Diablo 4

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I'm now level 25 or so and unlocked my ultimate skill, which is fun. Also I finally swapped out the legendary dagger I found with a rare with significantly higher DPS. It was starting to feel like I was lagging behind in damage output.

I'm still enjoying the game, but it's not a great game to play in between working. Not being able to pause is the biggest issue, but it's also that some of the dungeons take me around 45 minutes, if not longer, and from what I understand you'll have to start from the beginning again if you log out in the middle.
My playtime has gone down considerably with the game now, the new patch made doing Sigils and Helltides feal a bit more worth it but the fundametal problem of boring loot is still there. The game could be realy good and i hope Blizzard manage to fix and change most issues but untill then i will probably only play here and there from now on.

On a positive note, Battlebit Remastered is realy fun!
Won't it behave if you hit Esc and Alt-Tab out of it? I could never guarantee 45 uninterrupted minutes, seems very bad design if they expect that.

It's always online, so there is no pausing at all. In fact, even if you clear an area it isn't safe to walk away as enemies respawn right on top of you after a while. I think that might not happen while in an instanced dungeon, but I'm not sure if you don't get kicked from the server for inactivity after a while, as that did happen when I left my character standing in a city. The main reason I'm playing it is because my wife bought the game and asked me to try it out.


On a Journey
Only way to avoid respawns is to go to town. They shouldn't respawn in an instance/dungeon but out in open world, its going to happen. It can be a pain in some places where the whisper receptacles are as there is always a pack there.

Not sure how long you can be afk for.

Taking screenshots freeze your screen but action is still occurring in background. SO its why you won't see many action shots from me.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
It's always online, so there is no pausing at all
Oh, guess I misunderstood that Colif playing mostly solo meant ability to pause and save.

I've often bee itched about Far Cry 3's horrible UI. One of the things was you had to fast travel to a safe house before quitting, or there was no surety about keeping your loot etc from last trip in wild. So town is D4's safe house I guess.
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Oh, guess I misunderstood that Colif playing mostly solo meant ability to pause and save.

I've often bee itched about Far Cry 3's horrible UI. One of the things was you had to fast travel to a safe house before quitting, or there was no surety about keeping your loot etc from last trip in wild. So town is D4's safe house I guess.

Does it help to know that Diablo 4 has a "return to town" button?
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On a Journey
Grim Dawn did the same thing, no pause. Think its tied into them being multi player games with a single player option. Stops cheats.

return to town button? You mean portals and then where you go depends on the latest big town you found. Helps to find as many portals as possible
return to town button? You mean portals and then where you go depends on the latest big town you found. Helps to find as many portals as possible

That's exactly what I mean. Just a single button press and a few seconds waiting and you're back at your safe place. It's better than if you had to open the map to pick a town to portal to every time.

Even better is that you can also return from whence you portalled, which I assume isn't a thing in Far Cry 3 either. Though the return portal disappears if you log out or leave the town. Probably so they don't have to keep a dungeon instance saved while you're off doing something else.
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On a Journey
That's exactly what I mean. Just a single button press and a few seconds waiting and you're back at your safe place.
just make sure area is empty as monsters will try to stop the cast, then there is a 30 second cooldown.

Though the return portal disappears if you log out or leave the town.
The giant red message on screen telling you portal will disappear if you leave town is a clear message. Its also annoying as I know, I read message enough already. No option to turn off, it should just show the first few times, not every time.

Logout wipes all active portals. Wouldn't make sense to keep instances open for people who aren't playing currently as no guarantee they ever return to them.


On a Journey
whispers in areas seemingly remember your progress over logons as I just did one and i wasn't getting the motes off the enemies even though they were showing as red, so I clicked receptacle and it spawned the 3 bosses you get at end... so I must have finished it another time and not gone back to complete it. I didn't think it would remember, as I didn't :)


On a Journey
this isn't an action shot, the floating ghost thing is dead... its a graphical glitch that it appears to be alive

I wouldn't take screenshot otherwise
Crystal swords look cool

Need to find another copy of chest peice so I can use it as a transmog and not have a purple chest piece.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
you can also return from whence you portalled, which I assume isn't a thing in Far Cry 3 either
That is true, and would be a great feature for me in any game if it survived reboots. I'm not a fan of losing progress when the IRL day ends prematurely.

its a graphical glitch that it appears to be alive
You sure it's not a bug? :p
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On a Journey
It breaks their models. There are things called spider hosts which are people with spiders controlling them by sitting on their heads. These things used to remain standing after death.

