February 2025 General Game Discussion Thread

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You gotta have a controller, that's the advantage of PC gaming. We have our choice of control method!
I've got 4 controllers, and the proper attitude is to be flexible.

I use my controllers for driving and flying. In most other games you turn too slowly and can't aim for crap. Fighters like Mortal Kombat are also best on controller and the odd other game here and there, like I play sports games with them, like Super Mega Baseball and various football games. But for most types of combat, keyboard and mouse are far superior, as they also are in strategy games, turn-based games, etc.
Helldivers 2 got a new warbond. I think the set looks dope:

I literally just played Helldivers 2 for the first time in awhile and finally made level 12 and earned enough super credits in game to buy a premium Warbond.


Community Contributor
Never touched a console since the SNES and I didn't like Vermintide 2. You can't play it solo like the original game. (I will use KB&M for multiplayer shooters, but a toddler could take me 1v1 anyway).
I was just joking. But you can play Vermintide 2 solo. I finished it solo on every difficulty. It's the only game I'm good at haha


Community Contributor
I know you were joking. Hmm, I didn't know how to play solo then, as every time I played I always ended up in a foursome.
I don't remember now. Fatshark doesn't like solo players, so I remember the "private" toggle was kind of hidden. They've dropped all pretenses now. Single player is not in Darktide at all. If it were, I'd probably play it every day.

If you try to select "private" in Darktide you get a message that says you have to be in a group to select private, so they have a weird definition of "private"
Finished up with The Last Spell for now, theres a DLC I havent got and another coming out fairly soon so might go back then, really enjoyed it.

Tried out a bit of Hitman World of Assassination today for something completely different. Did the prologue training missions and the first mission. I'm not sure as of yet, the levels are clockwork and there are basically waypoints to completethe levels in a way thats a bit immersion breaking because you just follow the prompts and just get the timings right. I understand the idea is you go back and repeat the levels again and again and find new ways to do stuff, its just that style of game isn't really my thing normally. Going to keep going a bit and see if I can find the fun there.

Then I played a bit of Songs Of Conquest, as I understand it its a love letter/spiritual sequel to Heroes of Might and Magic, which I never played. This is more in my groove at the moment, picked it up and straight away got into the turn based battles. Not sure how varied the combat is going to get just yet, theres a lot of buff spells to use but the units so far just have basic attacks and the hex based combat maps seem to be more based around simple positioning. I'm liking the pixel art style, and looking forward to getting more into it.
You KB&M purists are too cute ;)

I play most game with a controller seeing most games are designed for a controller (non-FPS games anyway, though I still use a controller for them).

I gave up on Valhalla a while back. It's a beautiful game (though nothing as good looking as Origins or Odyssey), great combat, but it's just so....big. I have like 125 hours into it and I still have one full area to do for an alliance. Too much.

Atm its reflex action where i constantly press space to dodge when i set it to a different button. I might have to make a few more adjustments till i get the right one that works. Hopefully i'll grow out of the habit and eventually its business as usual.
I'd say I'm still in a bit of a rut when it comes to gaming, but I did find a new "mindless" game that is easy for me to throw on, play for a bit, and be satisfied. I reinstalled Forza Horizon 5 for about the 4th time and decide to give it a real try and have been enjoying it all weekend. I call this a "mindless" game to me because it's not a game that I am particularly invested in, it's more just something that is easy to turn on and off in short bursts. It does not mean the game is bad at all to me, but it's no Cyberpunk or Red Dead 2 where I am much more engaged in the gameplay and story and can't keep it off my brain. Mindless games are the kind of game you throw on after a long day and just want to numb out and relax with.

I've tried it many times before, but for some reason, never got past the intro mission that's only about 10 minutes long. I do remember tweaking the graphics settings a ton and running benchmarks which you cannot skip, you have to run the full 3-minute benchmark every single time. I did tweak the settings a lot again to get silky smooth 60fps constantly, and after that I decided to really stick with the game. I quite enjoyed Horizon 4 back when it was new, so I figured this is just a bigger and better version. That's pretty much exactly what it is.

The Horizon games are great for people who don't play much racing games, and also good for those who like a realistic racing game but does not have a race wheel controller. The settings are incredibly detailed, allowing you to fine tune the difficulty in dozens of different ways. Surely you could use a wheel, but I would assume you'd want a racing game with a stronger simulation approach, Horizon can be a bit arcadey. The handling and controls still feel great, but games like AC surely offer more realism in the simulation department.

I was surprised to see player houses return. I thought it was very pointless in Horizon 4. All you can do there is customize your characters' appearance, look at your car collection (you are able to switch cars at any time you'd like in the open world), and look at a marketplace (also available through menus). They do serve some purpose, like fast travel and your starting point when you load into the game, but that's just about it. Just something for you to grind towards.

It's a fun and casual racing game. I have the difficulty settings pretty easy so I'm not worried about banging up my cars and having to pay for the damages. I may just need to increase the AI difficulty a bit higher, I smoke them all in each race I play.