Diablo 4

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complaint: the warning that you have finished whisper total should show on main screen, not map. I was wondering why I wasn't getting any rewards for killing everything.

So far just doing whispers to get better gear before I try any nightmare sigil runs.
busy day
  1. beat cathedral
  2. do 1st helltide and beat all the bosses in a group
  3. do 1st legion event and beat it too.
Ended up doing 3 legion events. We waited for a world boss that never came.

Got a new sword finally.

though it doesn't look amazing. It helps

Guess i should do a nightmare dungeon but I need more gear first. Maybe tomorrow.
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That sword didn't last long

the imbue is always same as I am adding it to rare swords.
I need to do another helltide to get the mats to upgrade sword to tier 5...
Over 3k dps now. That is base damage, I do more than that but not in the 100k range like I see others do. I don't know what total damage I do is as I hit everything around me for same amounts. I often see 10k overpowers.
Game randomly zooms out for this statue

And I don't like how my foot goes through the material

Game is too dark, It was raining and night time when I took shot though.

Glad I got into T3,. I was getting bored doing same things... so what has changed... um., I can get better gear now... maybe even a unique... they do exist in T3 at least. Still doing whispers but tbf I don't want legendaries really. Prefer to make my own.

Shame most of the necro uniques are for pet builds. Only one comes close to being useful and even its not great. Guess if I find one, I might have to think about it. Can get them in helltide chests
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removing gems from sockets - in TL2 there were 2 choices, keep the gem or keep the item. D4 lets you keep both which is nice - I spent a while recovering gems from old gear. Sure beats having to delete one to make another choice. I wanted to remove a gem from a unique, I clearly didn't want to lose the unique but the ingame option doesn't say what outcome will be - so I looked on Google.

Now my supply of the one color I use in weapons is much stronger. I was using reds in armour as well but damage reduction while crowd controlled is much more useful... sick of being frozen. Have to remember I do have 1 move that breaks it, and my boots help.

Got to point I stopped collecting some gems as I never use them. Diamonds are all resists... resists don't work... pointless rocks.
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I was hesitant to do a nightmare dungeon alone so one do the guys who did the helltides last night came along.
We did a tier 1 one, it wasn't hard... he suggested a Tier 15 one... I thought, okay.

I died on final boss but he survived... lucky, I was out of healing potions and hadn't noticed.

Anyway. I got this

It doesn't really match my build but I wear it for a while. I can't really make blood orbs easily with this build - I changed one modification on an attack so it will create them when I use it... I only use that on bosses. Can mostly play game using 3 attacks... Reap, Blood Surge & Corpse Explosion. People might think I like blowing things up but its really about getting my essence back, as bad things tend to happen if I am low on it. I can't fight back, for instance.
Other 3 moves are for dungeons, or escaping being frozen if I ever think to use it.

I then noticed she did all that with only one ring on as I had swapped the one unique ring I have onto my other lvl 60 necro so it could beat final boss in T2 as well. Both in T3. Main reason I got her in is she had way better reputation and I managed to unlock the T4 unlocks early? those extra Paragon points helped.
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i think the paragon points helped so much its made game feel like its Tier 2 again. She back to one shotting bosses again. Whisper boss groups where it summons 3 at once. I can mostly kill 2 before they react.

I guess her base DPS is 4k now, easy see 10k overpowers on the entire group I am fighting. I was surrounded earlier to point I couldn't see myself but I still won. Perhaps I under estimate her ability... she is ready for T15 sygils... I am only with company lol.
Last night her dps was close to her health total, now its almost at her armour.

Might need to swap armor if it ends up killing her, but so far so good.

This book is tied to a Act 4 quest, there is no way it should be in the city or in my inventory. I saw two copies of it in same place tonight... something went wrong as it shouldn't leave the dungeon. It dropped out of my inventory when I portalled out.

Got to point I stopped collecting some gems as I never use them. Diamonds are all resists... resists don't work... pointless rocks.

