My first AC game ever was, indeed, the first AC game. I was 12 at the time the game has released. Blown away by the graphics, the gameplay, the lore, however... I didnt have a PC or console to play. Tried everything, as a 12 year old kid could. Than, a few years later, my parents finally bought me a computer which could, actually, play some games! Max settings too! Man... I was living the dream.
The year was 2011. Revelations just came out. I was so hyped to play, but I decided to go for chronological order. I even bought AC 2 from a magazine, here in Brazil! After a few weeks, I was finally playing Reveletions. Finishing Desmond and Ezio's journey was... fantastic! Never felt so immersed into a game. Knew everything and, still, wanting more.
The years go by and Im finally in college. Unfortunately, my computer was no longer a great one and I was so busy studying, trying to make a living. Didnt have much time to spend. It was long four years of my life that made me a better person.
At the end of 2017, I had a job and my own money! Just got a fantastic rig. Got AC Odyssey Ultimate Edition. Pre order. Holy ****. I have almost 200 hours between normal and NG+, however never got the plat for it. A shame, I know.
Now, we are in 2020. The year is a mess. Chaos, not being able to see my family, friends its being tough. But we never had a better time to play as of now. We need this to get through the rest of the year and the pandemic.
Assassins Creed has been part of my growing, of my life. Thanks for all.
And hey! Hope you guys are safe.