Giveaway Win one of three Assassin's Creed Valhalla Gold Edition Keys from PC Gamer!

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Nov 10, 2020
Can't wait to try this. Love the AC games and Vikings have always intrigued me to the point of even wanting a viking funeral when the time comes. Huge fan.
Feb 5, 2020
To my liking AC:Black Flag has been the finest episode so far. You could almost feel the salty breeze on your face while sailing among mysterious islands.
I hope the open world of AC:Valhalla will also present an huge, inspiring world to wander across and to enjoy an interesting story it will unfold.
Hope to play it one day :^)
Nov 10, 2020
Assassins creed unity has to be by far one of the smoothest games in terms of movement I have ever played, it's co-op mode is something that needs to return too (wouldn't mind the og multiplayer returning either tbh) it feels so good to do all of these cool movements in this beautiful world with your buddies no to mention the plethora of tools at your disposal the makes so you can complete the task at hand in any way you see fit.
Nov 10, 2020
I cant choose a favorite, so I'll give my tops without any specific order.
Assasins Creed 3 because I am a Native American mix with a father who is an English men and I felt connected to this character on many levels. I feel similarly with freedom cry, but I never owned that one, but I have several copies of 3.
Next in order despite saying I wouldn't be in any order is BlackFlag, it was so wonderful to be a pirate and this was really the last time I saw the community building system a true bridge to the more the future installments of the series and the past when I ran around Italy building stores as Etzio and the future sailing I would learn to love, I know 3 had sailing, but it wasn't the same.
Then enters Syndicate, Im a bit of a steam punk Victorian fan, so I was thrilled, loveable characters and a smooth representation of both a masculine and feminine main character I didn't see ever again like it, in my opinion, with assasins creed being based in a pattern of ancestry and history, I find the newer, male or female Alexios confusing, I would of preferred a specific gender or two characters I could switch like the Fry twins whom I love playing as screeching my way through London on carriages that I never seemed too good at driving. Additionally the WW2 and Jack the Ripper additions were so very interesting.
Now maybe my try favorite was Origins, Bayek of Siwa was a man of pain and suffering as well as new beginning, I truly fell in love with this character, he goes through so much but this man of his word visits those constellations for his son while fighting through the unforgiving deserts of hyenas and beasts and swamplands to boot, it truly brought Egyptian religion and mysticism into a well crafted and beautiful room, this man did everything for a son he no longer had and he still pressed forward for him even in the duwat, and field of reads in the valley of kings, the new fighting system was smoother and gave me new ways to play.
Finally we have Odyssey, maybe not as great as origin, but I got my see shanties back, beautifully crafted culture and landscapes, compelling story and honestly more of an origin story than origin in a way. The cult of cosmos was honestly a copy of the bad guys in the last game but with an equally compelling backstop, guess the templars never changed no matter their name or creed. The choice system was great and diving was always so interesting. This was a world with so much to do, and exploring the afterlife was both tragic and beautiful. This is a Greek tragedy and comedy depending on what story we care most for.
Assassin's Creed is a game of my childhood from before I was old enough for the ESRB rating to now, when I bought and played Odyssey when I came home from the Army christmas on holiday leave. These games will continue being part of my life and entertainment. I would mention the other games, but I dont have the time now.

Sea shanties not see, as well as many other typos to boot

Also, I want to play Valhalla so I can keep enjoying these wonderful games, these games steeped with mythology, lore and quest, plus base building is BACK, also VIKING, how cool is that!!
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Nov 10, 2020
I’d have to say odyssey is my favorite because I enjoyed the large map and I haven’t played the other ones in a long time. I want to play Valhalla because of the new settlement feature and the old assassination is back.
Nov 10, 2020
I think my opinion will be unpopular but i loved AC:ROGUE. I got unity but my pc crashed after i did the intro level, so i got rogue for my ps3 and that ending connecting the 2 was great. Also seeing the "evil" side of the assassins was interesting.
Nov 10, 2020
I have never used any social media but i created one for that giveaway. I am such a big fan of assassins creed game. I believe gaming is not losing time for repeatable things in online games. Its in losing your mind in open world story games.
Nov 10, 2020
I've played pretty much every Assassin's Creed game except for the Chronicles ones. The original was the first game that I got for my ps3, and even though I've thoroughly enjoyed other entries, there is something special about that one that no other game has been able to capture. As much as I loved AC2, you could already feel it deviating from that original vision, and I still wish to this day that Ubi would stop trying to deliver two different experiences with just one game.

For me, the dream would be a remake + reboot type deal. I want to see that original concept and story fully realized without compromises. Having said that, I do enjoy the newer games for what they are and think that they deserve their own ip. I'm really excited to try Valhalla because Origins did make me feel like someone over at Ubisoft was actually trying to bring back some of the essence of the franchise. Also, I really wanna play a Vikings game haha.

Good luck everyone!
Nov 10, 2020
My favourite Assassin's Creed game is probably Odyssey. To me, they really got the levelling nailed (compared to Origins and previous games) and it is one of the first Assassin's Creed games that I have actually wanted to replay.
Nov 10, 2020
AC2 is still my favorite, I already liked the first AC and AC2 improved on it in every way. I'm looking forward to Valhalla since I enjoyed the general game design of Odyssey with its RPG elements, and I like norse settings, both realistic and fantasy.
Mar 31, 2020
My favorite: Assassin's Creed Revelations

I am looking forward to playing Valhalla, because it's next gen expedition
May 29, 2020
Honestly the last 2 were my favourite AC games. The story in Origins was fantastic and Bayek was an amazing character. I felt like they tweaked the gameplay a little in Odyssey and improved on it. Both of them were amazing though. I'm hoping Valhalla sticks to the same formula as the last 2 as I felt it worked perfectly. I'm looking forward to sailing the seas as a viking! :D
Nov 10, 2020
Odyssey is my favorite so far, but I am really looking forward to Valhalla because I have a special interest in the time period. I have been an AC player since game 1!
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Oct 20, 2020
Black Flag. Imo one of the worst stories, but best gameplay. Jumping down from the sails and pressing the shoot button four times, pulling out a new flintlock with each shot, was awesome.
Nov 10, 2020
Thank you so much for this giveaway! Good luck to everyone!

I love and have played all the Assassins Creed games. My 2 favorites are Black Flag for the more nostalgic AC that I grew up with, the amazing naval combat and hunting system, the great environment and story playing along with some of the most famous pirates of that time. Black Flag really had it all and I spent a ton of time playing!

My other pick would be Origins, I loved how the AC genre was recreated in the beautiful ancient Egyptian environment!! Climbing the pyramids, exploring under the sphinx and what a beautiful story. I spend a lot of time exploring the world and seeing the beautiful ancient cities in Egypt. The rpg element was a wonderful edition to the franchise.

I'd love to be able to play Valhalla and explore the amazing world and time period that its set in. One of my favorite time periods to learn about. Thanks for making some of the best games ❤
Feb 5, 2020
I really don't have a favorite but I am intrigued by the high ratings in some of the reviews I've seen. Plus I'm really interested in the Viking story line.
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