I only save skulls now. I will collect others if I need but most are stacks of 30+ Perfect gems. There is one more level of gems above what I have now, so those 30 will be reduced to 10 when I get to 70. Royals need 3 Perfects... normal conversion rate... 3 for 1. Its possible they add one above

Starting to do a fire sale on old gear. Anything lvl 30ish is either on an alt or sold now. I think keeping some low lvl stuff helpful if I ever restart.

Currently collecting lilth statues again as current character just didn't bother until now. These would have been easier at lower difficulties. Maybe. Need to do all the strongholds as well. Fun times... Or just play the character that has opened some of them already but he 4 lvls behind.
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Resurrected a Necro tonight who bit off a boss too big to chew for its pets. Thats problem with pet necros, if the pets can't kill the thing you have invested all your points into them, and can't fight without them. I have sacrificed ability to use pets for bonuses instead. Makes me a little tougher... rarely see necro without pets though.

T3 seems to be full of rogues and Bears. I think guy I been playing with is on a Barb. Rogues can kill things faster than I can but they are squishier.
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Tries to remember act 3... desert? Its hard to do if you only have to play the quest chain once... I wish I had watched all the cut scenes but rest of party was in a rush. Campaign was replaced on my new character with Tree of Whispers, it still gives a reasonable amount of experience at lvl 65 but once again I don't really care about the rewards as they rarely match my build.

side quests aren't that bad, just limited in number and mostly kill quests. Or deliver something. So far for me hardest bosses are in act 4 and 6. Though 6 was in a party, expect it would have taken longer alone. It would have taken me longer to convince self to try... that is half the battle I have, not knowing what lies ahead. I like spoilers if they can help me survive. Its main reason it took me until lvl 60 to a lvl 50 dungeon... not even thinking about the lvl 70 dungeon... its so close... I not in a rush to get to T4 really. I don't care about fighting uber lilith... the rewards aren't worth it.

Glad I finished one Nightmare dungeon, it gave me access to crafting sigils as well as destroying them. I had 17 of them in my consumables tab, had to start randomly using elixirs to make space. Like every other game that gives me free potions, I rarely use them... save for a later time that never comes. So I deleted all of the lvl 1 sigils it had given me... I should do them but I find the dungeons boring... which isn't good as its mostly what game turns into. Create nightmare dungeon, portal direct to it... only see outside world to sell stuff. I like the open world for most part... too many scorpions and the undead in one zone though... desert is covered in them.

I still think they messed up naming scheme for items.
Legendary isn't if your entire inventory is full of them and you end up selling them as soon as you get them... its not an OMG its amazing moment... they used to be game changing, now its... I wouldn't pick them up except the game auto does it...
A lot of the high end uniques were legendaries in previous games. And they are super rare. Only show after lvl 85 in T4.

Legendary should be called something else, and unique should be legendary.
Legendary should just be aspects, they shouldn't be tied to an item but could still be one use only... Make them easier to sort through as sometimes stats are nice on items but ruined by aspect.
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Every time I come to this place and set a location to the left, the game always suggests a route going backwards when there is clearly a path heading right there.


I decided to swap back to normal chest just to find my armour dropped by 200. Its that 7% armour that makes difference between world being full of bears and tuskers, and scorpions... all out to eat me. So though I can't use any of its other stats, until I find better chest it will have to do.

I have run into a problem I had before, I need more mats to actually keep up with upgrades. Maybe I do a few low lvl nightmare dungeons... I am not really doing them still. Game is dropping hints like giving me more sigils...

Helltides are fun but I seem to get chased by bosses... not mini bosses but the lvl 76 variety. I am only lvl 66.

HIt lvl 65, suddenly every single ranged character in game suddenly does more damage to me. Corpse bows were ignorable in first two tiers, not anymore. Archers aren't so bad but flying bugs shooting at me is too much.

