June 2024 Game Discussion Thread

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That new Steam always-recording thing just paid for itself! Last night, playing Expeditions: Rome, I was supposed to be burning down some catapults. I only had 5 rounds to do it. With two rounds left, I destroyed an oil barrel near a catapult. Great! It got badly damaged right then, and next round it will burn down the rest of the way. But next round, the scenario ended!?

So, I saved the game, quit out, watched the end of the recording, and - sure enough, there was just one round left, not two. Instant replay for the win! (Unlike CERTAIN baseball replays I could mention <ahem>)
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more first world problems. My humble wallet is set to expire on 24th july and luckily there is a summer sale going on. Except i've activated the humble choice (by accident) and it doesn't refresh renew my wallet. So effectively the £11 worth of vouchers is set to expire.

So... need to buy stuff. Only problem is i can't decide on what. Sure i have a wish list i could just go and pick enough games, but it seems like a waste if i wait a bit or shop else where i can get the games i want at the best value possible. Its a massive kick in the teeth atm. i was going to get dave the diver but i sense it can drop to 50% and nothing else seems to take my fancy or at a price that i readily accept as i can wait a bit longer.

use em or lose em. i could get boltgun, it fits the bill perfectly, but i was hoping to get the DLC as well but i suspect there will be more later on. The other one is monster hunter rise + Sunbreak but i've seen it cheaper and tbh i've not played any of the monster hunter series so maybe play the other ones first before sinking more money into it.

i'll need to think about it some more.


Community Contributor
I made a shorter video using Steam's new system. It lets me make a link to it as it's shorter than 60 seconds, but it only lasts for two days! Steam really doesn't want to stash videos long term like YouTube.

Let's see if the roll-up thing on the boards works for a temporary Steam video:

So effectively the £11 worth of vouchers is set to expire.
So we're talking 11 pounds here? Finding it 'cheaper' is going to be saving, what? 3 pounds?
My kid has been playing games on my phone for a while now, but she's just like me in that she gets bored of games very quickly (which is why I was looking for new local co-op games too).

Her cousins introduced her to Minecraft recently, which I bought for Android years ago, so that's what we've been playing together lately. Hopefully it'll hold her attention for a while, though I fear she's already running out of ideas on what to do.

I've personally been chipping away at Marvel: Midnight Suns. It's going very slow because I keep doing side missions because I want the resources to be able to buy upgrades and do research, but I should probably worry less about getting upgrades and just do the story missions.

I have also spend a lot of time exploring the grounds around the abbey (the HQ), though I had stopped for a bit because I couldn't figure out how to continue and assumed I just needed to progress the story first. However, I eventually got a request for ingredients I hadn't seen yet and figured I should be able to progress. So I looked up a guide and discovered I just had to use an ability I had already unlocked on some locked doors. Which unlocked a new ability and an entire new part of the map, so I spend a bunch more time just running around.

Honestly, I don't think I would like the game as much as I do if it was just the fights. I had planned to skip all the optional stuff, but it might be my favourite part of the game.
OBS is just for recording

Well heck… Ass U Me :oops:

Home page: "real time video/audio capturing and mixing. Create scenes made up of multiple sources"—to my noob eye, read as all-in-one tool.

Now I see their Post Production Tools page.
"now you need to cut out those not-so-funny-parts, the false starts, all those flubs, add some…"

Thank you kind sir :)
Zed, got a spare bed in Moron House?
I keep doing side missions because I want the resources to be able to buy upgrades and do research, but I should probably worry less about getting upgrades and just do the story missions.
Obv to each their own, and I don't know how good you are, but a word of advice: MMS suffers from the common issue in such games that if you do too many side missions then the story missions become too easy. So you will go from doing high-intensity side missions that are a great challenge to breezing through the story missions. This diminishes the emotional rhythm of the game and makes the story missions somewhat anti-climactic. On my second play-through I had to deliberately force myself to do the bare minimum side missions (against my usual practice) so the story missions would stay as challenging as possible.

Honestly, I don't think I would like the game as much as I do if it was just the fights. I had planned to skip all the optional stuff, but it might be my favourite part of the game.
Yeah it's impossible to express to someone who's not played just how cosycore the Abbey and its grounds are.
Obv to each their own, and I don't know how good you are, but a word of advice: MMS suffers from the common issue in such games that if you do too many side missions then the story missions become too easy. So you will go from doing high-intensity side missions that are a great challenge to breezing through the story missions. This diminishes the emotional rhythm of the game and makes the story missions somewhat anti-climactic. On my second play-through I had to deliberately force myself to do the bare minimum side missions (against my usual practice) so the story missions would stay as challenging as possible.

