November 2023 Random Game Thoughts Thread

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Oh, no. Another Impatient Gamer to go with @Brian Boru
I have a serious problem with video game intros on games I’ve already played before. On every Bethesda game, after my very first character, the first mod I download is Alternative Start to skip the intro. In GTA V and RDR2, I download a prologue skip save file that puts me into the game directly after the intro prologue. Now with @Brian Boru ‘s comment, I have a similar option with Far Cry!
So I’m going through my games catalogue and see a few games I’m thinking about going back to playing. I don’t have a real “backlog”, so I just play games as the urge to play them come up.

First on my list is Days Gone. I got maybe 10-15 hours into it, then Elden Ring came out. That caused me to drop DG and haven’t been back since, but that game felt pretty great. I was playing on Hard, and you can’t change the difficulty at all after you start a new save, and I remember having some difficulty with the game. Maybe if I restart it, I’ll go down to Easy, and play it in a more relaxing and fun way. I really enjoyed the graphics, voice acting and driving your bike. The combat felt pretty good too, but I didn’t get too far into the combat since all the zombies were so hard I usually just ran past them.

My next game I’m thinking of going back to is Homefront: The Revolution. To most people, this is probably the most 6/10 game ever. It is fairly mediocre, but for some reason I really enjoyed it when I played it a few years back. I also have the highest rated review on their DLC “Beyond The Walls” ;)
The game has a decent story, fairly good voice acting, nice graphics with tons of environmental details, but the thing I liked the most is the combat. It is also open world, but I barely remember exploring it and how it looked. I was surprised to see that the developers, Dambuster Studios, were the fourth and final developer to work on Dead Island 2, and were the ones who eventually released it. From what I heard DI2 was generally favorable, so for some reason that would make me feel a bit better about playing a pretty mid game.

Has anyone played these games, and if so what did you like about them?
Didn’t have much time to play last night so I knocked out a few more achievements in Vampire Survivors. Currently at 99 out of 196 achievements, 50%. I tried the new free map from the October update, and less than 10% of players have the most common achievements from that map. I wonder how long it will take for people to play the new map, it’s quite good but I can’t figure out how to beat the giant Okami looking dogs that appear once you hit about level 40.

I did have my best run ever last night however. I was doing the Dairy Plant level, and there were 4 abilities scattered throughout the level. Normally you can only carry 6 weapons and 6 abilities, though you can lower it for a challenge. Anyways, if you fill up all 6 of your slots through leveling up, any upgrades found in the level will be stacked. That means last night I had 10 abilities, which made me nearly invincible because I was so powerful. That also helped me evolve a few weapons that I’ve never unlocked before. I made it to level 132, which is quite insane to me haha. One thing I need to figure out is how to beat the reaper that comes and instakills you, most levels at exactly minute 30:00, others at 20:00. I think there is a way but I have no idea how to do it.
Didn’t have much time to play last night so I knocked out a few more achievements in Vampire Survivors. Currently at 99 out of 196 achievements, 50%. I tried the new free map from the October update, and less than 10% of players have the most common achievements from that map. I wonder how long it will take for people to play the new map, it’s quite good but I can’t figure out how to beat the giant Okami looking dogs that appear once you hit about level 40.

I did have my best run ever last night however. I was doing the Dairy Plant level, and there were 4 abilities scattered throughout the level. Normally you can only carry 6 weapons and 6 abilities, though you can lower it for a challenge. Anyways, if you fill up all 6 of your slots through leveling up, any upgrades found in the level will be stacked. That means last night I had 10 abilities, which made me nearly invincible because I was so powerful. That also helped me evolve a few weapons that I’ve never unlocked before. I made it to level 132, which is quite insane to me haha. One thing I need to figure out is how to beat the reaper that comes and instakills you, most levels at exactly minute 30:00, others at 20:00. I think there is a way but I have no idea how to do it.

I know you can freeze the reaper with the freeze lance ability, but as far as I know it's impossible to predict where it arrives, so you need to be lucky to hit it before you're dead and then you need to somehow keep it frozen. I have no idea if you can actually kill it though.
I know you can freeze the reaper with the freeze lance ability, but as far as I know it's impossible to predict where it arrives, so you need to be lucky to hit it before you're dead and then you need to somehow keep it frozen. I have no idea if you can actually kill it though.
From what I’be just looked up, it is possible but it’s almost as if you have to slightly exploit the game. The guide I read said you need very specific set of items and upgrades, have to stand in a pixel-perfect specific position, and basically just said and wait for 30 minutes until it arrives. There has got to be an easier way. I might try to follow that guide later.
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