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Nov 10, 2020
While I would love to think of myself as the Warrior that would conquer all, my job is one that requires a lot of diplomacy when dealing with customers. So I would probably be the one who was diplomatic. Then when diplomacy fails, PILLAGE THE VILLAGE!!!!!!!!!
Dec 10, 2020
I played Assassin's Creed: Odyssey as a pacifist and as of the most recent tally, I've got 5,399 kills. Something like that I think.
May 27, 2020
I'd be a conqueror, even though I'm against violence, I'd take their land if they won't give it to me......I mean, it's not like I won't be giving them the chance to give it up without fighting.
May 1, 2020
Assuming this would be real life: I would be a fair leader. I would try to be on good standing with all the other tribes, and try to understand their point of view on matters. My goal would be a peacefull coexistence, and a world in which everyone can leave together in peace, and where a "class" doesn't really exist. If anyone however would try to mess with me and ruin my efforts, I would crush them into the ground if I must. An amry of my own would exist, but they are not to wager war, more like "Peace Keepers" in case someone tries to attack. I would never intentionally start a war, instead relying on a nice meeting to talk about problems. Of course I would go to war if I have to, to protect. More so I would stand by my men in battle, at the front line. Because a leader should not hide behind his men. He should show that he is ready to fight. And to die. For his kingdom. For it's people!
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