Yeah it's impossible to express to someone who's not played just how cosycore the Abbey and its grounds are.

Yeah, I really need to stop doing side missions. I just wanted an upgrade so I needed more credits and then I'd almost run out of research options so I needed an artifact and then I needed intel because one of the researches needed me to do a hero op and then I'd run out of credits again, etc.

I haven't upped the difficulty after the first time though, so maybe I should just go ahead and bump it up to Heroic III before the next story mission. Maybe I'll actually have to use an item.
I haven't upped the difficulty after the first time though, so maybe I should just go ahead and bump it up to Heroic III before the next story mission. Maybe I'll actually have to use an item.
You should play on the hardest difficulty setting you can comfortably manage, imo. I settled on Ultimate II because Ultimate III was doable but too exhausting. (I had to reduce it a bunch for the late Dracula missions though, damn.)
You should play on the hardest difficulty setting you can comfortably manage, imo. I settled on Ultimate II because Ultimate III was doable but too exhausting. (I had to reduce it a bunch for the late Dracula missions though, damn.)

I did half of the next story mission on Heroic III just now, which is the highest difficulty I've unlocked. It's definitely a lot more challenging, especially with how hard enemies hit now.
Played about 8 hours of Death Stranding over the weekend. I’m getting close to where I was on my EGS copy. I’m progressing a lot faster here because I have more familiarity of what’s going on and what I need to do, so I decided to grind out the first few Facilities to five stars. It is also helping me enjoy the story a lot more. The first time playing I was completely lost and had zero idea of what’s going on, but if you revisit it with a better understanding of the world, everything makes so much more sense and doesn’t sound like complete gibberish most of the time. Of course I only scratched the surface my last playthrough, so there are still so many more surprises ahead in the story. I’m still waiting to see a lot of what was shown in the original reveal trailer, so much of that has been stuck in my mind since I first saw it, I can’t wait to actually see it in game.

I dabbled a tiny bit in the new content for the Directors Cut version, specifically the Maser Gun. It reminds me a lot of the Thunderbolt from Quake, where it just shoots a straight laser beam, but here it only incapacitates enemies. I also explored a new ruins area which was kind of cool, but there was a locked door which I presume we will return to later.

I haven’t played enough to definitively say, but this is one of the best games I’ve played in a long time and I’m glad I’m going back into it. It’s definitely not for everyone, and that’s completely understandable. Finally having the DC version on Steam makes me want to dive in a lot more compared to just the base version on EGS. It’s so unique and such a breath of fresh air compared to so many other games. One thing it does best is that it tries hard to give a completely original experience, not comparative to many other games, and that is why I love it so much. You could easily pour 100-200 hours into this game, so making this statement at only 8 hours, give or take another 20-30 on EGS, is a bit bold. Hopefully my stance doesn’t change over time.
So we're talking 11 pounds here? Finding it 'cheaper' is going to be saving, what? 3 pounds?

yeah, its peanuts and honestly this HB credit is just causing more aggro and i want to be rid of it to have some peace of mind. That said, £3 is enough for me to buy an indie game so its not to dismiss. i could buy mad max or tomb raider underworld for that...

I could get wasteland 3 (not the Colorado edition apparently the DLC isn't that great), Anno 1800 for 8.99, maybe chaos gate, but i want all the DLC so maybe i'll wait for that to drop in price.

Atm i'm thinking of getting either:

Wasteland 3, banished, TR underworld


Dave the diver + TR underworld


Banished, olija, technobabylon + TR underworld



honestly the TR underworld game is just a bolt on to spend all the money.

i could of course i could use my money to get significant discount, like buying resident evil villiage gold ed and monster hunter rise + expansion but i know that i'm not fooling anyone on the price. i still splurrged 15 for it.

i'm absolutely over thinking this.
i'm absolutely over thinking this

Good to hear, I was worried there for a bit that you were overthinking it :p

Would it help to consider how much time you might waste on a dud? Humankind is currently $5—great price if 4X is your thing—but I passed on it because I don't want to invest the 100+ hours necessary to discover it's not for me.

I always value time far more than money :)


Community Contributor
Or even short-term, it seems—yours is on one of the big CDNs, Akamai.
Btw your video killed me… recreationally :)

Did you try clipping a bit out of the middle? I can't for the life of me figure how to do that on OBS.

Nah, it can't do that. You just put the video at a point just before you want to start the clip, let it play, then click the 'clip' button when it's at the point you want to start your clip, then either drag the end clip point or push the 'end clip' when video playback gets to where you want to stop. If you want to cut out middle bits, either export two halves and use something like ffmpeg to stitch them back together, or just save both parts and tell the person you're showing it to to watch both.

