Diablo 4

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On a Journey
I guess it would help to know my battlenet password lol

I can guess its more than 120 hours. I will tell you when I figure out password. I can reset it but that is just a pain.

So today I finished chapter 5. Twice. 1st time by myself and then later someone I had run through chapter 4 with, wanted to do chapter 5. Guess I should just wait for them to do chapter 6.
I was doing it as it was meant to open up caldeum but really that happens in chapter 6.

I wasn't prepared for the Elias fight until i was doing it. All my barriers may not hurt things but they almost reduce need to use heal potions. That and my main attack heals me. It only sucks against vampires as they are use similar approach. I have looked ahead, I know what is to come. No more surprise boss fights.

2nd time through there were 2 necro in party, other used pets. I didn't really do a lot lol. He was lvl 72 though. He melted one boss. Made me reconsider the build of my other 50, she has changed back to pets again. Half her gear was for them... and I have a stash of necro gear she can pick over.


On a Journey
Legendary items are misnamed. They aren't even rare. They aren't an OMG this is amazing feeling. They aren't always even useful. When you can get 3 of them in the space of a few minutes and none of them help your character, you start to see them as just another item. I haven't bought myself to selling any yet but I have been breaking them down for aspects that I might use later on.

I do still look for them as they can help and I need new gear every few levels to keep damaging things. At least at 53 the rate I get a lvl has reduced, and I get 4 paragon points per level.

Getting a legendary in other games was super rare. Torchlight 2 you never saw any before finishing story once. I don't think there were any in Sacred 2? in that game, just getting a rare was nice.
Legendary items are misnamed. They aren't even rare. They aren't an OMG this is amazing feeling. They aren't always even useful. When you can get 3 of them in the space of a few minutes and none of them help your character, you start to see them as just another item. I haven't bought myself to selling any yet but I have been breaking them down for aspects that I might use later on.

Doing the same thing, its annoying to see that orange glow, get excited and see the added perk is adding a skill point to something so opposite of what your build is at that moment


On a Journey
I haven't had any crashes.

The first quest for Doonan in Act 5 can get confused. I opened up the fort, got the portal and opened the gate and spoke to Doonan, then I used portal and went to another town to sell stuff, and when I came back the gates were closed again and doonan had gone back to his original spot. I had to redo quest and open fort again, but this time I just continued that part.

53 running out of quests... that I can find. the game tells me there are 49 in a region. I have done half of them. Some are random like a bottle washed ashore in one specific location. Many are hidden... thats obvious as I can't find them.

Prefer to do all quests before I finish game. I think I have done about half of them

time passes...

lets see, started new necro, on act 3 already. Then I finished game on my other necro - Only took an hour with a group of 3. Then we did a stronghold and then a whisper.
Shame they skipped every cut scene, I am not one for them but you can't watch them anywhere else... apart from youtube.
So I guess I finished before I did all the quests but some don't show up until after.

It seems i was wrong about unique items in tier 1, you only need to finish game to get them

I only died once, on lilith, I was on wrong side of a cut. Pretty amazed I survived as well as I did but I guess my core skill does heal me so that helps
Now only parts of game uncovered are PVP and strongholds. i should clear all of those as well.

I thought everything inside was elite, nope.. just some are. Changes picture of them. They are a higher lvl but only just.

Lvl 54 now.

Better to get legendaries than none at all. My lvl 30 gambled away over 300 obols and got nothing. Game probably not amused that he was wearing legendary items from as soon as he got to 1st town.

Got access to capstone dungeon. Need to change to T3 to do it, not sure my gear is up to that.

You can finish game in under a day... less than 6 hours infact to do entire story.
Each chapter takes about an hour, chapter 4 is a speedbump.

I worked out something on my new necro, he had a mount from lvl 8. It appears one character does it, they all get it...
Game sure is simple on some aspects. I never noticed. I wish I had noticed on my lvl 54 before he did the quest... He walked for a long time... when he didn't need to... its good exercise and you kill more that way. Horse can ride past most things. In Tier 1 anyway. Might be harder now.

Seems I am in tier 2 now but the story is still finished... I assumed you would play through story on each difficulty... But world is open to me still.
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On a Journey
So end game replaces repeating story in each difficulty?

