November 2024 General Gaming Discussion Thread


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Image from Flux Dev diffusion model (AI)

Steam Official November Events​

Cooking Fest - November 11 - 18
Steam Autumn Sale - November 27 - December 4

Note: Valve lets you organize your own unofficial festivals, so there is almost always at least one going on.

Fun Steam Fact​

According to Valve's official marketing material, event banners get 1 trillion impressions per day.

Tis the Season​

A Few Lesser Known​


I loved Little Big Adventure 2 as a kid, but I've never played the first game. I tried the Android port once, but I didn't like the controls.


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I got to say, being able to open up a program on my computer and make any picture I can imagine is pretty damn incredible. What a time to be alive. And I've never said that unironically before. AI is improving at a breakneck pace. The coming years are going to be astonishing. I mean, compare the picture above to what I was using a few months ago. Just wow.

This is why my next graphics card will be a 5090. I'm going all in.


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For anyone who is interested in running AI on their PCs but isn't good with manual installations the free program pinokio will install a ton of AI software. I've heard a goober on reddit say that it has malware attached to it. This is not true. However, the installation scripts are written by users, and it's always recommended to run things in a sandbox if you know how to use one.

I realize I just scared everyone away, but I do recommend pinokio if you have problems installing AI yourself. If you want to install it by yourself, really all you need to know is how to change directories and copy some lines from the installation instructions into your command box, but a lot of people have problems with this. reddit is filled with the corpses of people who tried to install AI and failed :) Anyone who can use Linux should be alright.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
eXo new DemoScene just released! Here is the link and some info about the project from the site:

"This pack includes 1,818 DOS Demos. The focus of the project is to add as many demo's from all across the world, regardless of language. While the project currently does not contain every DOS Demo ever made, it does try to have a large amount of demos from 1987 to early 1997. There are many more demos that will be added to the pack. Including MusicDisks that celebrate tracker music. The demos have already been configured to run in DOSBox."


Community Contributor
@Brian Boru So thinking about your icon identification problems, I assume it only occurred when the icons were obstructed by webs. Here's the icons by themselves, and they are easy to tell apart:


But here they are covered by webs:


The last two, both candelabras (the last one with a coin beneath it) are very hard to identify. The coins didn't seem to impact the other 4 icons.

But, basically, I know if I can't tell what it is that it's the candelabra. The webs are pretty annoying to have to look at no matter what they are covering, though. It's not enough to make me move on to something else, but the candelabra should have been changed to something else or the candles made something other than white.

By the way, I bought a couple other of their games while they are on sale. Are there any other publishers of these casual type games that you like on Steam? You can't search for casual games because PvP folks label every game without PvP as "casual".


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@Brian Boru You know what's weird? (I feel like we're having a sleep-over and I'm lying on my back in the family room floor on a sleeping bag). So I really wanted to support Big Fish, but Big Fish has put a ton of games that they published on Steam and they are all cheaper than they are on the Big Fish store. Many of them are $6.99 on Steam, but are $9.99 on Big Fish. Of course, since they are the publisher, buying them on Steam still supports them, but making them cheaper on Steam is just an odd thing to do.
Far Cry 5 again last night. Just goofed around. Took Grace and Hurk with me on a roadtrip. Grace drove, Hurk and I sat in the back. Started at one end of the map, had her drive all the way to the other. The whole time I was shooting Peggies with a grenade launcher, it was a lot of fun.

That’s one thing that I find oddly fun in games, having NPCs drive you around as you kick back in the passenger seat. In nearly every single player game you could play, you are the one driving the vehicle. Unless it’s a cutscene/scripted moment or a taxi service, rarely are you in a situation in a single player game where an NPC drives you around. So when I find I can exploit a game to make an NPC drive for me, I always take it. The only two games I can think of that allows me to do this is Red Dead 2 and Far Cry 5 but I could be missing others. Red Dead 2 allows you to catch a ride on someone’s buggy but you can’t tell them where to go. Far Cry 5 lets you have your companion in the drivers seat, and you can set a waypoint on the map for them to drive to. Unfortunately in my testing this does not work in boats, and doesn’t work as well in helicopters since you have a point and tag somewhere you can see and command them to move to that point (haven’t tried planes yet).

Anyone know of other games where you can have an NPC drive for you that isn’t a cutscene, taxi, or a fast travel mechanic?


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In Kingdom Come: Deliverance your horse will automatically follow the road.

I think in Just Cause 3 or 4 you can grapple onto a car and just ride on the roof.
I bet those aren't a fraction as hilarious as letting an NPC drive you around in Far Cry 5. Think a blind and drunk 150 year old speed freak who likes to take off-road short cuts and doesn't care to send pedestrians and animals to the great beyond. And that's just in cars. You should really let Hurk fly you around in a helicopter. Just be prepared that you will have to respawn at some point, probably within moments, generally after a nice fireball effect.