I dabbled a tiny bit in the new content for the Directors Cut version, specifically the Maser Gun.
Good job getting it early. I read the description and thought it meant that I was going to find a maser somewhere and to come back when I had that. I didn't end up doing the mission set until the game was nearly over!

P.S. You know the game has a nice photo mode, right?
Good job getting it early. I read the description and thought it meant that I was going to find a maser somewhere and to come back when I had that. I didn't end up doing the mission set until the game was nearly over!

P.S. You know the game has a nice photo mode, right?
I was reading an early tips article and it mentioned getting the Maser Gun. Fortunately I had just unlocked the mission so decided to do it right away. Super useful against MULEs. I haven’t done the next part of the mission yet, seems like you go into the mysterious door at the ruins.

Also, I am having issues with the anti aliasing in the game that’s making me not want to use the photo mode. Everything looks really jaggy and slightly muddled. You can see what I mean if you zoom in on this screenshot.


Of course, Steam’s screenshot compression, then transferring it to my phone and uploading it here isn’t preserving 100% of the quality, but you can still see what I mean. Those jaggies on his hat!! While I’m playing, it doesn’t bother me at all, but while in photo mode the issues become clear as day. Seems to be a big issue, getting tons of hits when I search for this issue. Going to have to mess around with CAS, DLSS, and Nvidia control panel it seems.
Can you interpret these customer emojis? They are either standing in line or have just paid at my internet cafe/grocery.


There are quite a few I got tired of waiting on and didn't capture, and there's a whole separate set of emojis used when they are playing video games.

I'm not even trying to guess most of them. There was another one with a question mark that I didn't get. Not sure what they would be questioning or confused over.

The things these games usually track are pricing, wait time, and product availability.

I think the game is made in Japan.

Edit: I'm not really wanting you to guess them, but if they are obvious to you for some reason, feel free to enlighten me. I was kind of thinking it was the sort of thing you might be used to if you have played a lot of Nintendo. I just think it's kind of funny.
@ZedClampet The orange one with a cross-like symbol above the head [1.2] is showing anger. Those are popping veins. It's standard manga iconography.

1.4 and 2.2 are both angry too. 3.2 and 3.4 are deliriously delighted. 1.5 and 2.5 are confused.
The reasons may not be what you think
Japans reaction to AC
It's surprising to me that Ubisoft was so haphazard with Japanese history. While a lot of what they are complaining about is nitpicking, like the planting/harvest seasons being overlapped, they do have some genuine complaints, I think. And while the guy doing the video says they aren't upset with a non-Japanese protagonist, it's pretty clear that a decent number of Japanese players are, in fact, upset about it, given that the first 5 to 10 minutes of the video was almost nothing but quotes about the black character.
@ZedClampet The orange one with a cross-like symbol above the head [1.2] is showing anger. Those are popping veins. It's standard manga iconography.

1.4 and 2.2 are both angry too. 3.2 and 3.4 are deliriously delighted. 1.5 and 2.5 are confused.
Thanks. That article is very interesting. Will have to go through it in depth later.

Even when I can guess the emotion, though, I'm not sure what is causing it. What would they be confused about, for instance? I assume they are supposed to be actionable, but there's not enough info given. Are they mad at the pricing or at the wait time or were we out of a product?
It's surprising to me that Ubisoft was so haphazard with Japanese history. While a lot of what they are complaining about is nitpicking, like the planting/harvest seasons being overlapped, they do have some genuine complaints, I think.

Other countries don't seem to appreciate it when people make up things about them instead of actually researching it to get it right. I can understand that point of view. Its not that hard to ask. The cherry blossoms in harvest thing might have been picked up... no reason you can't do both, but maybe not in the same scene. Could have had it in correct chronological order and have one show later in game. A sense of time progressing...
Ubisoft did have a Japanese consultant but her area of expertise wasn't this broad enough it seems.

Looks at games made about Australia... well, there is Mad Max... it isn't accurate (yet). Luckily there aren't many characters in game you talk to - you mostly kill them... which is also not exactly accurate (yet). Australia may be mostly desert but I have never seen one... easy to avoid if you don't go looking for them. Mad Max games make it seem that is all there is here.
AC - Australia would be very odd. Have they ever had an AC game in US yet?
Woohoo! I saw some credits roll! Can't remember the last time that happened. So few of my games have endings.

We beat Wizard with a Gun in 10.5 hours. Time to Beat says the mainline takes 13 hours, so we went pretty fast. Guido isn't one for getting lost and confused, or "exploring" as I like to call it.

We tried to play a Game Pass game next, but their servers were down.


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