October 2023 Random Game Thoughts Thread

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Fatshark hates solo and small teams because they don't think we contribute to the health of their game, which they think means the multiplayer rando queue, so they've locked us out of Darktide. So after putting 750 hours into Vermintide 2, I will never buy another Fatshark game. As a company, they make terrible decisions, always launching half-baked games and then trying to fix them afterwards, locking out single-player, etc.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Tips for people wanting some free money to spend on cheap games: Since CS2 (Counterstrike 2) started with the new case system, the prices on different cases can be sold for a higher amount of money than before. This means that if you play for a couple of hours (depending on how many kills you get) you'll get enough XP ( 5K XP) for the weekly case drop which includes different types of cases and also emote/weapon skin. Normally you'll get around 1.5USD for the crates, but if you are very lucky you might get a really good case or weapon skin that will net you some good money. Keep in mind you can only get one case drop per weekly reset [here you can find the time before the next reset].

Another tip is to get rid of the majority of your Steam trading cards, the ones you get from playing games. While it does not seem like much at first glance, when you start selling them, you might be surprised to see you have earned a few bucks from doing so. PS: If you suddenly can't see the prices on the cards you are selling, it is just because you have clicked too fast through them or you have listed a large amount in a short time, which will make Valve hide the prices until it has been a few hours. You still can find the prices on the market, so not really a big deal, but I thought I'd let you guys know.

I do this from time to time and I like to think of it as a fun game to squeeze some extra free money from the hours I play games, instead of opening the wallet too much.
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She was even better in the first Vermintide, had some awesome bows that they dropped for V2. I always stuck with the more melee focused characters, but she's not bad at that, either.

Do you play random levels or do you have a favorite level or two that you are grinding for chests? I think the bell level is the shortest, and you usually get two bosses for dice. Grims and tomes are pretty easy to grab, but there is some parkour involved. Probably wouldn't want you carrying much as the Waystalker. Leave that to Bardin, Kruber and Saltspier.

I only play random levels (or Chaos Wastes, though I usually play shorter sessions). I don't really care about chests or grimoires or tomes, I just like killing stuff.


Community Contributor
Tips for people wanting some free money to spend on cheap games: Since CS2 (Counterstrike 2) started with the new case system, the prices on different cases can be sold for a higher amount of money than before. This means that if you play for a couple of hours (depending on how many kills you get) you'll get enough XP ( 5K XP) for the weekly case drop which includes different types of cases and also emote/weapon skin. Normally you'll get around 1.5USD for the crates, but if you are very lucky you might get a really good case or weapon skin that will net you some good money. Keep in mind you can only get one case drop per weekly reset [here you can find the time before the next reset].

Another tip is to get rid of the majority of your Steam trading cards, the ones you get from playing games. While it does not seem like much at first glance, when you start selling them, you might be surprised to see you have earned a few bucks from doing so. PS: If you suddenly can't see the prices on the cards you are selling, it is just because you have clicked too fast through them or you have listed a large amount in a short time, which will make Valve hide the prices until it has been a few hours. You still can find the prices on the market, so not really a big deal, but I thought I'd let you guys know.

I do this from time to time and I like to think of it as a fun game to squeeze some extra free money from the hours I play games, instead of opening the wallet too much.
I used to turn my cards into badges, but I don't even do that anymore. I've got a little over 1000 things in my Steam inventory.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
I used to turn my cards into badges, but I don't even do that anymore. I've got a little over 1000 things in my Steam inventory.
Omg, ya rich man!:) Maybe you got some nice foils also, those can net a pretty decent amount of coins if you are lucky and the cards are sought after. I got a foil myself that is very rare but the game sucks so nobody wants it. Still fun to list it for a large amount of money, since you never know if a confused whale pops his head in and decides he wants it.


Community Contributor
Thanks for the tip, I made $54 selling crates I will never open :)
I need to talk to Guido about this. Bet he has no idea he can make money playing Counter Strike 2. Bet he's got things he can sell from playing TF2. He actually prefers to PvP in games like Rust where there's more to the game than doing matches. He's great at shooters though. Maybe he'll get inspired if he knows he can make money, but he has very little time to play anything.