I am not sure I like that change. Not being able to replay story again without restarting a new character sure reduces number of bosses you can face. Diablo 3 at least let you replay the story... this is mmo territory. They need to let you fight them again... I might even remember them then. Lilith only stands out as she has 2 distinct phases. Everyone else might have phases but they just repeat them.

It sort of explains the emphasis on one character. Still doesn't justify why there is only a stash for everyone, and not individual stashes for individual character equipment. Name one ARPG that doesn't have personal stash... I can't think of any big ones. Shared stash been around at least 20 years.

Can start a new character after finishing game in any zone at lvl 1 and don't need to repeat campaign... most people do it as a bank... but unless they instantly have access to jeweller and Aspect guy, its kind of pointless. Better to have a lvl 40 bank as they can do everything. might get one to break down a bunch of legendaries as they can store them and create the upgrades just as easy as main can.

I should be sleeping but after finishing game I realised I didn't know what happened to one part of story and had to find out.

Diablo 4 isn't your story, its Nayrelle's. You just happen to be there and do a lot of the heavy lifting. But you aren't the hero... they did a Mad Max, you didn't star in your own game
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Legendary items are misnamed. They aren't even rare. They aren't an OMG this is amazing feeling
That seems to be standard across many genres, not just the masochist specialty. In my first main play of Far Cry 6, I beelined the Supercharger shotgun—which is only available in the oilrig off the NW corner—because it's so much better.

Wasn't too long after when I tricked out one of the standard shotties—just to use up some spare resources—and it was a lot better than the Supercharger! Grr.

The red bars are how much worse the Supercharger is than the KSG:


I should be sleeping but…
Yeah, yeah, we know—you're a gamer! Sadly, without Patience :(
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I wouldn't have expected a shotgun to be so stealthy.
I know, and it is unusual—but the tiny bit of research I did years ago suggests they also exist IRL, so it's probably legit… not that that matters in a game :)

First I found was in an old Far Cry—maybe 3—the excellent SPAS-12, which also has my prime requirement in a shotgun which is rapid fire rate. Provides a decent chance of survival or even victory if the baddies hit the fan when clearing a base.

SPAS-12 is also in FC6, but underpowered compared to the two above.
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On a Journey

I made it myself... sort of. it wasn't a demonblade or look like that until I imprinted the orange text. It will be finished next lvl as she is lvl 39 and the best gems I have right now are lvl 40. The gems won't add to damage, more to another stat.

Not sure that DPS is an accident. I should have played with the 2nd stat but well, I figure sword will be good enough until she hits 50. NOt in a rush to do main quest again today... Just trying to find new side quests. And get to 40.

Good thing my crit chance is low or I would be pulling agro off my minions. - I wonder if that is a thing in this game. I guess Barbs have taunts, we just don't have a healing class. My necro only heals itself with its core attack. Rest of party on this own.

Because of the size the gems are shown, the max amount of sockets on anything right now is Two.

The jeweller needs a redesign, should be able to convert gems in bulk, not click the button for every gem at a time. The alchemist lets you make a number at once, its should be the same.
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On a Journey
So I have tried the various types of Necromancer builds out and I feel he is sort of missing point on blood burst. It may not have high single target attack compared to Bone Spear but it hits everything on screen at once, so its total damage might be higher. You don't get big crit numbers but its good at keeping things away from me. Current lvl 54 uses it. I prefer it to bonespear as it also heals me while I attack... can go a long time without needing to hit Q.

the buttons to summon your skeletons and Golem use up half your attack slots. It leaves you with a choice of either don't use the things at all or be basically a puppet master. No happy medium. You weak or they are.
takes more than playing just 1 character to figure it out.

finished story yesterday and apart from one mistake, I didn't feel under threat at any time. Watching him die shows lack of defence in the Bone spear build, lots of chaos. I wouldn't pick playing it alone.

Wow.,.. the build my Lvl 55 was following seems to have been replaced... they have replaced it entirely on the same url. https://www.icy-veins.com/d4/guides/blood-surge-necromancer-build/

I think the paragon board is still the same and I have spent all the skill points he will ever get so it might be okay. I have changed as the differences are not that big I can't play with it. some attacks I haven't used before.

build isn't that much different to what I had before.

