. There was also an attitude of no one could point out problems, everyone had to be behind it 100%. Management believed in it, so no point fighting it if you wanted to keep a job.

I keep wanting to type: Why didn't they get player testing done? Why no asking what players thought of game? Why not look outside the bubble?
Is it... you know its going to be massive, why test it? Why allow leaks to get out telling opposition games to steal your ideas? Better to suprise them with your amazing character design

I also wonder if they outsourced the character design... as they should get their money back on that deal.

I wonder if there was going to be a special edition of the PS5 Pro that came with game? I wonder if any GPU companies had deals with them to sell cards with it on heatsink. Its all possible. They had an Amazon show about it. It was meant to be big.
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Played a bit more Minecraft today. Apparently the mod changes how ores are spawned. Instead of everything just kind of spawning randomly with rarer ores just being deeper down, ores now spawn only in specific veins.

So you can't find every ore you're looking for by just digging around in one spot, you need to do a lot more exploration. Luckily there's a UI tip that shows when you're in/above an ore vein and if you're above ground you can determine which ores are in the vein by what plants are around. Also ore veins typically have a ton of ores, so once you do find the one you're looking for you'll have enough to last you quite a while.

Because you can't rely on a single mine to find most ores I decided I'll keep my base on the tutorial island for now. I've already died twice to monsters, I prefer staying somewhere I know they can't spawn.
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