Diablo 4

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On a Journey
servers not working right now... I know, its a single player game, I just play alone... oh wait...

damn servers telling me my copy of game isn't licensed. Its a server error. It was working yesterday.

I reset my password so at least I know what it is now.

Battlenet launcher was showing it had logon issues in D4 before I reset password, now it can't even show that much. Get error 504 which is normal for server related problems... its not me, its them.

I don't need a website to tell me how long I have played, Radeon software knows. 237 hours
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On a Journey
Stupid... me... I got on and after playing for a while I thought I would swap characters. That logs you off for some reason and now its back to saying my license is wrong... funny, I was playing 5 minutes ago.

Funny its always broken/down when USA people are asleep.

random, doing a whisper in a region and I suddenly had someone following me. Looking through the 8 quests I have in log, she isn't mentioned. At least the escortees in this game don't attack things for most part and don't leave zone associated with the quest. No 13 or so people following you like in sacred 2.
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I must say that after the initial hype has gone Diablo 4 is kinda... okeyish. It has so many small nagging issues that all add upp to make a game that feels lacking.

Monsters feel way to samey as if they all use the same AI with slightly differnt abillities that hardly make a difference anyway.

Dungeons become realy repetative since in reality the game has just a coupople, like 10-12, dungeons with just slight varriation, it feels even more repetative than TESIV dungeons.

Loot and itemisation is badly designed, as i touched on before, at 70+ the progression compleetly stall and 99% of the items are trash and the onse you do use as replacements are usually just slightly better versions than the previous one making it a game of just trying to min-max. Not once since i hit maybe lvl 40 have i found an item that felt, WOW COOL! something that happens allot in previous games (yes even in D3).

Everything, at least for me, is just tank and spank now, the only thing i have to look out for is if there are 3-4 elites at the same time puting poison blobs on the flore, press space or any of my rogue dash abillities and that problem is solved for a few seconds.

Combat is verry mousebutton spammy. I can't remember ever spaming the mousebuttons back and forth so much in a diablo game before, mostly because energy runs out realy fast so you have to replenish with the primarr attack etc and when everythign just go wosh wosh you end up just spamming back and forth.

World bosses are a complete joke, now i am not lvl 100 so i havn't fought the final boss but so far they are just, make sure you are behind them and do the occational dodge and you will be fine, for close combat atleast, i hear ranged is even easyer.

D4 has huge potential but unless Blizzard starts ironing out most of the complaints from players in the next 6 months or so i see this game going the same route as D3, a game that was realy realy bad initially but got okey after the first expansion but never regained uch of its player base.

And as a final note, the fact that they are compleetly ignoring the broken state of resists for the next 2 months kinda shows on a realy bad attitude towards the game. Broken resists has been known since long before the game released and they still havn't fixed a fundamental part of the game is realy bad.

If i was to give the game a grade right now i would give it maybe 70-75 out of 100. It has the potential to hit a 85-90 but Blizz has to act on making some changes soon to make that happen, players shouldn't have to wait for the expansion to get some fundamental stuff happen.


On a Journey
They also need to fix the space issue. Good to see its not just me... I just noticed it earlier but it is still same thing

They gave us so many items and nowhere to put them. Every character should have its own space or it just doesn't work. Where do they put their stuff? Curious if there is a max amount of space in the aspect area on characters.

I might have to start selling legendaries but I will also salvage them for parts or just take the aspect off the good ones.

I feel I should give it a few months. Let them fix the things that don't work. Or are lacking

t needs more things to do. It feels they built it for people who only want to do dungeons, but as you say, there isn't enough variety. They all look the same after a while. Occasional one that looks like a vault. The dungeons in D3 looked better... while the story was never important to me, the quests gave the game some purpose. Sacred 2 style, lock the rest of game behind a wall you have to surpass.

I didn't know you only got to play story once. I wouldn't have rushed through it as fast. Really there should be a new story for every difficulty if they going to change how the games have worked until now.