He was asked to join his college's esports club and was planning to do that, but his schedule just doesn't allow it. His coding, engineering and math classes give a ridiculous amount of homework, and he's working at a pizza place in one of the dorms, so he has almost no free time.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
@ZedClampet TF2 is still quite popular, so would not be surprised if he got some valuable items. If he got skins in Rust, he should definitely look at early post-Christmas for selling them. If he has some Halloween/Christmas items in his inventory though, then definitely see if there might be a big price increase hitting up on that Halloween/Christmas mark. Usually, Halloween stuff and Christmas stuff sell for a lot more around when the event happens, but prices are lowered when not. Might be the same for TF2, but I don't know that market.

In Rust, there is also something called abnormal skins and those could potentially be profitable (obviously depending on said item and item popularity) because you could invest in them before the store rotation starts and make a quick buy order when they appear at their fixed time. Keep in mind it is always advisable to look at the buy order when the item might lose its popularity. For example, some items usually do when CSGO has a championship and people tend to put their wallets on CSGO instead of Rust, so prices tend to be lowered then. Some items might also be pumped (people trying to fake the value of an item for easy profits which means you could sell yours for some) or getting that nice Twitter feed saying "Buy this, it's pay to win" and then prices might go bananas for a period of time on said item.

There is a new case coming anytime now for CS2 (hopefully), so just being there at the right time could potentially be very profitable because you could make a low buy order for the case and if you are fast enough (obviously you cannot compete with bots), then after some time your order will slowly accumulate into profit since you can sell for higher than what you originally bought it for. Obviously, we are talking about using the free money you get from selling skins/cases/trading cards, if such an endeavor for some might be interesting.
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I need to talk to Guido about this. Bet he has no idea he can make money playing Counter Strike 2. Bet he's got things he can sell from playing TF2. He actually prefers to PvP in games like Rust where there's more to the game than doing matches. He's great at shooters though. Maybe he'll get inspired if he knows he can make money, but he has very little time to play anything.

He was asked to join his college's esports club and was planning to do that, but his schedule just doesn't allow it. His coding, engineering and math classes give a ridiculous amount of homework, and he's working at a pizza place in one of the dorms, so he has almost no free time.
I will put a caveat to my original post, I obtained all of those from 500+ hours of playing CSGO. I’m not sure how fast you can get crates normally. Hopefully he has some stuff to sell and make some money! I don’t understand how Valve messed up the CS market this badly just by releasing CS2 but I’m glad it is and we can take advantage of it. Who knows how long it will take to normalize again, but it may be soon.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
I will put a caveat to my original post, I obtained all of those from 500+ hours of playing CSGO. I’m not sure how fast you can get crates normally.
With the latest update, you can get 1 crate each week from playing (when you hit 5K XP). Before the CS2 update, you could get up to three crates each week, but getting more than one crate was often a lot of RNG from my understanding. So, if Guido plays enough to rank up 5K in a week, he will get one crate (if he does not live in a country where they ban case gambling) and then a skin/emote to choose from. He will also be able to pick the two rest of the four items you can get before the weekly reset, so basically, you can get all four drops each week. That said, most will be **** with the exception of the crate. It might be worth looking at the weapon skin grade though, just to be certain.


Community Contributor
Ah, just released early access games. I bought Saleblazers on a whim. The user reviews weren't great, but based on the problems listed, I figured it was nothing I hadn't dealt with in the past.

So I downloaded and started a new game with the tutorial prologue, which tells a kind of awkward story. But I wasn't there for the awkward story. I was there for adventuring and boss fighting to get things to sell in my store.

But after playing for a little longer, I got a little frustrated with the jank and decided I would come back to it later. When I exited the game, however, I noticed there was a large update. So I updated the game and opened it back up, and lo and behold it was about half as janky as before, and I started to enjoy it.

I haven't made it to the adventuring and boss fights yet, though. I'm selling stuff I found at this guy's house in his yard. It has red lettering when it asks if I want to pick something up, so I might be stealing. Also, I was hungry, so I shot one of his chickens. Then I wandered into his house and cooked it in his oven.

