Is "the smooth-brained woke/dei hive mind" the people for or against woke/dei?
The only person I've seen being negative about the game is Colif.
(my response isnt trying to start a fight or attack anyone)
Against woke/dei, but its a smooth-brained movement because its probably the most arbitrary, ill-informed, lazy reasons out there to not play a video game, then a lot of misinformation is spread through the industry and you have the "hive mind" just hating a game (without playing it or even watching it) and just go based on their friends or youtube overlords opinions.
Hey, im not a ubisoft fan either. Their company is not immune to terrible industry standards of firing mass amounts of employees, or having their ceos be "greedy" where they stiff their hard-working developers, having personal abuse cases towards certain individuals etc. etc. Its those reasons to not like ubisoft, not that a character is black or a woman has a woman partner, or that "acchctually in 1568 japan, there was this, and this VIDEO GAME, doesnt do that! hurr" like everyone is a historian all of a sudden.
They then have to make 100s of posts only about those reasons, covering up any actual criticism, or even good things about the game. I mean it looks fun but it still is just an Assassins Creed game, a series i dont dable too much in anymore. (played and beat AC 1-4, Black Flag being my favorite)
Heck, I think all assassins creed games are kinda meh since its pretty much the same formula, but theres a huge difference to me between not liking for actual reasons and then hating a game because, to me, youre prejudice more or less and that you forgot youre playing a video game and not 1:1 historical representation. Its just, in general to me, hating because of color of skin, sexual preference, liberties to history etc. is just down right trash.
So, to me, if someone even includes woke/dei as a reason to not like somethin, their opinion on it is completely dismissed by me. Simple
I actually had one of these people, whos original comment on a fb post to AC:Shadows said "i hope this woke garbage fails and that men will actually make games again" tell me that he was an ANARCHIST!! lol!!! You would never in a million years catch an actual anarchist say that let alone even buying games.
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