I don't understand the glyph system, how do you level them? I can't do it yet until i finish tier 2. I see people on videos say you should be in tier 4 by 60... I am going slow. If I hadn't done campaign with 2 other people I probably still be in chapter 6 now. Game only been out 3 weeks, we didn't all play the beta. We don't all live for seasons.

I got on once today, ever since its told me my license is wrong... no, fix the logon servers. I wish I hadn't thought to swap characters...

update. seems someone is running a DDOS on Diablo servers. which explains why I can't log on.
Glyphs are unlocked in t3 and are leveled through sigil dungeons, which atm are ... just like allot of other stuff... not working as intended as they give allot less XP than running normal dungeons making it an, either level or get glyphs situation:/

You can run the campaign as many times as you like, once you finnish it you get the option to disable it when creating a new toon but if you don't disable it you get to play it again.
The inventory part, though annoying, hasn't affected me yet, I have only played one character so far and since i trash everything i don't need for my build, it's not an issue. I do however see a problem when you start having more characters and or more builds.
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On a Journey
I am a collector. This game kills that ability, its makes it hard just to play one character. Yet alone try other combinations. Respec, though available, doesn't really work well as you are limited by amount of space you have for spare gear that you might want to use. Or just steal the aspects off.

They built this complicated system of items and then didn't give us enough space to store them. Sounds like 2 teams who weren't keeping track of what one system created.

It might just be enough space if you play one character but it should be made clear from start you don't have the choice of ever playing the other 4. I might not have bought it knowing a few things I do now.

I still want to play it, it just needs more space and quests, and things to do outside of dungeons. Open world just there to ride through on way to dungeons... people complain so now can portal straight to dungeons. That isn't a good fix, give us more in world to do. Reason to be side tracked.

What was point of story in D4? It didn't constrain exploration. It only gatekeeped a few things like a mount and some quests.

I got on, was rubber banding all over place, then I log out to look at what was in inventory of another one as I might start a new one that doesn't have to play campaign and try different build... but now I get stuck at screen saying Queued - logon pending. I might just have an early night and try tomorrow.


On a Journey
Eventually it worked but it got really quiet at one point, I looked and there was only 5 people on the server

It took until then to realise most of the riders I see on roads are fake and just there to make world look alive.

I started a new necro, this one has almost no direct attacks and has to rely on minions. Also, took the no campaign option and it was pretty easy to do without it really, having access to Tree of Whispers from start gave me enough to fill in the gap. Although I really had to start in the same city as everyone else does. I didn't see an option to start elsewhere. Had portals to a few places but had to redicover world again... fine with me. I sort of know where the portals should be,

Some areas still marked above my lvl, and one of the easiest whisper events seems to be rare or non existant at lvl 37. Shame as you can do half that quest without fighting anything. I wonder if Blizzard will remove it as rest make you at least fight things to hand them in.

She only received two legendary drops entire game so far. Not that it matters, I have several characters with 33 each + the stash is mostly lvl 40 legendaries... she just has to get to them. She is already wearing all legendary, but itemisation isn't ideal. MIssing one aspect that will make my cold mages more useful.

Currently lvl 37, not bad for one day. She only stopped there as I ran out of energy (De Ja Vu with Grim Dawn.) Although I am restricted here. I can't have over 30 characters. I deleted one necro to make another.


You woluld think Blue would contrast with red hair but everything so drab in this game,
She doesn't like the look of armour, drags her down. I can change her makeup after creation but not hair colour,
Eventually it worked but it got really quiet at one point, I looked and there was only 5 people on the server

It took until then to realise most of the riders I see on roads are fake and just there to make world look alive.

