Diablo 4

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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I assume Brian only really wanted 4080 in that competition for Diablo 4, as I know he wouldn't have played game, even if collectors edition included the game
Tru dat. Wouldn't even have occurred to me tho that there was no game in a "Collector's Edition"—that's pretty low.

Looks to be so far so good with the game itself tho, which is the main thing. Nice to see a AAA with a decent launch, here's to more of 'em.
Jun 8, 2023
When I get DiabloIV I think I will play Druid; It's the class that intrigues me the most. It'll be interesting to see what the originality is.


On a Journey
Druid about only class that needs help doing its class quest, as strongholds never seem to get easy, they always a few lvls ahead. I have a lvl 19 Druid who feels your pain... maybe need a party of druids who all need same quest lol.

shame I can't play 2 characters at once as I could have a party with necro and druid take on stronghold.

Iron Golem looks weird

Remember how I said gambling sucks? Being forced to do it worse... it has its upsides sometimes. Most times you just get blues.

Got to lvl 40 tonight... been running around finding portals and statues to boost characters. Already have 3 renown lvls in 2nd area now. Its fun starting a new character with 4 skill points already. Makes 1st dungeon really easy lol. Though bear still took too long

You get mount at start of chapter 4. Shame its tied to a chapter as she is old enough to use it now. I guess I should do main quest then... maybe tomorrow night.

She probably needs a new weapon again soon.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
So they thought of elixirs and put them on own tab, but not gems?
They did talk about having their own tab or sharing with the other resources. My bet is that this is not going to happen and instead, they'll give you to option to buy stashes that are either included in Battle Pass or other forms. Path of Exile is often advertising discounted stash tabs because they know people will buy them since it is bloody impossible or at least excruciatingly annoying to play the end game with just the stuff you get for free.

Implementing elixirs is actually a smart thing businesswise since the player will get accustomed to making them and some more prone to buy them in the shop. It is a completely unnecessary element to have in the game though when you think of how many different XP boost options there were in Diablo 3 - https://maxroll.gg/d3/resources/experience-explained.


On a Journey
Elixirs aren't shared between characters. So the mats are but the results aren't. That seems odd to me. It should be one or other, not both.

You get more than enough mats if you pick them up as you play. Its possible they sell some purple ones that last an hour.

bank slots and bags are something I would pay more to have. But it should be in game now. I guess once they think of it, the bank slot will show a link to shop. I bought last slot today, but only putting legendaries in it.

Necro ran a dungeon the Barb died in, so he can use the reward once he is lvl 25. I didn't realise it was age restricted, but it isn't if you get an aspect in a dungeon on that character, and want to install it before 25. But if you haven't, you have to wait.
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On a Journey
MrLLama in the video I linked brings up a valid point. The draw distance is too close, its good for melee classes but everything is too close to you if you play sorc or ranged rogue. You essentially shoot everything at point blank range. Necro only class with any chance of keeping its distance, based on minions doing the blocking for you.

Its okay on ranged rogue maybe but Sorc get a skill called glass cannon that boosts their damage at expense of their defence and if you always up close, its only a matter of time. I am amazed I survived one fight last night on mine.

They need to zoom it out a little., Diablo was never about what it looks like. Feels like they zoomed in to show off peoples gear more, no one will use shop if no one else can see them... okay, some will. Could have different zoom levels based on classes, or perhaps location. In town you can have it zoomed in but it should broaden out as you go outside town.
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Kripparian in the video I linked brings up a valid point. The draw distance is too close, its good for melee classes but everything is too close to you if you play sorc or ranged rogue. You essentially shoot everything at point blank range. Necro only class with any chance of keeping its distance, based on minions doing the blocking for you.

Its okay on ranged rogue maybe but Sorc get a skill called glass cannon that boosts their damage at expense of their defence and if you always up close, its only a matter of time. I am amazed I survived one fight last night on mine.

They need to zoom it out a little., Diablo was never about what it looks like. Feels like they zoomed in to show off peoples gear more, no one will use shop if no one else can see them... okay, some will. Could have different zoom levels based on classes, or perhaps location. In town you can have it zoomed in but it should broaden out as you go outside town.
Could you use the mini map to spot and shoot enemies before they're on your screen?

It wouldn't be as good as actually being able to see them, but it might work better than having to get close first.


On a Journey
shame they don't have the map overlay that was in Diablo 2.

The map in general is a waste of time, mini map should have a zoom feature so you can be scrolled out on it and not need to keep loading the main map that covers the entire screen.

Lvl 42. Guess I should try the main story soon... again. I mostly just been exploring and finding portals so I don't have to run as far next time. The lower areas on map are designed for people on horses.

As I said already, shame the horse tied to a chapter and not just a level. Means I have to actually play story... boo hiss :)


On a Journey
I don't know if its a bug or intended but if you in the zone where the Barb does his class quest, you can hear hear the lines of the npc that gives you the quest while playing on any other character. It might just be because I had done quest previously on a Barbarian.

I found a pvp zone last night, I didn't know there were entire regions for it. I generally don't do pvp so I guess that will make it difficult to do some quests.

Gems aren't worth any gold. And the resistances are currently broken so the usefulness of gems is questionable.
I know how to upgrade gems to next level, its based on character level of main character. Higher it is, rest of characters can make them... odd but anyway. They can make higher lvl gems but can't use them until they the right level. They useless now anyway.

Too many things are attached to account, that should be character based.
IE, If elixirs are only put in inventory of character who makes them, why are mats shared across accounts? It should be one, or other.
Gem unlocks is another.

No loot filter, whites still show up at end game... why.
This game has a lot of content but the systems around it are undercooked.

