March 2025 General Game Discussion Thread

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Also fired up Book of Hours, which I wasnt expecting to be quite so aesthetically similar to Cultist Simulator. Seems that the themes are similar, but maybe not quite so finnicky as the older game. Has similar music though and thats definitely a plus.

Book of Hours seems to have an obscure level of complexity that I just don't get. I have zero idea what the damn game wants me to do. If feels like one of the lame ass board games that have 67 rules and only 5 of them make any sense.
Book of Hours seems to have an obscure level of complexity that I just don't get. I have zero idea what the damn game wants me to do. If feels like one of the lame ass board games that have 67 rules and only 5 of them make any sense.

I can understand that reaction, it doesnt have a tutorial, you have to read everything, infer some stuff and just throw cards at the slots if unsure.

The way you progress seems quite similar to Cultist Simulator so far, and I liked that game quite a bit so that definitely helps.


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I really wanted to pick a name for my art gallery that would nail that first feeling you get when you look at something I've painted.


Whether the name is accurate just depends on how much effort I put into a painting. Each painting starts off as a combination of "LOL" and second-hand embarrassment, but with more effort, I can take most works to "WTF".

But to the customers in this game, I'm an artistic genius they are discovering for the first time.

I played the demo quite a bit and didn't realize they had launched the game until @Johnway mentioned Passpartout in the Spring Sale thread, and I wanted to show him this game.

As I understand it, this game determines the quality of the paintings based on the colors used and how long you spent painting it. Each customer only has so much money, though.
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Back from NYC! For those asking, if you are a Cowboy Bebop fan, i highly recommend checking this Bebop Live Band if you can. The players do an amazing job bringing the soundtrack to life and mixing in the series/movie at great times. They also had the original VA of Fay and one of the original singers for the one band represented in the series, but it was NYC, so they wont be everywhere, but It was a good time.

The rest of New York City...was NYC lol, lots of people and walking, but amazing pizza.

Some shots from the Cowboy Bebop live! show:





The show also played most of the series iconic songs, but they also played parts of the Anime especially fight scenes where the music kicks in. Was cool to hear it live and watch.

Now that im home with some time left until work next, i will be playing Avowed, they got a new update i haven't tried yet, getting extra points to use on my character, a 3rd person POV slider, some optimization. Looking forward to that. Then trying out Rise of Ronin. I hear it runs bad so id like to see how bad.


Community Contributor
Back from NYC! For those asking, if you are a Cowboy Bebop fan, i highly recommend checking this Bebop Live Band if you can. The players do an amazing job bringing the soundtrack to life and mixing in the series/movie at great times. They also had the original VA of Fay and one of the original singers for the one band represented in the series, but it was NYC, so they wont be everywhere, but It was a good time.

The rest of New York City...was NYC lol, lots of people and walking, but amazing pizza.

Some shots from the Cowboy Bebop live! show:





The show also played most of the series iconic songs, but they also played parts of the Anime especially fight scenes where the music kicks in. Was cool to hear it live and watch.

Now that im home with some time left until work next, i will be playing Avowed, they got a new update i haven't tried yet, getting extra points to use on my character, a 3rd person POV slider, some optimization. Looking forward to that. Then trying out Rise of Ronin. I hear it runs bad so id like to see how bad.
I hate to admit I'd never heard of Cowboy Bebop. Of course, I'd never heard of Dragon Ball until the 2010s.
I've been slowly making progress in the Minecraft Blightfall modpack. I've been making some decent progress through the Blood Magic pack, mostly by using an exploit to get villagers to ignore the max villager cap so they keep breeding, so I can occasionally come in and sacrifice a couple dozen.

The modpack has a bit of lore scattered around. There was a part about someone sacrificing a bunch of people so he could further his research that would help the entire kingdom. He sounds like a swell guy.

I also have like a dozen other things I want to work on, but it's so easy to get sidetracked in this game, because almost everything has multiple solutions and every solution opens multiple paths to other solutions.

For example, I can also trade with all of those villagers I have. So while I was getting ready to make some sacrifices I saw that several villagers were offering oreberries as a trade. And just like that, I spend over an hour planting jungle, oak and spruce saplings to get wood to turn into barricades and tool stations to trade for oreberries to plant in my underground oreberry farm, then making a harvest and gather golem to automate said farm.

And that's just one type of trade, there's a whole bunch more stuff you can get. And this happens with almost every solution.

It's pretty good.

I don't like anime, but Cowboy Bebop is good.

I've watched some anime, but I couldn't get into Cowboy Bepop.
I've watched some anime, but I couldn't get into Cowboy Bepop.

It might not have aged well, especially with shows like Firefly that came after it. i remember enjoying it 20 years ago, but my wife and I watched a bit of the series a few years ago and we stopped after meeting 6-8 episodes.

Called my buddy today and as expected, he doesn't care if I sell the laptop he got for me, but it just felt right to ask.

So I started prepping my Nano today for resale (it's so tiny!!) but also went over to Microcenter, just to see what they had.

For months now I've had my heart set on a Thinkpad P1 or an X1 Extreme (both Gen 4). They aren't gaming machines, as they have higher response times, 60hz screens and they're thin and light, so they can have thermal issues. But I'm a Thinkpad boy, been running them for something like 12+ years now, with one deviance (I'll never buy another Razer again, crap product.), so naturally, I want another (dat build quality and Trackpoint).

But after looking at the gaming laptops, I'm not so sure. The high refresh rate screens look really great, even if I can live with 60hz no problem. You also get a lot of machine, brand new for what I'd be paying for a 3-4 year old Thinkpad. They're a little more portly than I'd like, but I've realized weight actually isn't a huge deal for me and there's actually plenty that don't look good awful and "gamery."

But I really love my build quality. And most of all, Trackpoint is a superior control method to a touchpad and I use it constantly. Even using this Dell for the week I have been, I find myself reaching for it, not finding it and feeling frustrated it's not there.

So now I'm trying to decide if usability is something I can compromise on for performance. I'm not today convinced I can, but boy that high refresh rate looks nice...


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