Giveaway Win an epic DOOM Edition HERO Series Gaming Chair from noblechairs and PC Gamer!

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Sep 22, 2020
I have an old gamdias chair that has seen a lot of love over the years. It is still doing an okay job despite the age, however, working from home has had it really start to show wear and tear. I've managed to snap both of the armrests off and one of the wheel casters has had the metal break off completely. I haven't wanted to give up on it just yet and so hold it together with tape. A new chair is definitely on the horizon for me.
Apr 25, 2020
My gaming chair is my grandpas old lazy boy. Sadly,the back left hinge is broken aka if I lean back in it I will flop outta the chair,lol.
Sep 22, 2020
My gaming chair and all around sit at the computer until the cows come home chair, is a directors style chair, and i have to use a pillow to get any comfort while sitting in it for hours and hours, right now as I am typing this, it hurts where the sun don't shine lol
this chair is great if you sit in it for a few minutes but after 12 + hours it hurts!!
Feb 26, 2020
Thanks for the give away! The Doom chair looks bad ass.
I have the cheapest gaming chair I could find and it served me well for over two years now. But the long gaming sessions left its mark on it, so it lost its right arm. Its a scrappy looking bastard but I like it. Still, it is time to retire it after a long and good service.
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Sep 22, 2020
I just started streaming and this would really be a big help to me. Goodluck to everyone. Stay Safe Guys and Thank you for the opportunity.
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Sep 22, 2020
So my current chair is just a cheap office chair I bought when I moved into my flat in 2016, it does the Job I guess but isnt doing my back any favours, I've developed chronic back pain lately not sure if the chair is to blame or crohns disease. It's the one part of my setup I've never got round to investing in. The doom chair however looks pretty awesome I'm sure it would bring much more comfort than my current chair, it would be amazing to have a decent chair for once, especially one as cool as this.
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Feb 6, 2020
Usually i have to sit bent over on a backless stool because my chair is occupied by a cat :smileycat:
My current chair is just an ordinary office chair, but my cat like it what else can i say :cool:
Sep 22, 2020
I use an office chair which is showing its age. Hard to sit on (leaves me with a numb bum) and wobbles on its base making it difficult to aim accurately in a FPS (well that's my story, anyway. And I'm sticking to it!).
My wife has a better chair which she hardly uses but I can't borrow that as my cat is normally sleeping on it. *Sigh*
Jun 1, 2020
My chair is getting old...and now very ugly. It's a standard IKEA chair, that badly need to be replaced by this amazing one ;)
Sep 22, 2020
I am using a cheap gaming chair which is not the best but it is ok but it is wearing out since some time over the last years. The Epic Doom gaming chair would be just perfect.
Sep 22, 2020
My current gaming chair is absolutely horrible, it's a normal office chair, you can't sit probably without back pain. Is a pain in the a** to be gaming on😐 I surely can use a good gaming chair🥰
Mar 27, 2020
My Current gaming chair is hard as a plastic and cold as your girl is giving you the cold shoulder. That is the kind of gaming chair that I'm sitting right now. It is with me for years now, I usually use a pillow to support my back but I got tired of walking 5 feet to my bed so I just sit on it as it is.
My Current Gaming Chair has a lot of features, it has a non-wheel chair so it is perfect to drag along the room and get your floor all scratch up like a cat that has been scratching all over the sofa. It is good on a hot summer weather because of its a aerodynamic design that let air pass thru the back and at the bottom. It is light weight so you can use it as a weapon when robbers shows up or when you try it to use in your brother WWE match. It also has a good design for your back so get in touch with your doctor every 5 years just in case of back pain occurs. And lastly it has a color white finished!

Can your gaming chair do this?
Good Luck to all of us!
Sep 22, 2020
My current gaming chair is a used office chair that ive had now for a few years. Its not the best in the world and very worn out.
May 5, 2020
I have your run of the mill office chair with a few ergonomic upgrades, it's nice but not as nice as the one in the giveaway. I could use a legitimate gaming chair as I have been in the game for 20 years now, I think it's about time I ascended.
Sep 22, 2020
Currently sitting on my office chair that used to be so comfy I'd fall asleep on it, but it looks like time (about a decade) got the better of it as i can barely sit on it for more than 30 minutes before my back starts complaining
Sep 22, 2020
My current gaming, like many others, is an office chair that I got many years ago. I’ve gotten pretty used to it and it’s nice to sit it. It’s not ergonomic at all but it works well. However, when I saw that there was a give away for a Doom chair, I just had to enter!
May 28, 2020
I`m beggining to stream and I have an ordinary dinner chair that is older than me, I don`t complain but after a few hours my back starts tu ache a lot. It would also be a great way to improve my comfort while I`m taking my online courses on Zoom
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