July 2024 Game Discussion Thread


Oh don't worry about them, I'm sure Americans will love it—does Canadians being a bit miffed matter?

Nice art job!
No one who knows Ron Swanson should be irritated, but I don't know if you can watch Parks and Recreation outside the US. If you can, you should. It's a top 10 all-time American comedy. Surely people have seen the compilations on YouTube, at least.

It's up there with the American version of The Office (the British version was more cerebral, but not half as funny).
Had a fun experience in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. There was this competition in a small village called Hattano for a position as mayor and one of the competitors that was very into fashion (and believed fashion would be good for the town) had a ridiculous headwear that looked like a peacock that she would be giving to someone who deserved it.

Fast forward some time and I got the headwear because I managed to help both competitors realizing that it would be better if they helped each other instead. So there I was walking around in Hattano with this creation:

Then something interesting happened. While being praised for this garment around the village, I also noticed that I could join in on different conversations I earlier could not because I now was "in" with the more fashionable people in the village. So I got hold of some small tidbits of information that could help me get inside someplace I could not before.

I love stuff like that in games. It adds way more depth to a game inviting you to explore and try out different combinations because it might just lead you on an interesting quest or finding a special item.
I just played the demo of the new Star Trek Telltale-style game, Resurgence. I really enjoyed it! I think visual novel / adventure games are the best way to translate Star Trek to the computer screen, because so much of the Star Trek charm and ethos is about relationships and technical problems, not combat.

I added it to my wishlist since we established the other day that at only 100 items my wishlist is far too small.
Playing Shadow of the Erdtree a good amount over the weekend. Died over and over but thats pretty par for the course you know. :p

<div style="width:100%;height:0;padding-bottom:120%;position:relative;"><iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/H89gy9BqKv8D6" width="100%" height="100%" style="position:absolute" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe></div><p><a href="
View: https://giphy.com/gifs/joaquin-phoenix-ridley-scott-gladiator-H89gy9BqKv8D6
">via GIPHY</a></p>

Not much to add that hasnt been said already. Its denser, and a bit harder although I may be a bit under levelled and under equipped because I bee-lined a character to the point required to access the DLC. The smaller dungeons on the map seem to be a bit more individual, and they havent felt the need to put a boss at the end of every one which is pretty refreshing if like me you were a bit tired of all that extra content by the end of the base game.

I also only have one larval tear (respec item), so I might have to go hunting for some of those with a guide to try out some of the new weapons. Im still liking my Great Axe so far though and its still decently effective.
Oh don't worry about them, I'm sure Americans will love it—does Canadians being a bit miffed matter?

Nice art job!

Canadians? Never heard of em.

I'm putting little bits of time here and there into Yakuza: Like a Dragon and I'm really enjoying it so much more than Yakuza 0. Don't get me wrong, I've put in 35 on 0, but my problems with it were the bland protagonist (can't I just be Goro all the time?) and the pretty tedious beat em up combat. Really love that LaD solves these for me.

Also started playing Desert Golfing again on my phone; nice to have something simple to not have to think about or focus on.
The biggest problem with Wizard with a Gun (at least several user reviews agree with me)--the developer has closed down--is that they pretended the game was finished and released it then spent the next few months finishing the game. Even the ending wasn't in the game at launch. Yet the game wasn't listed as Early Access, so the players were not very forgiving of missing content.

It's at least possible that they couldn't launch into Early Access due to their contract with their publisher, Devolver Digital. Of course, I have no idea what their contract said, but it's possible that they wouldn't have received any more funds, including from sales, until the game was in full release.

That's only a wild, wild guess. I'm just trying to figure out reasons why you would sabotage your game the way they did.
I just played the demo of the new Star Trek Telltale-style game, Resurgence. I really enjoyed it! I think visual novel / adventure games are the best way to translate Star Trek to the computer screen, because so much of the Star Trek charm and ethos is about relationships and technical problems, not combat.
Happy to hear it is good, have been keeping my eyes on it. Speaking of Stark Trek, this might be of interest: https://borgremastered.com/ Is a fan-made remaster of the full-motion game from the 90's called Star Trek: Borg.

Canadians? Never heard of em.

I'm putting little bits of time here and there into Yakuza: Like a Dragon and I'm really enjoying it so much more than Yakuza 0. Don't get me wrong, I've put in 35 on 0, but my problems with it were the bland protagonist (can't I just be Goro all the time?) and the pretty tedious beat em up combat. Really love that LaD solves these for me.
@BeardyHat The Dragon Kart races in Yakuza: Like a Dragon was fun. Did not get far in the game, probably because my Xbox Pass expired, but I remember collecting some caches around town, trying to sing (which I was terrible at), and never being able to win at the catcher claw games. Some of the quests were also fun, "find the peeing guy" was such a typical Yakuza moment for me.
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So whilst i'm house sitting it gives me time to sink my teeth into another game and hopefully one that will take me a while to finish. Whether its a good idea to pick Dark Souls 3 i'm not sure, frankly i hate PVP so i will be playing it in offline mode or just play the game as unembered as much as possible to avoid it hopefully. frankly, no one who invades is up for a fair fight. They're there to ambush and rob you and stroke their egos. I have no intention of playing coop or invading.