I started a new necro, this one has almost no direct attacks and has to rely on minions. Also, took the no campaign option and it was pretty easy to do without it really, having access to Tree of Whispers from start gave me enough to fill in the gap. Although I really had to start in the same city as everyone else does. I didn't see an option to start elsewhere. Had portals to a few places but had to redicover world again... fine with me. I sort of know where the portals should be,

Some areas still marked above my lvl, and one of the easiest whisper events seems to be rare or non existant at lvl 37. Shame as you can do half that quest without fighting anything. I wonder if Blizzard will remove it as rest make you at least fight things to hand them in.

She only received two legendary drops entire game so far. Not that it matters, I have several characters with 33 each + the stash is mostly lvl 40 legendaries... she just has to get to them. She is already wearing all legendary, but itemisation isn't ideal. MIssing one aspect that will make my cold mages more useful.

Currently lvl 37, not bad for one day. She only stopped there as I ran out of energy (De Ja Vu with Grim Dawn.) Although I am restricted here. I can't have over 30 characters. I deleted one necro to make another.


You woluld think Blue would contrast with red hair but everything so drab in this game,
She doesn't like the look of armour, drags her down. I can change her makeup after creation but not hair colour,
Correct me if i am wrong but the list of players are only counting the ones near you and then only the ones who are in the same phase of that area as you if you are doing the main quest, this is why you can have players popp upp when you hand in a quest.


On a Journey
I started a new necro, this one has almost no direct attacks and has to rely on minions.
This combined with 2 Treasure goblins disappearing in front of me as the stupid minions more busy fighting other crap... was enough to swap to a bone spear build. 20 minutes later I run into another goblin and while I almost killed self chasing it, I got three orange items from it (they not legendary if you get them all the time) but as usual none were useful. Lucky for her most of her equipment from pet build could be reused. Changing spec at 43 is asking for trouble.

43 in one day... it was only seeing her complete lack of single target dps than made me swap. The lack of a target this action in game sux, how am I supposed to command the minions... oh wait, you can't... so its like sacred 2 escort quests, they run off and agro everything and then die and leave me to deal with mess.

Not sure I like Bone Spear even if it is high dps. It seems to create too much chaos.

My blood surge necro has similar problem, can't kill single targets but can kill an entire room at once. Would like to see actual damage numbers as crits are nice but if you not doing them all the time, they don't mean a lot. Just make good videos. Not knowing if its good or not is why I look at other options - characters

fact you have to fight 4 bosses in the same room makes it interesting. I know the idea is to split them up and kill the healer first. That is common practice, that or kill the summoner.
I really need to find someone to help me out... whispers seem to have dried up. Only getting rubbish drops from it now.

Not as bad as the ones my new character got but her first visit there was at lvl 10. In a lvl 37 area.

I have been doing other things... I played my 61 earlier while servers were borked yesterday, she wasn't going very far.
I almost got stun locked on her in the area Backwater is in. Two of the guys with maces that d over head hits.

I should sleep... its been a while.

I wonder if my older characters get choice of no campaign, or its probable too late. All it really gives you is experience. And one unique you can't get elseways.
This combined with 2 Treasure goblins disappearing in front of me as the stupid minions more busy fighting other crap... was enough to swap to a bone spear build. 20 minutes later I run into another goblin and while I almost killed self chasing it, I got three orange items from it (they not legendary if you get them all the time) but as usual none were useful. Lucky for her most of her equipment from pet build could be reused. Changing spec at 43 is asking for trouble.

43 in one day... it was only seeing her complete lack of single target dps than made me swap. The lack of a target this action in game sux, how am I supposed to command the minions... oh wait, you can't... so its like sacred 2 escort quests, they run off and agro everything and then die and leave me to deal with mess.

Not sure I like Bone Spear even if it is high dps. It seems to create too much chaos.

My blood surge necro has similar problem, can't kill single targets but can kill an entire room at once. Would like to see actual damage numbers as crits are nice but if you not doing them all the time, they don't mean a lot. Just make good videos. Not knowing if its good or not is why I look at other options - characters

fact you have to fight 4 bosses in the same room makes it interesting. I know the idea is to split them up and kill the healer first. That is common practice, that or kill the summoner.
I really need to find someone to help me out... whispers seem to have dried up. Only getting rubbish drops from it now.