So after you finish game you can do quests all over the map for the Tree of Whispers and it gives you a choice of rewards...

Can pick a reward every 10 points.
Get 5 points for a dungeon quest
3 points for a clear this area of a region quest
1 point for easy things.
these are timed quests.
So far I have done 2 group quests but they seem to have rewarded me 6 points. I then did 4 tonight by myself - 4 clear area quests.

one being one handed weapons... I have chosen that twice but well, these are results


The first time it gave me two legendary shields... i can't dual wield them.

I think I got a glyph each time as well.

My necro just prefers a shield. its handy when things can stun you. Before I swapped some mobs were removing a lot of health on a regular basis. It really depends on if you use pets or not as to how safe a 2 hander is for necro. They basically just stat sticks, I don't hit anything, I don't have any moves that do hit things... with my hands.

So thinking, should I continue choosing 1 hander when it is what I want or choose something else... hmm, seems the labels aren't including everything that might be in the cache. SO the Collection of one handed weapons also includes 2 handers, and shields, and probably more. If I get a nice two handed sword with 2 sockets, I can pass it down to my bone spear necro (see above sword I made today... yesterday... some time)

3 collections
  1. Collection of one handed weapons
  2. collection of Amulets
  3. Collection of Gauntlets.
I the collection is labelled Greater its more likely to include 2 legendaries

the possible rewards offered in total are:
1-Handed Weapons, 2-Handed Weapons, Amulets, Boots, Chaos, Chest Armors, Gloves, Helms, Leg Armors, Rings.

Not sure what chaos refers too unless its magical gear like wands - which is more fun as he currently using a wand.

All I can guess is you probably won't find any amulets in the Gauntlets collection. Those are the only 3 items that are certain. Time will tell but could be combat gear in top one - weapons and shields, Gauntlets could be armor and amulets is accessories.

Once i get enough points to spend more whisper points, I will slowly figure it out.

Brain can't type anymore.
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On a Journey
Part 3

I haven't tried but surely any new character after campaign finished state, has a choice, play campaign or not. If its such a grind to get up without it, why even choose it? There isn't that much in game without a reason to play... its only the occasional outdoors dungeon (contradiction) that stands out, they all just halls leading to intersections full of monsters.

Only way to replay campaign is to make a new character... this is the sort of thing that made me mad at Grim Dawn while it was in beta... they had an excuse, they hadn't finished game yet. This makes it more like a MMO and really shows why you need end game as there is no replayability. Once you end, all there is left to do is everything else... capstone dungeon needed to open next difficulty, but open world remains the same. I am on Tier 2, I may have finished it on T2, I wasn't looking at what lvl the party was set to.

I just found out how to upgrade rings and amulets, and add sockets to items. I wish I had before I sold any ring I found that didn't have a socket. I don't know if it works on items that can have 2 but don't. Like armor and other long weapons.

I will need to look at these threads later as so many quests are hidden its not funny - https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/t/all-fractured-peaks-hidden-side-quests/40491v

I think I have so much rep in some areas that as soon as I start T3 they will all reward me lvl 4... that is aim anyway. I might coop the capstone dungeon.

some unknown website posted this nice thing yesterday -
I think I collect all the ones not in strongholds tonight.. once I go to sleep. I finished game yesterday, it feels like years ago... not sleeping does that.

some of the tricky ones would be easier to find with screenshots... but I can compare against what I have now.

its also missing one reward you get in last 2 areas, Paragon points. But not many of those so far. They are also rep rewards but only in T4.


I keep passing people on my horse, makes me wonder if premium horse is faster. I just need to resist right clicking randomly and dismounting when I didn't want to.

So The Grandfather sword being a unique confirms to me they just swapped the names, uniques are now legendary. What we have is some frankenstien creation pretending to be legendaries. https://www.pcgamer.com/diablo-4-unique-items-how-to-get/
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On a Journey
So I think reason these all sell for 2g is to stop them being abused for gold farming. That and it is less of incentive to kill them and therefor robbing them of the people who might find items useful. None of them are really standouts to me.

I have killed some of these by just being in area, some are hard to avoid and one killed me... so I am less inclined to kill random bosses in world.

