Cherries bloom in spring the exact timing and length depends heavily on the locality and weather in the given year, rice is planted in spring to early summer, its not outside the realm of possibility. Especially when you consider artistic license.It would appear like no one actually went to Japan to see what it was like there, as there are so many out of place items in the game, or items being used in the wrong time periods
Sums it up. Previous games were in regions where it was possible people on team actually knew, like France, or other parts of Europe ... but this one is outside wheel house and they making obvious mistakes such as Cherry Blossom being in trees when rice being planted, two difference seasons.
Yasuke being used as a shield to hide all the other worthy criticism. It will happen as soon as game is released.
Hopefully game play is good enough that players can just overlook these things. Most won't know - outside Japan. Reviews after its out will reveal how much the errors in cut scenes flowed into actual game as well. Cut scenes meant to show best of game...

The real reason why Japanese people love Sakura - Tim Bunting
I’m not sure how many people put two and two together, it took me a while to realise, but the blooming of Sakura coincides with the start of the rice planting season. Why does this matter? Well, the ancient Japanese felt the presence of Kami deities in all manner of objects, and Sakura were felt...

Seems to be the case, somebody made a Youtube video without doing their research? For shame!