Still haven't even seen a world boss appear on map. Just legion events.
Gets blind invite to a group, is in helltide so assumes its there, I had just been playing with some people... I can't see anyone. Wonder where they are. Then get told off for not portalling to them... so i go to a town and follow... its 2 Druids doing an instance and I died 3 times before I left group. Come on... if you going to invite, tell the person what you doing and give them a choice. It was a Nightmare dungeon, I can tell. But you need a tank or something, all I am is dps.

Still wonder if threat is a thing in this game, should DPS not start hitting things right away and let barb build up threat?

Communication is dumb in this game, should be easier to use. shouldn't need to click E to open fast menu and access chat from there. Everytime you want to say something. And half time if you in a party it defaults to local and no one in the party can see the words.

Also getting tired of bears. Not the class, the monster. Every zone I do now is full of them. How am I supposed to do whispers if they chase me... Seems I need a new sword I wasn't hurting one bear at all. Between bears and game giving me nightmare sigils. starting to think ignoring dungeons isn't right approach :)

So you can get all the reknown bonuses without unlocking Tier 4 even though it shows as locked still. At least, that happened to me. Not sure if it will repeat if I max out another before T4.
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I think bears and archers are games subtle approach to saying... use a shield. I mean, I took the necro that finished the campaign into T3 now, and all its getting for drops is shields... not subtle game. He went in using a 2 handed crystal sword and he is still using one, though it is a different one. He is what I consider in need of more armor - not a glass cannon yet but he needs more new stuff. Before T3 most of the armour I found was lvl 40 or so... makes sense as you not supposed to stay in T2 until 60 (My next one won't). But that doesn't help if you lvl 61 and wearing crap armor still. The other necro adjusted, this guys sword is fine but armour should be much higher than DPS... its not


Note: over 100 of that intel is on his sword so he not completely made of glass. I have no control of where the attribute points go outside of gear choices.

Guess I take him into a nightmare dungeon tomorrow and see if I can find anything better than lvl 45 hands. He lacks the unique ring that other one has but he does more damage... well, for his level anyway. Sword not even fully upgraded yet. I don't think it was the guy who I did other things with. MIght be his lvl or something, see magic using class and think we all use pets... um... I wonder how many don't. I rarely see any alone. Often follow their ghost pets as they show as ghosts to other players. Guess it makes it easier for people with low end PC, as they don't see 13+ pets on screen... never see golums for instance.

Wish almost all the necro gear didn't have stats for pets or Bone spear. Perhaps its just me not wanting them. MIght be over stating odds... rarely see anything useful.

Someone needs to do a nightmare dungeon.. so far I just done them in a group. Much easier provided we don't all die. Died 3 times tonight and just left group. I wasn't asked... why did I even go? It cost me 51k to repair... not a lot really, can sell 2 legendaries and get that back.

Biggest problem I have is mats, so need to do dungeons just to get crap to salvage. Need to stop upgrading for a day or so... never lasts more than an hour.
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My review after 370 hours of play: what is the point of getting to lvl 100? What is the end goal? Beat uber lilith? Why? Who cares? Get best gear? What even is that in this game when legendary items are just rares with aspects attached - and rarely are they any good until you move aspect to another item. And the usefulness of a unique depends on your build.

Is end game what happens after the campaign? What happens if you don't play campaign, is entire game end game or doesn't it ever start?

if the entire point of game is to just do dungeons (yawn) then why give us such an interesting open world - and to be honest Sacred 2's world map was way more interesting... I like everything in the game apart from dungeons. Which is a pity as there are about 117 of them... all pretty much look the same though... that is problem really. endless dark corridor. There are a one or two outdoors but this is why I didn't like Dungeon Keeper, it turns into a corridor shooter... sort of. No going outside the box.

Why give us whispers to instill a use for the open world apart from just as something to look at between quests and potential deaths due to running into a pack that manages to knock you off horse. At least you can't set horse to auto ride there like free to pay MMO do

Diablo has never just been about dungeons for me, I liked everything else on top. It seems I am on the outside with that opinion. 20 years of grinding same bosses in D2 by some of the more obvious players of their game has made Blizz think that is all that counts...