So far today, 87 games and 11 demos have been released. We'll top 100 games before the day is over, as it's only 3:30 in Valve time.

There's zero point in making a game these days if you don't have a serious marketing plan. It's depressing to see all these games sit around with no user reviews. You think of all the work and hopes and dreams that went into making these things...


Community Contributor
Far Cry 5 again last night. Just goofed around. Took Grace and Hurk with me on a roadtrip. Grace drove, Hurk and I sat in the back. Started at one end of the map, had her drive all the way to the other. The whole time I was shooting Peggies with a grenade launcher, it was a lot of fun.

That’s one thing that I find oddly fun in games, having NPCs drive you around as you kick back in the passenger seat. In nearly every single player game you could play, you are the one driving the vehicle. Unless it’s a cutscene/scripted moment or a taxi service, rarely are you in a situation in a single player game where an NPC drives you around. So when I find I can exploit a game to make an NPC drive for me, I always take it. The only two games I can think of that allows me to do this is Red Dead 2 and Far Cry 5 but I could be missing others. Red Dead 2 allows you to catch a ride on someone’s buggy but you can’t tell them where to go. Far Cry 5 lets you have your companion in the drivers seat, and you can set a waypoint on the map for them to drive to. Unfortunately in my testing this does not work in boats, and doesn’t work as well in helicopters since you have a point and tag somewhere you can see and command them to move to that point (haven’t tried planes yet).

Anyone know of other games where you can have an NPC drive for you that isn’t a cutscene, taxi, or a fast travel mechanic?
Hurk killed me multiple times doing this. It was hilarious. Makes me want to play some more and do nothing but ride with Hurk. It was only 3 times. He drove off a cliff once, then once let me out of the car and then ran over me, and then he crashed a helicopter into a river that was 40 feet away from where we took off. I'd gladly do it all over again.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Dying Light

I own the first, and my note says it takes a lot of direction from Far Cry—so I guess I should play it sometime

Well that was disappointing. 'Sometime' has come and gone, game has been installed, played, and uninstalled—no, it didn't last long :(

Notes in my review pages:
Mouse leaves screen
W key stays on
Too much melee and parkour

Reading Steam & Reddit, mouse problem apparently exists also in DL2, that's a bit crappy from the devs. 20+ years ago I put up with switching off my second monitor for some games, but not today. Cursor was bouncing to second screen approx every 5 seconds while looking and moving around—there are 3rd-party solutions, if that was the only issue.

Alt-Tab also gave weird result. In every other game where A-T functions as expected—eg games a decade or more older than this one—the game minimizes to Taskbar and you do your thing. Here no—if there's an app open on second monitor it'll jump to that, but game stays fullscreen on main monitor. If this was only issue, I'd have tried Windowed-Fullscreen or Windowed… but I didn't bother.

W key was bizarre, first time I've ever seen it in a game—I've had temp key sticks before, but tap the key and it stops. Here, no. Again just wandering around and suddenly I'm moving forward whether I want to or not. S doesn't stop it, nothing stops it, can't exit to menu via ESC—had to Task Mgr it :mad:

Then I did a bit more reading re game in general, to see if it might be worth while to go chasing mods & scripts. Seems you don't get guns until second half of game, and much of the play involves avoiding the baddies—not what I look for, I want to engage with the baddies at every opportunity when I'm not on a smell-the-roses walkabout.

When you do engage, it's melee melee melee which bores me—even Far Cry Primal, which is now off my Replay list due to too much melee, has ranged options with bow and short-range with throwing spear.

Then the avoid enemy requirement involves a lot of parkour and grappling. Parkour or platforming I'm not into—did more than enough of latter in 90s—and grapple swinging is my least-fav part of FC games.

Anyway, no worries—never been drawn to zombie games, it was only the FC hook that caught my interest in this one. Onwards and upwards—just not via parkour and grappling :D
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I picked up Distant Worlds 2, and I'm having a ball with it so far. I'm not counting on it keeping my interest - the real time 4X games always seem to lose me at some point - but it sure has been fun so far.

Most folks start off comparing it to Stellaris because both games are real time 4X space games, but what I have seen in my first hours reminds me more of Sword of the Stars.

Like the first game, the big feature for the game is automation. You can leave whatever parts of the game you don't enjoy to the AI, whether that's fighting or colonizing or whatever. There are also some options where you don't automate but instead have the AI give you suggestions, which is really handy for beginners.

The start of the game was a bit of a shock. I got the game started and, of course, got a quick(ish) tutorial going over what the various windows did in the UI. Great. Now what? I didn't even know how to move my ships! It took some fiddling, but I eventually figured it out.

