Giveaway Win one of three Assassin's Creed Valhalla Gold Edition Keys from PC Gamer!

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Nov 10, 2020
Over the past few months, ive been replaying the Assassin's Creed series and I have to say my favorite wouod have to be Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. The pirate setting and naval combat sticks out to me as a unique experience thats fun from start to finish.

Im excited for Valhalla because the Viking Era is one of my favorite parts of history, and to experience that atmosphere through one of my favorite franchises is a dream come true, esepcially with the direction Ubisoft took the series with Origins and Odyssey.
Nov 10, 2020
I really liked AC 3 because of the frenetic combat and the story but I also liked AC Origins because it brought something new to try and I am looking forward to play AC Valhalla because I like norse mythology and I would like to see how it has been implemented on the game.
Nov 10, 2020
AC Brotherhood, AC Black Flag or AC Odyssey , very good games that I've played many hours, but If I had to choose, I'd choose Black Flag. Thematically the pirates, the story was very beautiful and the map was very large. In addition, I have always liked the history of pirates or Vikings, so this game I'll like.
Nov 10, 2020
To be honest I only played Assassin's Creed Bloodline in PSP and I didn't finish the story unfortunately. I am looking forward to start the series from the first game. Can't wait to play Valhalla.
Nov 10, 2020
Assassin's Creed Syndicate is my favorite. I met Frye Twins, the beauty of London, famous historical peoples and villains. Now Assassin's Creed Valhalla is part of the London. I need to explore Vikings places, old London, historical places. I am very excited to play Assassin's Creed Valhalla :)
Nov 10, 2020
When I think about my favorite assassin's creed games I'm really torn between revelations because of nostalgia and odyssey because I've played that game more than every other assassin's creed game. Valhalla seems so exciting and I would love to get the chance to play it. All of the assassin's creed games are so incredible at transporting you to new worlds which is something that we could all use now more than ever. Good luck to everyone for the giveaway 😊
Nov 10, 2020
The Ezio trilogy as a whole is/are my favorite AC game(s). If I must pick only one among them then AC2 is the best.
I'm really excited about Valhalla, because I love norse mythology and vikings+assassins=absolute epiceness guaranteed. :D
Nov 10, 2020
I'm excited to play Valhalla because i think a viking/norse setting would be really cool and i'm a scandinavian too so that makes me even more excited to play it (Sadly Denmark isn't in the game). My favorite in the series is probably Origins i haven't played that many AC games but i can say Origins is a personal favorite because i've just had the most fun with it and the Egyptian setting is amazing. Good luck to everyone
Nov 10, 2020
my first ac game was ac1 in which i played altair on my friends laptop. since then i was hooked on ac
i have played ac1,2,brotherhoods,revelations,3,4,6,7. i loved all the ac games and couldn't bear to play ac6 as i didn't like killing the assassins (even though i know shay was correct). i didn't like ac3 that much but i loved the character of ezio and loved to see a young bashful boy who wanted to avenge the death of his brothers and father change to a quiet character by the end of revelations. in ac valhalla i am excited to play along vikings who had an amazing history and really want to see how the modern assassins rebecca and shaun are managing their fight against templars and juno.
Feb 12, 2020
My fav ac was adyssey after. Before that the last one i liked was back when black flag was released. I hope to win this giveaway cause i really want to play valhalla but really cannot afford it.
May 2, 2020
I'm always going to be a big fan of Assassin's Creed 2. It made the core concepts of the original so much better that I look at as the place where the franchise actually took off.
Jan 30, 2020
Actually I have never played an Assassins creed game before. I have watched and seen plenty of gameplay. I did seem to like AC Origins. It looked really great just never got around to playing it. This one looks by far really really good. And now that I have a decent computer I’ll be able to play it with no issues!
Nov 10, 2020
I am so excited to play and witness what will happen in this game as AC:Odyssey made me wonder what Layla Hassan 's next steps will be.
Oct 20, 2020
I really loved AC Odyssey!

The setting was superb, and the combat & story were both refrshing. Loved the side characters, even when some had poor dialogue lines. Blazed through it nonstop.

I heard AC Valhalla was going in that direction as well with elements of the previous game, so I’m hyped to jump in when I can.
Nov 10, 2020
It’s certainly a hard race between Black Flag and Odyssey, but I think I’d have to give it to Odyssey. I was extremely hesitant to buy it after the series shifted so much with Origins but took a leap of faith and ended up loving the story and fighting mechanics. I enjoy the open world opportunities and freedom in the game to customize the armor. With so many cool cosmetics and a grind to level up, Odyssey shattered my expectations and turns out to be one of my favorite games of all time!
Jul 5, 2020
I'm looking forward to playing Valhalla. Norse mythology is awesome and I like Ubisoft games. Ubisoft was pushing real image games long before the competition.
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