I like the open world more... until about lvl 65 when suddenly ranged damage seems to actually work. Grim Dawn makes ranged hurt much faster in the game... literally chapter 2... Diablo 4 waits 65 levels before thinking... why not make bows suddenly one shot you across screen before they appear... thats a good idea. I auto assume they around now if I am fighting skeletons... so most of the maps. 65 levels is too long to wait to instill a fear of ranged into a character... should be way sooner so that some classes don't think running around with a 2 hander is sane.

The game randomly gave me two new saddles yesterday for my mount. Made me notice that horses going down hill don't look right, they appear to have their front feet not touching ground, Its not so noticeable going up a hill. There aren't many areas you ride downhill... Jirandai might be about only one.

You can get back trophies - things that you wear on back - but so far only place you can get them is by watching Twitch streamers or the shop... so I guess i won't ever get one. I only know as there is an entire section for them in the wardrobe.
My edited review after doing nightmare dungeons all day... they not so bad. Can do one in about 20 minutes and apart from a few, no bears in them.

Tier 1 dungeons are easier than the open world at lvl 60. So I am doing tier 3 so far just to get used to them. I have done one Tier 15 in a group, might work up to them. There are 90 tiers but I think you need to be in TOrment difficulty to get the really high ones... I will look tomorrow.

They don't always end with a boss. They can just end if you meet some objective that would normally lead to a boss. It might be the early tiers that do this, although the T15 one didn't... I mean, it wasn't in some special room. It just ended in a fight.

I heard him coming before I saw him... Butcher tried to kill me tonight. I am glad he failed, as he dropped this - was in a tier 3 nightmare dungeon.

it does less damage than one he had BUT the added bonuses might make up for it. Funny that my only darkness skill is corpse explosion, so it freezes them as well now.

Glad it dropped the 2 hander and stopped trying to insist I use a shield. He has been given 4 legendary shields today... I ignored the hint. Before lvl 60 there weren't any zones I avoided.,.. now I look at some whispers and just say pass

Hell tides seem a a waste of time... only good for mats really. Need some to upgrade legendary to tier 5.

later on.... Yes, it really helps... bears are still a problem unless i see them first

Its a good looking weapon

sorry about darkness, its just the way game is.

He needs a good sleep. Chest piece only really there for its armour amount. Once I find better I will swap. Its also eye catching, a lot of necro chests prior to T3 don't even have shoulders... its only lvl 60 gear that even has a cape, and other classes get those earlier...
Scythe might stay a while. It makes almost everything easy... helltide demons, even the ones that appear after the rain of fire aren't as bad as they could be. Helps I can hold 11 heal potions now. Gear in tier 3 adds potion slots as an option - its a stat that can show up.

Tier4 Nightmare dungeons are still too easy. Need to keep going higher to find happy place where my glyphs are being levelled at a reasonable rate, and I am not dying too much. I haven't died in one yet... even to The Butcher. He can visit any time he likes if he gives me a unique each time.
Might take a while to get it to rank 5 as it needs 6 lost souls, can only get those off bosses in helltides... so by end of week then.

I mistakenly thought Shadow & Darkness were the same... I have shadow buffs on my gear but it seems that only helps one necro attack, one I don't use... so need to remove it. Darkness is used. I haven't seen darkness on anything except that weapon. I do use darkness... to hide in... I am shy:)

It seems they are the same?

and two of my attacks use it.

There is actually variety in the environments of the dungeons.... its likely most of the ones I have done before were caves. I have had a few "outdoor" evironments which are essentially corridors. I guess it makes sense, an open world dungeon with no walls would be difficult to solve. Which way do you go? Diablo dungeons in past would decide as you went. SO often you find exit even if not wanting to find it. Exploring is difficult if game trying to help by closing off previous choices. I used to hate it... I think they still do it... maybe.

Nightmare dungeons seem to like to be in Strongholds I haven't done yet. Had to delete a few... guess I could do strongholds... I have 4 open on one character.