Not as bad as the ones my new character got but her first visit there was at lvl 10. In a lvl 37 area.

I have been doing other things... I played my 61 earlier while servers were borked yesterday, she wasn't going very far.
I almost got stun locked on her in the area Backwater is in. Two of the guys with maces that d over head hits.

I should sleep... its been a while.

I wonder if my older characters get choice of no campaign, or its probable too late. All it really gives you is experience. And one unique you can't get elseways.
Whispers are sadly a bit of waste of time unless you need the mats and only do the dungeon ones, you usually get more loot from the dungeon than handing in the compleeted whisper:( so many things about gearimg in d4 tjat is so broken:(


On a Journey
whispers are random from some pool. I have had plenty of legendary items from it, I may have run out?

Going to sleep now lol.

Necro above not happy with bone spear. I started another one using something I had tried before. Soon I have tried all of them... some builds require parts I can't get in tier 1 & 2 though...
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My wife started the capstone dungeon at level 49 yesterday. I'm pretty sure she died at least 50 times before finally asking a friend to help her through it.
I died at the Cathedral like 10 times at level 50 with only a few legendries and gave up.

Last couple of days I went and got all Altars of Lilith. Also changed to sacrifice my minions for added bonuses. Turned out trying to summon Minions that always die in boss fights was my downfall.

Ended up at level 52.5, all legendries. I upgraded all of these but jewellery and gloves twice. The first couple of upgrades only require pretty common materials so are worth doing.

I also started playing with a controller which is a complete revelation. It's so much easier once you get used to it!

Went back to Cathedral Capstone and did it no problem, just boss took a bit of time due to essence regen being slow.

So all set up for the first Season now :)
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On a Journey
The minions are a fire and forget weapon, you have no control over what they target. This has negative effects, you can't target down one boss as they shoot at whatever. You can't make them chase the thing you are chasing... you almost better off without them. Its just a mental thing, it appears easier to run around with a group of up to 13 things "helping" but some builds don't need them really.

I am remaking a Blood surge Necro, my lvl 60 uses that skill but I am adding corpses explosion to mix as it generates essence. Killing groups isn't his problem, bosses tend to be. Necro who don't use bone spear all have this problem. Standing around building essence is half the fights it seems. Main reason for restart is I took too long in T2 and need to try to do capstone around 50, not 60.

She doesn't use pets later on but until she has enough of her skills to do without them, they be around as a moving shield.

really they should attack anything I action. Like if I curse a group they should know I want them to attack it, I shouldn't have to actually attack it after for pets to respond.

Years ago we said D4 was too complicated for consoles, used too many buttons... well, now they only let you use 4 attacks max on keyboard and its gone the opposite way. Necro builds need to have raise skeleton and Gokllems on bar for them for the pets to be active... leaving just 2 spots for actual attacks, and in often cases one of those is Blood MIst and the other is a curse. So you get the left and right mouse buttons to carry you through game. Bone spirit seems to work if not on action bar. Necro pets should be on own toolbar.

Or just don't use pets but it seems the bonuses you get from sacrificing them may not work either.
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On a Journey
it seems the approach is to use Blood surge as main attack - and use Corpse explosion in combination with Grim Harvest to both clear everything left alive and get essence back. It works well, as most things (including ghosts) drop a corpse I can then click and kill more things. ANd all the while I have Blood Surge ready again for next time. Less down time between mobs

One thing I don't like is it is a big black cloud and its impossible to see anything else , especially poison.

I knew Blood Surge was effective AOE but it lacked a way to effectively recover essence/mana

Damn Butcher got me again.. Seems its the only answer game has for Blood surge attacks as it heals me as it attacks, but its not good against single target. Farming areas is fun though.

