K KnowNothingMan Aug 25, 2020 13 3 4,515 Dec 17, 2020 #478 diplomatic is my go to for winning games but I will tank damage if need be.
S Skovenjaeger Dec 17, 2020 2 0 10 Dec 17, 2020 #483 Definitely diplomatic. Have to unite those clans and form an empire!
Elfnoodle Dec 17, 2020 1 0 10 Dec 17, 2020 #485 I'd be a diplomatic viking. Nothing beats a viking of the trades!
C CrazyTaco Dec 17, 2020 1 0 10 Dec 17, 2020 #488 I would definitely be balanced between diplomatic and conquer Viking. There’s always a better option in every situation whether it’s fighting or talking. So I would be the kind of Viking who would attempt to find the best course of action
I would definitely be balanced between diplomatic and conquer Viking. There’s always a better option in every situation whether it’s fighting or talking. So I would be the kind of Viking who would attempt to find the best course of action
jtony Dec 11, 2020 3 0 10 Dec 17, 2020 #489 I'd like to be a person you want in your good books. If diplomacy doesn't work, then Imma take you out. So diplomacy first, death second.
I'd like to be a person you want in your good books. If diplomacy doesn't work, then Imma take you out. So diplomacy first, death second.
D d3sertgamer May 18, 2020 3 0 10 Dec 17, 2020 #490 I would be a mix of both I would listen to my people and also wanna be a conquerer.
mhalhuphet May 27, 2020 9 0 10 Dec 17, 2020 #491 Viking Conqueror because i love to conquer earth! im an alien disguised as VIKING!
T Traqie May 1, 2020 5 0 1,510 Dec 17, 2020 #493 Definitely a conqueror, fighting proudly with my Pagan Gods watching over me.
D DrDandyDental May 1, 2020 3 0 10 Dec 17, 2020 #494 Diplomatic, with a side of conquerer. For when my allies get a little too eager, ya know.
Haldor28 Dec 17, 2020 1 0 10 Dec 17, 2020 #500 If I win I will definitely go conquer mode as eivor since I'm a Scandinavian so it fits perfectly ofc I might make a few diplomatic choices ✌
If I win I will definitely go conquer mode as eivor since I'm a Scandinavian so it fits perfectly ofc I might make a few diplomatic choices ✌