I have one region where I am missing 1 quest. I have 2 left to complete there, I know what one is but I have no idea at all about other. I found one in a dungeon tonight, random note I had to return. There is no quest list, nothing to show what you have done. Its just as well you don't have to complete all of them in a region to Max reputation.

Which is good as it means I might still get all of the bonuses even with avoiding the PVP zones. May not get all Lilith statues though.

Can hold 920 Obols now, Max appears to be 1000. Need to complete more of one region even to unlock stage 4 still.

I got a new mount tonight in a nightmare dungeon too.
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I like how Blizz keep changing things one day after I notice them.

Prior to today you could only hold 10k crafting materials. But game auto picks them up. So I had reached cap on Rawhide and had to make some crap just to get below the cap. Now the cap is 100k... might take a little longer to get to but really, should be able to filter out some drops. Why can't we have a loot filter? or just options to not pick them up. It will happen with gold as well.

10k isn't a lot as its the combined total of all my characters, and as most are auto pickups, it was only a matter of time.... so they clearly don't care that there isn't enough bank space. Guess it makes it harder to hoard but come on, I don't want to sell uniques. Guess that will be a 1% problem most won't encounter.
Making a collection now - not even doing hard dungeons yet...

That combined with scythe makes Corpse Explosion, a move I generally use to regain essence, into an attack that launches spirits from every dead body that explode and chill whatever they hit. I am getting scary. Also need to look at what other uniques there are... make a shopping list?

Also makes fighting one group difficult to achieve if its launching explosive ghosts all over the place. She not really safe outside of dungeons now... irony

Got scythe again. At least you can pick them up again... I played games where it wouldn't let you have 2 or more of same unique - it was a worse version but my other necro can use it still.
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This town has two things going for it
1. Its layout means its really easy to get healed, or salvage things or sell things, or just leave - not a lot of walking
2. The music is really cool.

there is a 3rd, its in a handy location but that isn't as the top 2. I might make it my new home.

I mainly cleared it so I could do nightmare dungeons there. Cleared 3 strongholds today, managed to max rep on 2 entire regions and got 8 extra Paragon points for every character. New ones (if I ever make any) start with 12 now. And 10 skill points.

Shame it was a stronghold as it was locked behind having to kill a few bosses to benefit
Just outside its gates I found

Think I need to make a shopping list of unique items I want. So far most have been of use, but they polluting my build and I may send an bad result one day. I will have to swap eventually. Edit: Only really a pair of boots... and thats a stretch, it would remove an aspect I need on boots. There aren't a lot of uniques, likely to see repeats like my scythe above, There is a necro helm but its not for my build, Its for bone spear... im not bone spear. I found it too chaotic,

Need to look into another build as I never thought I have so many of the uniques that work with it... in just 3 days of doing nightmare dungeons.

Its funny, every where I go I seem to see necros now.

The gloves are fun, turn every single dead body into ammo for me. Dangerous in open world but fine in dungeons for most part, due to walls stopping a lot of the shots.

He is modelling the Warlord set, since i have managed to salvage most of it now

Hidden secret quests that aren't even started by a drop or random note are fun
I need to clear another stronghold to get last statue tomorrow - I watched video before, looks fun (sarcasm). I have watched a few of them and some have bears... I might drop back to T2 just to do those lol. Bears weren't as bad in the past. Lots of things weren't so bad in the past. Some of the monsters before the boss at end are harder than the boss. Most actually. Light house boss took some time, she was longest fight today.

Edit... uniques can be a trap. I might swap back to a normal sword when I have to fight more than 3 bosses. Rest of time its okay... Already changed armour back to legendary (that seems wrong to say - unique items should noy be better than legendary ones.) as really all I was getting off it was armour... surely regular armour can catch up. Unless it keeps giving me better versions of the Scythe I might just stop using it soon.... gloves... different story. Handy feature... too much fun. Not sure the chill on Scythe was stacking with the effect on gloves. Scythe might come back if I ever save 6 lost souls that long. Helltides are just boring... even if they can drop unique items.

