October 2023 Random Game Thoughts Thread

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On a Journey
i wasn't getting Ark, I was just commenting on size. If they ever get to 8k texture packs, the 4tb drive I have now might only hold 4 games. Time to save for an 8tb drive I guess.

Steps back... so glad I just get wowed by graphics. It means I never chase games with 8k texture packs as I probably still be using 1440p by then.

Still been emptying hdd, its down to 6.82gb now. 4.5gb of that is a windows ISO.
I'm a fairly thorough explorer or at least I try to be. Weeping Peninsula was basically the first area I explored, cleared out the area, Castle Morne, etc. Moved on to Limgrave and did everything I could find there and moved on to Lake of...whatever. Pretty much done with that area, with the exception of a few northern spots I still need to hit, but I finished off the Academy a bit ago and have now gone back to the underground stuff I'd found in Limgrave; Sofria River Well, I think it's called. Just finished that up and now I'll move on to the northern areas of the Lake and eventually bake to Caelid when I feel like I'm strong enough.
Siofra River Well is a great moment, beautiful place.

Hard to say, the game is so big its easy to miss parts, but you might just be fast. Not sure if the game is easier for magic users or not, maybe using the Comet Azure or something :p I only really play a melee character as I find that more satisfying.

For reference I didnt do any grinding for souls, just wandered around everywhere. As far as I know I got most main and side boss including the Evergaols, missed a couple of Death Birds and didnt do the Heroes Graves because I just found them annoying. Some bosses took a lot of attempts the first time so time goesd there. You might find the northern parts of Liurnia has more to it than you expected, and you still have some way to go in the rest of the game anyway:)


Community Contributor
Everyone talking about Elden Ring has me wanting to get back into Lies of P. The world doesn't have the amazing depth everyone describes about Elden Ring, but the combat and challenge are there. And the world, actually, is very good. It's just not "Elden Ring" good (based only on other people's comments about Elden Ring. I haven't actually played it).
Everyone talking about Elden Ring has me wanting to get back into Lies of P. The world doesn't have the amazing depth everyone describes about Elden Ring, but the combat and challenge are there. And the world, actually, is very good. It's just not "Elden Ring" good (based only on other people's comments about Elden Ring. I haven't actually played it).
Heard good things about Lies of P from others as well, its on the list. Its just that the list keeps getting bigger
Another campaign crossed off in AOE - El cid campaign done. moving onto the next one soon. The question is which one... perhaps i'll play one of the African ones as i haven't touched any of those ones at all. So far i've been playing them by which expansion pack was launched (so I've been going through the conquerors pack).

As for other games, immortal redneck we're getting close to beating it. Unfortunately the game has one dirty trick up its sleeve. For some reason there is a bug in the game where my weapons wouldn't shoot properly. my main go to assualt rifle that fires explosives just kept exploding in my face even when there was no cover. Effectively using the weapon inflicted damage to myself and ultimately killed me. Absolute BS, considering i was just 2 rooms away from facing the final boss...

i thought it was just a crappy bug or something, so i tried the map again very quickly. Nope same thing happened in the same exact place.
Siofra River Well is a great moment, beautiful place.

Hard to say, the game is so big its easy to miss parts, but you might just be fast. Not sure if the game is easier for magic users or not, maybe using the Comet Azure or something :p I only really play a melee character as I find that more satisfying.

For reference I didnt do any grinding for souls, just wandered around everywhere. As far as I know I got most main and side boss including the Evergaols, missed a couple of Death Birds and didnt do the Heroes Graves because I just found them annoying. Some bosses took a lot of attempts the first time so time goesd there. You might find the northern parts of Liurnia has more to it than you expected, and you still have some way to go in the rest of the game anyway:)

Definitely been sort of going with the flow myself and exploring whatever strikes my fancy and not grinding for anything.

Entered the Manor in northern Liurnia and managed to kill a few of the enemies there, but decided I'm not mentally prepared to play more Elden Ring right now, so took a break!


Community Contributor
After 675 hours in Super Mega Baseball, across two different installments of the game, I have finally lost my first game (maybe). I was on difficulty level 85, and I lost 11 - 10.

I've got to admit, however, that I perhaps didn't give my best effort in the last inning. A part of me wanted to lose to bring the streak to an end.

I said "maybe" above because it's possible that I lost a game early before I really was paying attention.
with immortal redneck beaten i think its time to move on. however the POE league is up and running and this time lootboxes are up for grabs. i'll probably get them and call it a day. Sod playing more then the bare minimum to unlock a chance at winning bigger prizes. The odds of me winning are close to zero anyway.

AOE 2 wise, i've started my first african campaign. Well, actually its the Portuguese so technically, european. Which defeats the point of it.


Community Contributor
November monthly post is wearing me out.
November was once THE month to release games. It seemed like the plan for nearly all games pre-2005 was to have the marketing peak right about Thanksgiving, then release the game for Black Friday. A few weren't quite ready on time and had to release in December. I still remember being stunned when BioShock released in August 2007.

It's opened up a ton since then, but even the shadow of the Christmas List Imperative is pretty heavy.