Towers of Aghasba looks amazing! Check out the 7m video on Steam.
Wow. Looks Japanese/Asian (especially the hand critters: see also Persona, Elden Ring, and {kinda} Death Stranding) but the devs are pretty international.
Anyone know of other games where you can have an NPC drive for you that isn’t a cutscene, taxi, or a fast travel mechanic?
Dragon's Dogma 2? The carts are some sort of speedy travel system, but I don't think they are outright fast travel.

P.S. Yep, you could ride like that in JC3. And NPCs could right other NPCs cars, too:

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
installing AI yourself

I haven't looked into it, but I assume you need a top-flight CPU for it, and top-flight GPU for graphics work—yeah?

PvP folks label every game without PvP as "casual".

Well the furtive duckers! [that's how PvP guys use cover] Let's strike back* and tag all PvPs as Horror or Walking Sim or VN—or if we want to be really mean, RPG!

icon identification problems

Thanks for the time and effort :) I must install it again and have a look—my memory is of 2 purple-colored Halloween-type heads which I found difficult to tell apart… but they're not in your icon set above :unsure: Lemme get back to you on it.

The webs are pretty annoying

Agreed, they're all over game #2 too, but aren't as difficult to see—I'm enjoying 2, close to Replay grade. Green Sauce [the devs] seem to have the ability to learn from their previous games.

I bought a couple other of their games

Storm Tale? They're the best.

* part of my quest to improve Steam tags
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
any other publishers of these casual type games that you like on Steam?

Just Match 3, or other genres too? Here's the genre list from BFG:


I'll poke deeper once you clarify, but offhand for now:

Loved these 3 years ago, but they annoyed me last year—my notes:
Adelantado 1
Annoying pop-ups, no map
V annoying Cavemen clickers
Long levels, No save, Slow
Building placement v picky
Buildings not differentiated
Can't demolish buildings
Unnecessary hand-holding
Unclear goals
Adelantado 2
Save on exit
Buildings renewed or demolished
Cavemen and Dinosaur clickers
Diego auto-picks items
Try the demo on 2 from BFG if you want to try. I didn't bother with 3 this time around, done with series. If you like them, there's a similar later 'Britons' series featuring Romans.

Inspiration for Angry Birds.

Jewel Match Match 3 franchise.
I found these very variable, some great, some poor.
Better ones:
Oh weird, not on Steam, only the Solitaire collection??? Anyway, FFR:
Jewel Match Snowscapes [in Hardest mode]
Jewel Match Royale 1 & 2
Jewel Match Origins 2

I finished it, but meh—might be more your cuppa :)

Aw bummer, War Robots Planet Defender has been removed from Steam it seems—I liked it. Don't see it on sale anywhere else, it never got any traction at all, I don't think even 10 Steam reviews.

"I'll poke deeper once you clarify"
I take that back, don't think I have anything else to add :)
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Big Fish has put a ton of games that they published on Steam and they are all cheaper than they are on the Big Fish store

Yep, it's ages since I bought on BFG, for this reason and also because they've nixed some good stuff on BFG like forums and 'helpfulness' of reviews & sorting reviews by same. Of course, Devs will have put those on Steam, not BFG—apart from a few BFG make/made themselves.

I was in the BFG club for over a decade @ $7/month—it got you 30% off all games, plus loyalty points towards free games. I'm not sure I trust BFG anymore, they may just be milking the cow.
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Of course, Devs will have put those on Steam
I'm not sure about that. Elephant Games lists Big Fish as their publisher both on their website and on Steam, and if it is a traditional publisher/developer relationship, then Big Fish had to put them on Steam. There are hundreds of games that are apparently published by Big Fish. Also, I found an announcement from Valve that Big Fish was putting their games on Steam.

There are games that are on both sites that don't list Big Fish as the publisher, but hundreds that do.

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Reactions: Brian Boru


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Just Match 3, or other genres too? Here's the genre list from BFG:


I'll poke deeper once you clarify, but offhand for now:

Loved these 3 years ago, but they annoyed me last year—my notes:
Adelantado 1
Annoying pop-ups, no map
V annoying Cavemen clickers
Long levels, No save, Slow
Building placement v picky
Buildings not differentiated
Can't demolish buildings
Unnecessary hand-holding
Unclear goals
Adelantado 2
Save on exit
Buildings renewed or demolished
Cavemen and Dinosaur clickers
Diego auto-picks items
Try the demo on 2 from BFG if you want to try. I didn't bother with 3 this time around, done with series. If you like them, there's a similar later 'Britons' series featuring Romans.

Inspiration for Angry Birds.

Jewel Match Match 3 franchise.
I found these very variable, some great, some poor.
Better ones:
Oh weird, not on Steam, only the Solitaire collection??? Anyway, FFR:
Jewel Match Snowscapes [in Hardest mode]
Jewel Match Royale 1 & 2
Jewel Match Origins 2

I finished it, but meh—might be more your cuppa :)

Aw bummer, War Robots Planet Defender has been removed from Steam it seems—I liked it. Don't see it on sale anywhere else, it never got any traction at all, I don't think even 10 Steam reviews.