Uniques got me excited for about a day... they shouldn't be so short use. Guess it depends on build... most necro don't go into combat range like I do. I tank things lol. Bubbles and such keep me safe... provided I am not standing in poison for too long. Its been a while since I died outside a high tier nightmare dungeon. Though having 11 potions sure helps. Non frantic dungeon runs help too.
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Prior to today you could only hold 10k crafting materials. But game auto picks them up. So I had reached cap on Rawhide and had to make some crap just to get below the cap. Now the cap is 100k... might take a little longer to get to but really, should be able to filter out some drops. Why can't we have a loot filter? or just options to not pick them up. It will happen with gold as well.
It appears that herbs all had a max pile size of 512 as a lot of mine are showing with same amount, and I know I didn't specifically stop collecting them all at 512 - its a very binary number... looks like register it was given wasn't very big. Did they massively underestimate how much collecting people would do?

I automatically click on the things now, its not like I need the mats for anything really. Its like gems, pick them up as I go, once they alter how gems are collected - not as an inventory item and more as a running total, I will have to remember to start collecting them again. I just sell the little ones now.

The being full was a problem as you can't really fix it. The only answer was refine materials into other ones, but if they all maxed, it won't work. Changing one to another isn't the answer, and you can only refine 20 at a time... that was a waste of time. I was going to try on Wednesday night

Gems, why is it only the last 2 levels let you pick the quantity you want to do? Why isn't there an auto combine button for all gems instead of having to select each type manually?
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So far I have had
4 Blood Artisan Cuirass
2 Bloodless Screams
1 Deathless Visage
1 Howl from Below
1 Deathspeakers Pendants

No, uniques aren't rare, just repetitive. They all have different values... so upgrading any is a waste of time really

I should make one of my 2 level 60 necro into a bone spear pet build, I have all the parts.

I have had chest piece drop 3 times today... once i get too many I will sell some I guess.
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The Butcher came back for his Scythe, the battle was longer this time and I was on last heal potion (of 11) but all he gave me was two legendaries (in Diablo 3 this would have been amazing... now... not so much. Although I have seen less today... mostly lvl 40 ones... that I insta sell). At least my bank balance going in right direction now. And getting plenty of mats for upgrades... all rares get sold from nightmare dungeons.

I am almost even with the butcher now, he got me three times early on but after 60 this guy can survive the onslaught. Necro tank?

I may not use Bone Spear but game sure wants me too

Wearing it as the skills do help a little, I believe I have some bone skills? I am not sure about corpse explosion - I can't tell for sure. If it doesn't get anything from the bone skills part, the armor and Physical Damage help.

I can't figure out if unique bonuses stack. Or interact... The part after the star I mean.

Got to lvl 68. game now suggesting Tier 4 fight... I seen videos, I am not in a rush... that and its bad enough getting around world now, everything seems to want to kill me.
Jul 8, 2023
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I’m confused. I get that we have to roll a new character and am fine with it. What I don’t understand is without the campaign how are we going to level 1-50 again? Am I just gonna be running around doing “malignant” versions of events/side quests/dungeons/helltides etc. like I have been since getting to tier 3 & 4? If that’s the case I feel like I might rather just do the campaign over again…which is not ideal. Neither option sounds appealing
I used whispers to mainly fill the gap of the Campaign, it wasn't so bad... that with a lot of side quests, and dungeons to get the aspects you need. If you already have them, then it might get a little dull... but it was my last guys life until he got to tier 3. It was a relief not having to fight some of those bosses again.
You also get a mount right away, as its unlocked on the account. And if you done reputation already, new characters can start with about 10 skill points to spend right away and up to 20 Paragon points at 50 which make a big difference. Alas, I only have 3 areas maxed now.
coiincidence is when you do a nightmare dungeon and it happens to be a 5 point whisper as well. I finished a dungeon and it sends me to tree... I was confused. I assusme I have 4 points now as I was on 9,

Reminds me, I wish you could bank tree points. It shouldn't ignore your actions until you visit tree... you might be busy,
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