Hey, if he ever comes to the store, I'll give him a discount.
I said screw it and got a steam deck. I'll be paying it off for a while, but whatever. I was looking at a ROG, but when I saw Valve sells the 500gb refurbed for the price of a new 250gb one I just went for the refurbed. I've yet to get to really test it out, updated it and have installed some games. Ran a few for like a minute to see, but I was impressed. Skyrim looked and ran good, so did Deep Rock, but I need more then a minute to see how they really run.

Gonna chuck starfield on at one point I think, but I may wait a while. Not sure cause I know this thing stream so I could always stream it from my pc onto the deck.

I will say it's nice and light, feels good to hold and I can see myself getting use out of this, not just for myself, but also bringing it to friends and family with the dock and some controllers for multiplayer gaming.
Still playing Path of exile. just.one.more.Challenge. This game is starting to break me. The options are either get lucky or grind for at least a month in the hopes i succeed. I just want to get the 22 challenges and move on with my life . Its starting to make me reflect the amount of time i spend playing POE that i could use to play another game and in my darker moments i wonder what i could be doing more useful in my life. Like learning a new skill, gaining qualifications etc.
In the evening of the day before yesterday, I had about 20 minutes of time while waiting for the oven to bake our dinner, so I decided to play a little bit of Forager. The great thing about it is that it starts very quickly and you can stop whenever you want without losing anything, making it perfect for short gaming sessions.

The downside is that it's apparently very addictive once you get into it, because I played it whenever I could yesterday.
People have been tearing CS2 apart, and the main sentiment amongst gamers seems that it was released too early and is missing some features. To that I say: were you around when CSGO released? For years, Counter-Strike: Source was the main CS game, and from what I’ve read people hated that when it first came out. Source was the first CS game I’ve played, around 2010. I was really into it, and I absolutely loved playing on custom maps, seeing all the creativity mappers put into their levels. I remember how much of a hold Lego themed levels had on CSS. When CSGO released, although CSS still existed and you can still play it, people really did not like how much different CSGO was at first. It took a while and many updates and patches to reach the fan base it has today. Now with CS2, they totally took away the previous version, so I completely understand how that really angers people. But overall, I think we are just seeing another CSGO tale here, where eventually CS2 will reach or even exceed the same popularity that CSGO had during its peak moments. Over the years the game will only get better, and it could potentially be bigger than ever.
Well, less then a day after i started to lose the will to live playing POE. I've done it. I've got the 22 challenges and the prize i wanted is mine. time to take a break from that game and ease off on the gaming. Truth be told the excessive commitment/dedication to POE has made me reflect greatly as to how much i play and whether i should do something more productive with my life as atm it seems like its going no where atm.

on other gaming related news with black friday looming next month and nearly £200+ of dell vouchers, i was thinking whether to buy a new 27" monitor. As previously mentioned, i'm still using the 21.5" TN monitor from 2010 (the asus Vh222H) (when i built my first pc with my first prope job in fact), so its probably worth buying one. But again, do i really need it? 1920x1080 is big enough for me and the higher resolutions means more GPU power that i don't have. The other is energy consumption.

i've been looking at the Dell G2724D in some black Friday sale. yes, the dell monitor PCG recommends is cheaper, but being a VA monitor i have my reservations/doubts and the horrors of VA like smearing and the slowly speeds etc. Apparently IPS is better.

Update on art stuff: i've had to concede that i'm not going to be able to the picture in color... Which is a kick in the teeth as it probably would have looked even more amazing with it. Probably would have been finished by now too...


Community Contributor
Playing Total War Warhammer 3, I saw the plaguebearer headed toward my capital, sent my heroes out and attempted to assassinate him 6 times. And all were failures. Now we have the plague.

However, I worked my butt off in diplomacy and became an ally of Tyrion, and now Thorgrim Grudgebearer, my Lord, King of the Dwarves, now has dragons in his army. That breaks the game.


Community Contributor
Ugh. I did the underwater quest in No Man's Sky. Blah. If you're going to make an underwater base, it's worth doing the first couple of steps to get all those blueprints. Otherwise, skip it. The story is incredibly weak - making little sense and then just sort of ending. The only thing it trains you to do is use your scanner in your sub, which you really don't need to be trained on. The rewards seem to stop completely after the second or third phase of the quest, too, so you just drive back and forth around a few underwater bases.

I really don't see the appeal to do anything underwater at all, other than for a change of pace when base building.


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