"I'll poke deeper once you clarify"
I take that back, don't think I have anything else to add :)
Thanks so much for that. I'm getting ready to curl up in bed with my laptop and go through all of it more carefully. I'm not sure what genres I'm interested in other than match 3 and possibly hidden object. The thing is, these games are very different from what I'm used to. Even if they say they are "building a colony" that doesn't mean to them what it means to me because these are basically mobile games. So I think I might pick one out of each category and give it a try and see what I think.


Community Contributor
I haven't looked into it, but I assume you need a top-flight CPU for it, and top-flight GPU for graphics work—yeah?

* part of my quest to improve Steam tags
Most modern CPUs will be fine, but you need at least an RTX 2060 GPU. I also recommend at least 32 GB of RAM because it will use your entire 16 GB and leave everything else on your PC starving and stuttering.

Intel is now putting an AI part on their CPUs but I doubt their helpfulness. I need to do some research to see what they are capable of. I'm not sure what AMD is doing on the consumer end. They seem to be focusing on servers.


Community Contributor
Dying Light

Well that was disappointing. 'Sometime' has come and gone, game has been installed, played, and uninstalled—no, it didn't last long :(

Notes in my review pages:
Mouse leaves screen
W key stays on
Too much melee and parkour

Reading Steam & Reddit, mouse problem apparently exists also in DL2, that's a bit crappy from the devs. 20+ years ago I put up with switching off my second monitor for some games, but not today. Cursor was bouncing to second screen approx every 5 seconds while looking and moving around—there are 3rd-party solutions, if that was the only issue.

Alt-Tab also gave weird result. In every other game where A-T functions as expected—eg games a decade or more older than this one—the game minimizes to Taskbar and you do your thing. Here no—if there's an app open on second monitor it'll jump to that, but game stays fullscreen on main monitor. If this was only issue, I'd have tried Windowed-Fullscreen or Windowed… but I didn't bother.

W key was bizarre, first time I've ever seen it in a game—I've had temp key sticks before, but tap the key and it stops. Here, no. Again just wandering around and suddenly I'm moving forward whether I want to or not. S doesn't stop it, nothing stops it, can't exit to menu via ESC—had to Task Mgr it :mad:

Then I did a bit more reading re game in general, to see if it might be worth while to go chasing mods & scripts. Seems you don't get guns until second half of game, and much of the play involves avoiding the baddies—not what I look for, I want to engage with the baddies at every opportunity when I'm not on a smell-the-roses walkabout.

When you do engage, it's melee melee melee which bores me—even Far Cry Primal, which is now off my Replay list due to too much melee, has ranged options with bow and short-range with throwing spear.

Then the avoid enemy requirement involves a lot of parkour and grappling. Parkour or platforming I'm not into—did more than enough of latter in 90s—and grapple swinging is my least-fav part of FC games.

Anyway, no worries—never been drawn to zombie games, it was only the FC hook that caught my interest in this one. Onwards and upwards—just not via parkour and grappling :D
Sorry, I'm reading the thread backward and responding one at a time for some reason. You should really consider trying Ubisoft's Avatar game if you can get it cheap some day. It uses the FC formula pretty extensively.

As far as Dying Light "W" goes, apparently you were hitting auto-run. I can't remember what key it is, but it's stupid. I've seen it in a couple of other games, and I don't like it at all.

In Dying Light 1, avoiding enemies is the way to go most of the time. In Dying Light 2, killing them is the way to go most of the time. They are mostly hand-to-hand games, though. Even when you get a gun, you basically never have ammo for it. However, in 2, you can get bows, which are awesome and turns it into more of a shooter.

Parkour is basically the point of the games, though. If you don't like that, stay away. There were missions I couldn't complete because I couldn't do the parkour. I had to wait for Guido to get to the top and then fast travel to him. That was only in 2, though. Parkour in the first one wasn't bad at all. But if you aren't good at it, stay away from 2 at all costs. After about the midway point, it will become nothing but pain and suffering. Get me 60 stories in the air and swinging on beams and leaping to tiny ledges and suddenly I can't hit any less than 6 keys at a time. I might as well be slapping my keyboard with a dead fish.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I'm not sure about that

I sit corrected! Didn't realize BigFish made the move, ass-u-me-d it was devs :)

I might pick one out of each category and give it a try and see what I think

They all have demos, so you can try a few in each a try if you like. You'll see a Collector's Edition for many games—usually it's fluff or maybe an extra 15% gameplay for double the price. One of the reviewers may tell what's extra in CE, especially 'penmom'.

consider trying Ubisoft's Avatar game

Oh yeah, that's big on the wishlist.


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