I didn't realise world bosses only show in certain areas. Probably a good thing but unexpected. I had a message about one yesterday but I wasn't sure where to look. They have their own arenas

if you going to show a guide to liith statues, include screenshots - I couldn't find one based on just the map but screenshots showed it wasn't exactly where its shown
https://www.eurogamer.net/scosglen-altar-of-lilith-locations-diablo-4-9337#section-3 - this helped more.

Only ones I don't have now as in strongholds or the 2 PVP zones.


On a Journey
Someone should tell her that reading a book at night without a light on will make you blind

I did mostly nothing today, spent all time doing bounty quests hoping the box the tree offers has something useful, getting to stage I don't need to do them. I would like a nice one handed weapon still as while they are using this

now, they feel a 1 handed sword and a shield might be safer in dungeons. Mainly the capstone dungeon.
No way am I the grim reaper. look at that smile

had to fill inventory of a 2nd character up now with legendary items. I will start destroying them again soon once i sort them out. I don't need duplicates of quest items.
Jun 22, 2023
I am a D4 cn player, I want to ask you for help, want to know some of the D4 communication sites you use frequently, if you are willing to help, please send this (guanhaocheng99) This gmaile should receive your message, thank you

I did mostly nothing today, spent all time doing bounty quests hoping the box the tree offers has something useful, getting to stage I don't need to do them. I would like a nice one handed weapon still as while they are using this

now, they feel a 1 handed sword and a shield might be safer in dungeons. Mainly the capstone dungeon.
No way am I the grim reaper. look at that smile

had to fill inventory of a 2nd character up now with legendary items. I will start destroying them again soon once i sort them out. I don't need duplicates of quest items.


On a Journey
communication sites? What do you mean?

Tree of whispers is a great way to equip your character. I now have a 1 hander I can use with shield in situations I feel I need more defence, and this sword for everything else. Almost at point I don't need anything right now. Just doing them until I go into next difficulty.

Level 58 now, just waiting for the person I did campaign with to see when they doing capstone.
He has gone all yellow as no matter what color i choose he looks too dark

I may not crit much but I can do 9k overpower hits. I hit everything around me with main attack too. So it probably adds up. I wouldn't mind knowing where it stands.

Difference my character noticed between world 1 & 2 is sometimes he needs to use a heal potion now... sometimes. I expect that to change in world 3. But drops will be better and I might get more uniques.

The lack of ability to replay story leaves me with limited side quests. Most of which are strongholds still. I should try one. Tomorrow perhaps. I have to sleep soon. Then I need to look at dungeons. The bosses all seem to be a limited number. Its been a while since I saw something new in them. The one of quest dungeons are different but you don't repeat them.

I need to start not picking up rares. 90% of them re just sold. They just clutter up inventory. I have 20 million gold, I don't really need to sell everything now. Just pick up legendaries, reduce amount of time spent in towns. Once you need to upgrade gear, pick up the items you might upgrade... i guess. I have only upgraded a few yellow to legendary so far. His current boots were one example. As is his helm - it has +2 to two of his attacks, I couldn't resist.

The lowest lvl item he is wearing is the unique ring. I don't think game ever drops items of your level, they all seem to be 9 or so behind max. If you do equip a weapon of your lvl, it makes game way easier. Game isn't balanced for that. I remember using a lvl 40 dagger at 40 and killing everything easy.
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On a Journey
I think reason for not being able to find all side quests is they are set to open up as game progresses, as you level up. As I have found some that weren't showing before I ended story - it could be that and not my level.

Tree gives about 120k exp everytime I hand in 10 whispers so its basically how I have gained the last 5 levels. After 50, every quarter of a level rewards a Paragon point, so I lose track of what levels I actually gain over a period of time.


On a Journey
So game is smart enough to know what gems you have in bank, so why does it have to also put the results of crafting them into characters bag. Easier in my mind to have results go there as well.

Just improved damage of one and two handed weapons today. Run out of things I need for a few levels.

Currently using the spine of something to lay waste to most around me.

1st world problems, My entire stash is almost full of legendary items.

Was easy to get to 58, I seem to have hit a wall getting to 60. Want to get next lvl gem upgrade and potions. Need to finish Tier 2 as its sort of too easy now. My figures are double what is suggested for doing Capstone dungeon. The lvl 70 one looks nuts.