Chances are i probably won't play the DLC as its probably too excessively difficult or something, but we'll see. There are currently just shy of 7k users playing it online. Which is a bit of a surprise.

humble bundle wise, still haven't decided yet. Will think about it more tomorrow.
I did half of the next story mission on Heroic III just now, which is the highest difficulty I've unlocked. It's definitely a lot more challenging, especially with how hard enemies hit now.

I bumped the difficulty up to Ultimate I when I unlocked it and now I have to start skipping some of the optional goals to avoid my heroes from getting knocked out. I'm not at risk of actually losing missions yet though.

I wish there was an option to speed up the animations, because fights already take quite a long time and the long animations really don't help.


Community Contributor
And nice job by Copilot on the 4th of July Americana art.
Hey! Some of those stars are ones I drew back in 5th grade that mom posted on Facebook!
July already? Damn. Only a short time until I'm officially 40 then, which cannot be correct. I'm almost certain I'm still like...25.
Your body will be explaining the difference to you soon. Oh, and have you ever wondered what would happen if you ignored the instructions on a bottle of laxative and just took the whole thing over the course of a few hours?

It's a top 10 all-time American comedy. Surely people have seen the compilations on YouTube, at least.
Errrrr.... nope.
It's up there with the American version of The Office (the British version was more cerebral, but not half as funny).
Oh, the Brits made a comedy since Young Ones and Red Dwarf? Huh. Guess that makes sense.
Had our first death in Wizard with a Gun. So you see...each gun carries two different ammo types, and I tried to shoot Guido with some healing and hit him with Lightning Strike instead :ROFLMAO:
Ah, so you CAN defeat Guido one on one!

Canadians? Never heard of em.
It's a suburb on the southeast side of Detroit. Oh, and don't mention hockey around any of them for a few months. Or Florida. Or the Stanely Parable. <evil grin>
I bumped the difficulty up to Ultimate I when I unlocked it and now I have to start skipping some of the optional goals to avoid my heroes from getting knocked out. I'm not at risk of actually losing missions yet though.
Meta-strategy tip: once you build Nico's spa, having a hero knocked out is actually a good thing as you can rest them in the spa and they come back with a combat perk.

Are you making sure to level up lagging heroes in the THREAT Room btw?
I wish there was an option to speed up the animations, because fights already take quite a long time and the long animations really don't help.
I looked for a mod on Nexus for you but couldn't spot one, sorry. At least it's not as bad as Battletech was at launch.
Meta-strategy tip: once you build Nico's spa, having a hero knocked out is actually a good thing as you can rest them in the spa and they come back with a combat perk.

Are you making sure to level up lagging heroes in the THREAT Room btw?

True, I suppose it was actually a genius tactical move to have two of my heroes blown up by a grenade on the turn I won the last mission.

I actually lost that mission on my first try. It was one where you have to open three chests by getting the keys off of enemies, but I just couldn't open the chests and deal with the enemies at the same time. It didn't help one of the villains showed up after the second turn. I really only needed the first chest though, so after a restart and ignoring the other two I managed to defeat the rest of the enemies.

I don't have the THREAT room yet, but from what I understand the game adjusts the enemy difficulty to your hero levels, so I don't really see the point anyway. Especially since I can level up lagging heroes with just regular daily training.

I'd much rather save up for the Crucible, which is way too expensive but I expect will be worth every credit.

I looked for a mod on Nexus for you but couldn't spot one, sorry. At least it's not as bad as Battletech was at launch.

I appreciate it.
True, I suppose it was actually a genius tactical move to have two of my heroes blown up by a grenade on the turn I won the last mission.

I don't have the THREAT room yet, but from what I understand the game adjusts the enemy difficulty to your hero levels, so I don't really see the point anyway. Especially since I can level up lagging heroes with just regular daily training.
The game adjusts it to the highest hero, so if you have a mission where you are compelled to take along a hero who's half a dozen levels behind, that hero will struggle.

I'd much rather save up for the Crucible, which is way too expensive but I expect will be worth every credit.
The Crucible is nice enough but the card mods are so random, so mild in their power, and so expensive vs buying or upgrading more actual cards, that it's not great or worth prioritising. It's something you get late-game when you are overflowing with resources you have no other use for. Having all your heroes at the same level is a much bigger combat boost imo.


Community Contributor
The game adjusts it to the highest hero, so if you have a mission where you are compelled to take along a hero who's half a dozen levels behind, that hero will struggle.
The game won't let them get very far behind. I'm going by memory, but it seemed like the game would only let them fall a couple of levels behind - and that would happen QUITE quickly. Though maybe that's another difficulty level thing?