I want a look for group system. I was expecting it to be easier. There should be a chat for the purpose.
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On a Journey
watches video of the boss I died to last week, sees what to do... beats it.. ends chapter 1. Half way through chapter 2 now

Still waiting on a useful legendary that has a bonus that matches her build

this isn't bad for another of my necros to look forward to


looks good too

There is a setting in the accessibility menu to play a sound only for specific categories of a specific rarity.
so they worried about the people who can't see well but not everyone else. Need to make game as available as possible.

It needs more quality of life improvements.


Community Contributor
I played the game for a dozen of hours or so (still in the first act) and I'm... impressed! The atmosphere is equal to Diablo 2 which is a major advantage of the game. I think the graphics quality is comparative to Diablo 2 Resurrected. Only the lighting and special effects of spells are somewhat inferior, but I can live with that. I picked a sorcerer and the gameplay is very good, but I'd prefer more blood when finishing enemies. It would be more satisfying. When it comes to character progression system, a big disadvantage is a low number of levels when you're upgrading your skills. In D2 there were 20 tiers, in D4 there are only 5. I'm eager to see how the system will work on higher character levels. I also don't think that the presence of other players (even if you want to play alone) is something bad. Actually I like it. You even get a small XP boost when someone is near you. The dungeons are instanced anyway, so I don't see a problem here. I hope the game will be evolved for years...
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On a Journey
started new necro tonight, already on 2nd chapter... beating that boss earlier today showed me it was me being tired last week that killed me, not the fight. Also not knowing what a bubble shield looks like or knowing 1 extra in the fight is on your side. It was really easy at lvl 20.

He got this helm as reward for fight

which gives me 7 skeleton warriors now.
Also, the Orange text = its aspect. You can remove those from equipment and put them on something else instead. Only once though. So need to choose something nice... like an amulet

He also found

which my lvl 44 necro likes the aspect of, if not the amulet itself. Her main attack/defence is blood surge.
Looking at its stats. it rolled the lowest of all the values. Numbers in brackets = range. I have advanced tooltips on.

So I probably will extract it from that now.

I have a weaker version of that aspect on her ring already. the amulet still beats it.

realises best place to get screenshots is the wardrobe

My new lvl 32 Necro. Almost caught up in progress to my lvl 44 necro, but the other guy was trailblazer. This guy is not looking for lilith statues, yet. He in areas I travelled before.

He old enough to use the sword I posted about 5 posts ago, and it matches his as the skill it buffs is his ultimate skill.

SO i had just finished chapter 1 on 2nd character and had started the initial parts of chapter 2 & 3, and was runnning around doing a side quest when someone asked me to help with a quest. Turns out it was the final boss in chapter 1 - I should have guessed. So I helped kill it a 3rd time tonight - its easy if you stay near the knight and now you need to be inside his bubble when he puts it up, or you die. Then I went to continue where I was and the game had reset both of the chapters back to not being started - worst part is chapter 2 intial quest opens a portal up in an area that doesn't have one until you do quest. It wasn't hard, just redundant having to run to somewhere you had a portal to already.

I don't think its meant to do that. Tired of getting necro legendaries for skills I don't use. On any character...
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Community Contributor
Finished the first act! Finally some good items started to drop. It made the game easier on World Tier II. It looks like legendary stuff starts to show after level 30. Also my sorc finally started to look pretty nice. The game combines the best elements from Diablo 2 and 3 plus open world map construction and a very good storyline. At this moment I see almost no disadvantages. Also those boss fights... <3 I see Dark Souls influences in this element. They could give the players option to distribute stats manually when leveling, but most people playing D2 used internet templates anyway, so it's not a major problem. GOTY as of now!



On a Journey
They could give the players option to distribute stats manually when leveling, but most people playing D2 used internet templates anyway, so it's not a major problem. GOTY as of now!
from memory everyone just put all their stats into life anyway so giving us choice and then everyone doing the same thing anyway was pointless. The auto unknown increase per lvl is easier in the long run.

I didn't realise that you stop getting skill points at 50 and start getting paragon points instead. Probably explains why more builds have 2 types, levelling and end stage. And end stage starts at 50. Not sure I like that idea.

I am only playing on World Tier 1, why make it harder than it needs to be :D


Community Contributor
from memory everyone just put all their stats into life anyway so giving us choice and then everyone doing the same thing anyway was pointless. The auto unknown increase per lvl is easier in the long run.
Yeah, that’s true, especially in builds designed for higher levels.

I didn't realise that you stop getting skill points at 50 and start getting paragon points instead. Probably explains why more builds have 2 types, levelling and end stage. And end stage starts at 50. Not sure I like that idea.
It was quite similar in D3. I don’t remember what level it was exactly though. It’s justified in my opinion because most people at level 50 already have all the skills that they wanted anyway.
I am only playing on World Tier 1, why make it harder than it needs to be :D
I must admit that it’s quite difficult sometimes on World Tier II, but I want to properly unlock World Tier III right away. I heard that you can still unlock it if you switch to WT II only for final boss fight. I prefer to do it the proper way though. :D
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I also don't think that the presence of other players (even if you want to play alone) is something bad. Actually I like it. You even get a small XP boost when someone is near you. The dungeons are instanced anyway, so I don't see a problem here. I hope the game will be evolved for years...

From what I've seen I agree that the presence of other players isn't disruptive, but it also doesn't add much. And since the game is always online I don't think it'll be possible to mod the game in any significant way, which is a shame in my opinion.


Community Contributor
From what I've seen I agree that the presence of other players isn't disruptive, but it also doesn't add much. And since the game is always online I don't think it'll be possible to mod the game in any significant way, which is a shame in my opinion.
It's not surprising these days though. At least there will be less cheaters. It also stops the pirate copies to appear on torrents. The lack od mod support is a disadvantage. If I recall correctly, Diablo 3 also didn't have an offline mode.