On a Journey
I don't like the new trend if Diablo 4 is following one, of only playing through story once and then grinding dungeons for the rest of the game. While the story never really meant anything in previous games, the quests gave content that could be repeated. The idea of finishing the game at 48 and essentially grinding dungeons to get to 100 just doesn't do it for me. I don't want to give up on Diablo 4 so soon.

I hope they see error of idea and release a mode in expansion similar to how it should have been. It should be a choice. Not all or nothing.

End game just seems to shorten the actual game. You only get to play story once, and it only takes 5 hours to do, compared to 100's to get to 100. Can finish story by around lvl 30... 70% of game is all just a grind of dungeons after loot. Perhaps that is all DIablo always was but they hid it better in past.

I don't know how many dungeon bosses there are as I always seem to fight the same one. I know there is more than one, having fought a spider before, but apart from a paladin I fought recently, they all seem to be the same. If you meant to spend 50% of your time in dungeons, they are pretty boring.
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I realy like D4 but i have one major issue with it. In diablo 2 after you reached lvl 70-80 or so, the XP grind became realy slow, but that didnt realy bother me much beacuse you still felt like you progressed by getting new items etc. The way D4 is setup however, past lvl 70 the game starts to feal like a slog. XP is slow, which i am fine with, but the sence of progressens is allmost not there. But that is a game mechanic issue that can be fixed so i am hopefully :)


On a Journey
I am only on 60, the only way I measure progression now is every paragon point feels like a level up... even though you get one per quarter level. It has slowed down a lot from what it was... took the entire day to go from 59.5 to 61. I went mad doing whispers so I been doing quests as well... they need more side quests... I will run out soon.

I cleared 2 strongholds just so I can do the quests there. I spent today clearing Strongholds. I did the 3 in the opening zone plus the Druid one that is tied to their class quest. I spent a while going to all the places on map I haven't been before. Once I hit Tier 3 I think I will get 400 more obol slots and about 300k gold, as pretty sure my rep is at that level in all 5 zones now. I think you need to have done everything to get the tier 4 one... I have a lot of dungeons I haven't been in yet. Thjnk I do the four strongholds that have portals to help transport around map. I might do them all before going to tier 3.

missing 2 quests in opening zone... wish I knew which they were. Too many random quests. I found one in another zone where a guy had been buried in sand up to his head. Unexpected. I rescued him and a few other people.

Too many tied into you finishing Strongholds. Only way I found some is looking at challenges as they list the quests, then using google to see answers. One I am still not sure how to get.

I hate how game auto accepts escort quests. I don't have a choice.

I hate how at least once a day I will enter back into the portal I just came through... drives me mad sometimes. I don't know why I click it.

I am slow, I should be in Tier 3. I was waiting for the person I played through campaign with, but they haven't been on as much. I might try capstone tomorrow. It might mean I see more than lvl 40 gear all the time.

No new gear worth showing. I made a new sword and it doesn't beat my old one... did same thing with a shield too. I did make new shoes, helm and an amulet that were upgrades so not a complete waste of time.
I found reason I need pick up yellow... to salvage them for mats. I ran out of something I assumed I had plenty of.

I noticed when I hit 60 that things seem to hit me more than before... it isn't as noticeable levelling up but the monster difficulty seemed to get a boost that level. I was thinking I had changed something but its just the level scaling. The only real difference is I was below max health more than normal. As I am normally over healed because my main attack heals me for a percentage of the damage I do to people around me, so the more crowded around me, the better - but it means I don't normally notice damage. Enemies should be wary of people who run into their group so they can hit as many as possible with 1 attack.

Only times I ever use potions is fighting poison bosses as I can't stand in the puddles for long. I fought a new boss today, one I hadn't seen before... he died real fast. So wasn't really a struggle.
I always seem to get the blood bishop and I know what he does now... I guessed he was the boss in one place before I got to him.
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I am only on 60, the only way I measure progression now is every paragon point feels like a level up... even though you get one per quarter level. It has slowed down a lot from what it was... took the entire day to go from 59.5 to 61. I went mad doing whispers so I been doing quests as well... they need more side quests... I will run out soon.