I just beat the hardest boss in the game for any cloth wearer. I finally beat the Butcher. I didn't give up, I saw I was damaging him. Lucky I been investing my paragon points into defence. I diidn't have much essence all fight but I just kept beating on him. He didn't really drop anything amazing. Having 9 heal potions sure helps, and a bubble.


On a Journey
Has a planet of the apes moment

this guard was just spinning in place

This is the most zoomed out I seen game yet - I was expecting a boss fight, I know there was one there in campaign but this character not playing it

The ability to change the makeup on your character is completely pointless as you can't see it in game. WIthout a closeup I can't even tell she has no sleeves

You can't even tell my character has green hair... the game is too dark really to tell most times.

By lvl 10 most people have a helm on anyway. Her current helm doesn't really work with her armour look

It seems the person I was waiting to do capstone with is in tier 4 already... gee, thanks for waiting lol. I am not sure they are, they never replied to my questions. They are lvl 71 now. If I hadn't restarted I probably be close myself but I am only still in tier 2. Guess I should try to do it alone... last boss looks like a pain.


On a Journey
One problem I have with current build is they don't show the paragon points clearly enough. The pictures have things obscuring the path they take.

As such I am copying this one from someone who is lvl 100. My build not exactly the same, but as far as I can see there isn't anything specific to what he chose that would stop me. https://d4builds.gg/builds/6c377f7d-a32c-4bc1-803a-da3d8b015259/

Swapping my points to that has made a massive change. Bears no longer see me as easy food. Could have been equipping the unique ring my other necro had. Might be a combo of both. I don't have to change my gear choices much to match his. Although I have no idea about what stats are on each item. Just the aspect.


On a Journey
i swapped my skills to it as well, So far so good. My defence is so good I only die if they can freeze me... which happened earlier. I was also fighting monsters 2 levels above me... need better cold resist. Most bosses don't hurt if they can't freeze me. Not often I have to use any potions, yet alone run out... i did when I died. I wasn't expecting it as my other necro took that place in her stride.


Game has habit of putting these guys underground. Makes them easy to ignore, impossible to fight. I guess its a programming bug

Almost 60, I will either bug someone on my friends list for help or try the capstone again myself. I had planned on being in tier 3 by now.
I spent most of day in dungeons. Getting handy aspects and generally trying not to be bored. Found there are more than 4 bosses, met about 6 or so now. One is a necromancer, he doesn't last long. I haven't met the rogue like boss yet. I expect each class has an opposite boss type. I have met the caster, she isn't fun.


On a Journey
I know you only really need armour, was still suprised to be perma frozen entire fight. Shame no gear has "cannot be frozen" on it like D3 had.

Shame there aren't even any sets in this game. Legendary aren't, the items mean nothing... its just the aspect they have that matters. Unique are more legendary as they so rare. Names for item classes are wrong.

They are not adding gem tab until then either. Not fixing game much at all in Season 1... wait out all the people who wouldn't be playing in 6 months anyway. Don't need to fix stuff if the people who wanted it aren't there any more.

starting to think I need to give this game 6 months or so like Diablo 3 before I can get anywhere.

No LFG method. If you don't know anyone and want to do something with others... tough luck.
No extra space... I sorted bags into item types yesterday and starting selling the less perfect legendaries. That or salvaging them as I was down to a handful of one upgrade mat a few days ago so my bank balance stopped growing while I salvaged everything. Slightly better now.

The end game is the only game. Only need to ever play campaign once, rest of characters don't need to care. But it means grinding dungeons starts way sooner... Diablo wasn't only about dungeon crawls. The open world existed there too and people had to play through it - The open world in Diablo 4 is just a long loading screen for some people.

D1 to D3 - repeat story as much as you like.
D4 - Play it once unless you choose to play a character through it again. But only one time and on one difficulty... its really just a very long side quest. You rarely are the hero in any of the quests.
Often the quest is about another character instead. Aneta, the witch who had to grow up and get away from mum. Taissa and her being hunted by memories of Anderial. Nayrelle and the entire main campaign. D4 is a game about solving problems for women... Lilith being star highlights that.


On a Journey
okay, I was led to believe the cathedral of light fights were really hard..

first one where you fighting 4 at once, healer died so fast it wasn't silly, rest weren't even bosses. Just mobs, dead quick.

the curator.... i had him at a quarter right away. I spent most of fight with no essence. Only used one potion... stronghold bosses are harder

I was expecting a unique as reward. more crap legendaries.

Dungeon took about 30 minutes to clear. Most of it killing trash.
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