Giveaway Win one of three Assassin's Creed Valhalla Gold Edition Keys from PC Gamer!

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Nov 10, 2020
I am eagerly awaiting AC Valhalla as my admiration to the Vikings and Dark England is true, I loved the trailers, characters battle system and the Map looks so grandeur and open
Really hoping to win ⚔️⚓️🙏🏻
Aug 4, 2020
Even though like a lot of people, I love the ezio's story, there's just something great about travelling the seven seas in Black Flag , and hearing awesome sea shanties.
I am in the middle regarding the new RPG mechanics but what I have seen of Valhalla so far is pretty cool
Sep 29, 2020
The answer is quite simple - Odyssey as Kassandra quite effectively joined FemShep, Alloy and Reboot-Lara as my favourite female player characters.
Nov 10, 2020
My very first Assassin’s Creed game was Brotherhood! I was searching the gaming store as a child when i saw Ezio looking fierce on the cover with his hidden blade and white hoodie and i immediatly knew i needed to know what the game was about. When i realise it had a huge amount of historic references i know it was perfect for me and my passion for reliving past civilizations.
From that day on it became one of my favorite gaming series.
Nov 10, 2020
I am beyond excited to jump into Valhalla as well as the shores of Norway and the ever expansive land of England mainly because it’s taking the best aspects from the previous two games and improving upon them in a way that makes the game feel way more immersive and engaging. For example the combat and special abilities that have been tweaked to make for a more brutal play style, and the open world in its encouragement for exploration as you’ll find interesting places through blips on the compass instead of question marks full of checklist objectives. The story is also another aspect that I feel is going to be one of the best AC stories we have gotten to date. With the legendary writer Darby Mcdevitt at the helm, retuning to write for AC since Black Flag’s amazing story, as well as the promise of the conclusion of the main modern day story that has been set up since the first AC, I strongly believe that this particular chapter of Assassin’s Creed will not be forgotten and instead will be tethered next to the likes of AC 2, Brotherhood and the many amazing moments that this incredible franchise has been able to create.
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Nov 10, 2020
My fave AC game is origins it was a step away in game play and I absolutely love how it developed.
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Nov 10, 2020
My favorite was assassin's creed 2 cause of it's story and it gave players to meet fictional version of some of the greatest renaissance persons and because of beautiful ingame presentations of Rome and Venice.
Nov 10, 2020
My favorite Assassin's Creed game has to be Black Flag. I Ioved the story and the setting even though I went in thinking I was gonna hate it. Its lush open world offered a plenty of activities to indulge in. Also, it introduced fast travel as we know it now in the franchise. Moreover, all the characters were memorable, the game did a lot to help the immersiveness (shanties, tavern activities etc.), and the soundtrack was awesome.
I'm really looking forward to Valhalla cause a lot of people who worked on Black Flag, Origins, and Revelations are working on this game (Darby McDervitt is a narrative lead which makes me really pumped to see what they are going to do with the story and how it's going to fit in the franchise as a whole)
Also, I'm a broke student and really want to win this giveaway haha
Nov 10, 2020
It's very difficult to decide which AC is my favorite one. I did really liked the map design of Origin and Odyssey, a lot of history been told to us by just watching the constructions and the map itself, Black Flag whit the sea, and the navigation. Whit that been said, I think my favorite one was the first one and the plot twist between Altair and Al Mualim, that part shock me when I was a child.
Nov 10, 2020
My favourite Assassins Creed would definitely be Ezio's trilogy; AC ll or AC Brotherhood to be precise. AC ll is the videogame that got me into gaming in the first place, and since then I've become absolutely obsessed with the AC franchise.

Besides hoping to win Valhalla because I'm a huge ass AC fangirl, I'm hoping to win it so I can have a valid explanation for taking a break from college and constant studying.
Nov 10, 2020
My favourite so far's been Odyssey. The Greek mythology and history nerd of a kid living in me was so happy to experience it, and the Germanic language and history nerd of an adult that I am can't wait to play this one!
Nov 10, 2020
My favourite assassins creed has to be ac brotherhood. The concept of being able to recruit other people to become assassins and actually use them, whether it was as backup or for missions, was really cool to me. And the fact that the protagonist is Ezio makes it my favourite
Nov 10, 2020
I loved Sydicate! The ability to be both female and male leads was a great touch! Plus the Jack Ripper dlc was really fun!!
Nov 10, 2020
For me, the best Assassin's Creed game so far is Odyssey, I really like the greek mythology. Furthermore, I'm actually playing at Origins, I think I'll like it too !
Nov 10, 2020
im looking forward to playing valhalla because I really loved odyssey. Odyssey was a great game with a great story and graphics. I cannot wait to see what valhalla shows in terms of graphics and overall experience.
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