Butcher sux, I know its random but she had just decided to do a dungeon instead of side quests, to be different and he appears to say No, stick to easy stuff. Lvl 30 on latest... she hasn't explored much beyond middle of map. I know where most things are although I was wrong about one portal... it was in next zone in.

Realistically the only way to play more than 2 characters would be buy game twice and use another account. Its sure one way to make money... not sure you can have 2 accounts. I guess you just need 2 different email addresses to set them up? Its only way to get around bans in past.
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I decided to try Diablo IV in my break today, on my wife's account. It feels strange that I start with extra skill points and have access to all of her gold, it makes the beginning feel too easy, despite playing on tier 2.

I got to level 15 so far and the difficulty feels a bit better now. Most stuff still dies pretty easily but it feels like I need to be more careful. I died once to a boss that kept summoning homing missiles. It went a lot better the second time when I didn't try to dodge the missiles but just ran until they disappeared.

I got my first legendary already and have mostly rares equipped otherwise. It doesn't feel like rares are actually rare. Then again, with common and magical items there's no strategy in what to equip, whereas with rares and legendaries it might actually be better to stick with something with lower armour/DPS values because of the other bonuses.

Overall, it feels like the game could use a bit more polish, but it's fun to play so far.
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Oct 4, 2022
OK 4 is out. Have not shelled out the money...yet.
Have been playing since Diablo I.

Such a great game.
Cab't wait to start a new campaign.

Having 6 kiddos slows the playing time down though.

Need a vacation to play.


On a Journey
The day after I complain that your minions don't attack groups you have cursed, they change it so now minions will attack groups you curse... so its it acts an an attack this button... they can be a guided weapon now. Still doesn't help with goblins but current build hasn't had that problem so far.

its about only skill that changed for my current necro - https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/23964909/diablo-iv-patch-notes

Every class got a buff to basic skills to increase essence production on them.. other skills got increases too. No decreases.

Still no more space :(

I get it now so when I get home from course I can play new version.
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On a Journey
Actually my necro has no curse skills but the minions seem smarter now and often target things long before I see them.

Approaching 50 again, need to see if the person I did campaign with has done the capstone as I wouldn't mind company of someone who knows fight. I want to do it before I hit 60 again.

I did a quest earlier that appears to be a mini replica of the capstone fight, as I had to fight 3 knights at once, but I don't think the healer was there as they didn't last long. He was probably the 4th one. I didn't even notice what killed one of them.

Need to sort inventory and see which aspects I have duplicates of and take strongest and sell/break down the others for mats.. I can't keep them all... I have too many things now. I wouldn't mind playing another class but all my characters are almost full now. Only the ones I still play have any space. Once I get into Tier 3 I will need more space... so sacrifices are needed.

I did a dungeon earlier just to get an aspect and it seems I did it already... I wish I had looked. Still waiting for new bosses in dungeons, only seen about 4 maybe at most.

The Butcher doesn't count.


On a Journey
necro does have a curse skill now but no pets, got to 50 and changed spec.

Funny, I swapped to tier 2 at 48 and died first time at 49... well, same boss killed two people but I wasn't in a party with them. I was just there. So at 50, she has swapped to the build I found for a lvl 100.

So Dr Doolittle...was it fiction?

Because I am not so sure... Push me, pull you?


On a Journey
I tried to adapt a build so that I could use Corpse explosion and Blood burst at same time but I missed a key passive that makes that work. So she changed spec 3 times today. 125k gold each time. Lucky I have 23million but I prefer not to go backwards. Current build very similar to my highest lvl necro now. Actually borrowed a sword off it, since I can only play one at a time.

It feels better and corpse explosion giving me damage and essence at same time means I have less down time standing waiting for it to regen by itself. Only thing I don't like about build is it uses reap and I just find it doesn't do as much damage as Haemorrhage in my eyes, that and it means I have to run up to groups to actually attack them. most of time I try to run into them to aoe to death.

I see how this build works. https://fextralife.com/diablo-4-necromancer-endgame-build-vampire/