Sad, sad moment.
Over the years all my friends that I used to play games with have moved on to other hobbies or bigger priorities. After a recent purge my friends lists are practically empty on all platforms.
Anyone interested in playing games once or twice a week? I am a casual but competitive adult gamer. Patient, well mannered, and wont throw a fit if someone has 1 bad game or 10 in a row
I don't care if you die a lot, I don't care if you are a noob or a veteran. All I really care about is that you are not an immature douche trying to play internet tough guy. its good teammates that make multiplayer the most fun.... I am not a win at all costs player, I am a fun at all costs player. I am a casual cusser, I cuss for no reason in everyday conversations - cuss words are a large part of my vocabulary, so there will be cussing... lots of it probably
. My preference is objective based\campaign co-op and PVE games... but I dabble in competitive FPS's as well - I like "control the point" type of games where the team has to work as a unit. I'm not the type to farm for loot or cosmetics - I try to avoid it, but if you play games you will inevitably find yourself grinding at some point.
I am usually on for an hour or two every weeknight and on for several hours a day during the weekends, especially in the late evenings into the early hours of the morning. Weekends are reserved for bigger games that would require a longer sit-down, and weeknights are typically quick in and out type of games since I wont be able to tear myself away from a good mission come bedtime lol.
Below are some titles, but I have around 300 total in my library
Helldivers 2 (freshly installed last night, haven't even booted it up yet)
Monster Hunter World (freshly installed last night, haven't even booted it up yet)
The Finals* (daily driver for competitive FPS at the moment)
COD (Warzone\DMZ)
Apex Legends
Destiny 2 (no expansions past Witch Queen)
Overwatch 2
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Borderlands 3 (unplayed)
Gears of War 4 and 5 (unplayed)
Outriders (mostly unplayed)
Guardians of the Galaxy (unplayed)
Diablo 3
Diablo: Immortal
Some games are not meant to be played alone, so hit me up if you want to come along on a mission sometime... IM BORED!
I usually try to schedule my game sessions a day or two ahead of time so that I can take care of the things that need to get done so I can game guilt free.... grown up stuff first
Over the years all my friends that I used to play games with have moved on to other hobbies or bigger priorities. After a recent purge my friends lists are practically empty on all platforms.
Anyone interested in playing games once or twice a week? I am a casual but competitive adult gamer. Patient, well mannered, and wont throw a fit if someone has 1 bad game or 10 in a row
I don't care if you die a lot, I don't care if you are a noob or a veteran. All I really care about is that you are not an immature douche trying to play internet tough guy. its good teammates that make multiplayer the most fun.... I am not a win at all costs player, I am a fun at all costs player. I am a casual cusser, I cuss for no reason in everyday conversations - cuss words are a large part of my vocabulary, so there will be cussing... lots of it probably
I am usually on for an hour or two every weeknight and on for several hours a day during the weekends, especially in the late evenings into the early hours of the morning. Weekends are reserved for bigger games that would require a longer sit-down, and weeknights are typically quick in and out type of games since I wont be able to tear myself away from a good mission come bedtime lol.
Below are some titles, but I have around 300 total in my library
Helldivers 2 (freshly installed last night, haven't even booted it up yet)
Monster Hunter World (freshly installed last night, haven't even booted it up yet)
The Finals* (daily driver for competitive FPS at the moment)
COD (Warzone\DMZ)
Apex Legends
Destiny 2 (no expansions past Witch Queen)
Overwatch 2
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Borderlands 3 (unplayed)
Gears of War 4 and 5 (unplayed)
Outriders (mostly unplayed)
Guardians of the Galaxy (unplayed)
Diablo 3
Diablo: Immortal
Some games are not meant to be played alone, so hit me up if you want to come along on a mission sometime... IM BORED!
I usually try to schedule my game sessions a day or two ahead of time so that I can take care of the things that need to get done so I can game guilt free.... grown up stuff first