I cleared 2 strongholds just so I can do the quests there. I spent today clearing Strongholds. I did the 3 in the opening zone plus the Druid one that is tied to their class quest. I spent a while going to all the places on map I haven't been before. Once I hit Tier 3 I think I will get 400 more obol slots and about 300k gold, as pretty sure my rep is at that level in all 5 zones now. I think you need to have done everything to get the tier 4 one... I have a lot of dungeons I haven't been in yet. Thjnk I do the four strongholds that have portals to help transport around map. I might do them all before going to tier 3.

missing 2 quests in opening zone... wish I knew which they were. Too many random quests. I found one in another zone where a guy had been buried in sand up to his head. Unexpected. I rescued him and a few other people.

Too many tied into you finishing Strongholds. Only way I found some is looking at challenges as they list the quests, then using google to see answers. One I am still not sure how to get.

I hate how game auto accepts escort quests. I don't have a choice.

I hate how at least once a day I will enter back into the portal I just came through... drives me mad sometimes. I don't know why I click it.

I am slow, I should be in Tier 3. I was waiting for the person I played through campaign with, but they haven't been on as much. I might try capstone tomorrow. It might mean I see more than lvl 40 gear all the time.

No new gear worth showing. I made a new sword and it doesn't beat my old one... did same thing with a shield too. I did make new shoes, helm and an amulet that were upgrades so not a complete waste of time.
I found reason I need pick up yellow... to salvage them for mats. I ran out of something I assumed I had plenty of.

I noticed when I hit 60 that things seem to hit me more than before... it isn't as noticeable levelling up but the monster difficulty seemed to get a boost that level. I was thinking I had changed something but its just the level scaling. The only real difference is I was below max health more than normal. As I am normally over healed because my main attack heals me for a percentage of the damage I do to people around me, so the more crowded around me, the better - but it means I don't normally notice damage. Enemies should be wary of people who run into their group so they can hit as many as possible with 1 attack.

Only times I ever use potions is fighting poison bosses as I can't stand in the puddles for long. I fought a new boss today, one I hadn't seen before... he died real fast. So wasn't really a struggle.
I always seem to get the blood bishop and I know what he does now... I guessed he was the boss in one place before I got to him.
You can make the game harder when you hit IV and run sigils that are overleveled for your toon :)
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Jun 7, 2021
Playing my now level 38 rouge, I have completed Act 2. However, I feel very under powered heading toward Act 3. Trying to bulk up on side quests, but those are starting to get tedious when waves of the same monsters just keep coming. Honestly, a bit boring at times hacking and slashing through these hordes.


On a Journey
level 38 rouge
that typo plagues all Rogues :)

  • Drowned
  • Undead - Zombies and skeletons
  • Mothers chosen
  • Bandits
  • Goatmen
  • Wildlife (EI big animals to take on clothies and insects to slow down everyone. )
  • Demons of various sizes
  • World bosses
  • Even bosses in general seem lacking. Only done a few of them myself and only seen about 4 at most. Not talking campaign bosses as they were different.
I may have missed something but the range of things you fight is pretty limited. You fight the same things in Yelesna as you do in Hawazr - it seems anyway.

The one thing that does change is the music. Every area having its own music means so far I haven't gotten sick of any of it. Trying to find my fav, I like music in the Iron Wolves camp.

Found a side quest where I need to fight Anderial again. I only have 10 left and only missing a few in each region. Whereas some people hate side quests, I think we need more as only doing dungeons for 30 more levels doesn't excite me that much.

crafting - anything you make is at your level. So no point having an alt full of aspects as any item it makes will be at its level. This game tries its hardest to be anti twink. No saving gear for later characters, no space to put them in. No crafting gear for new characters either.
This is a single character game where although you had 5 choices at the start, you really only meant to play one... I wish I had known. This isn't as bad as Sacred 3 but the changes are enough to make it not really a Diablo game.

I don't find myself left clicking mobs but I suspect I will need a new mouse one day as my right finger gets lots of action. I spam my main attack. Getting sore fingers from it.

MY build lacks single target damage but my paragon board just moving into an area where it buffs the attack so it might come good. I much prefer this build to the Bone Spear single target destroyer builds. Big crits look good but if you can't do them consistently then I prefer slow and steady. Its fine provided there is no timer