Giveaway Win one of three Assassin's Creed Valhalla Gold Edition Keys from PC Gamer!

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Nov 9, 2020
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag is my favorite! I really enjoy the pirate setting. Also, I started to watch/study a bunch of pirate stuff because of this game (shout outs to One Piece anime).
May 2, 2020
My favorite AC is Black Flag.
I expect a lot from Valhalla because I like the viking and Norse mythology a lot. It is surely my favorite moment in history and I would like to immerse myself in this game.
Nov 9, 2020
My favourite AC is Origins, love Egypt.
I hope Valhalla will feel like AC Origins, but with Vikings and more AC lore/story telling.
Nov 9, 2020
My favorite AC game was actually the first one cause it was taking place in the middle of the Crusade. Had an interesting premise with alien technology in the center of its plot. Didn't really like the other entries as much though.
Nov 9, 2020
Well I loved the whole Ezio series when I first played on my 360, but Black Flag was the one I played the most. I loved exploring the world with my pirate ship, I must have 100% completed the map 2-3 times.
Now from Valhalla I'm looking forward to the whole viking culture, which is something that really catches my attention.
Nov 9, 2020
Odyssey was my favorite because it represented something completely different for the franchise. The open world style of play and graphics breathed new life into the series and was an absolute game changer for me. The developers of the series continue to impress with each new installment. Odyssey was stunning
Nov 9, 2020
I played a few of the Assassins creed games but the few I played I really liked if I had to choose a favorite I think it would be Odyssey. I really liked the Kassandra (who I played as ) she gets a lot of flack from the community but I think based off the way I played she was a complex tough but nice character, the story was also pretty good as I enjoyed hunting and killing the cult( sorry if that comes of all serial killer) also the mythological aspect of Greece is something I really like.

I'm excited to see how Valhalla handles the mythological side and im in need of a good long rig game with a compelling story to play while im stuck at home in lockdown.
Nov 9, 2020
I love AC Odyssey. Because of it, I wanted to learn more about Greek mythology. Looking forward to AC Valhalla, maybe I will read more about Norse Mythology too!
Nov 9, 2020
My favourite AC game is AC2 without a shadow of a doubt. It was one of the first games I ever played and I just loved the entire atmosphere and storytelling of the game. It is still my favourite all time game.
Nov 9, 2020
The newest AC games have been a breath of fresh in what was becoming a stale series, so I'm glad they are continuing the trend with their newest instalment. Particularly Odyssey was great fun with it's Nemesis style system and of course, Greek history and mythology.
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Apr 2, 2020
I haven't play the series after Assassins Creed 3, except for Unity when was free (great game), but I really like Brotherhood the game missions are better that the ones of 2 and the city is a joy to explore. Valhalla seems a good time to return to the series
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May 28, 2020
Assassin creed odyssey is my favourite so fat. It embraces the RPG elements and the open world in such a great scale. The world is vast and beautiful. Kasandra is an amazing main character. All her reactions feels really genuine. She's really funny top! Can't wait for Valhala!
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Nov 9, 2020
My favorite Assassin's Creed is probably my first, AC II. It was such a great world to run through and the secret alien history of our world was fascinating and mysterious.

I'm excited about Valhalla because it seems to have taken Breath of the Wild's engaging exploration and adapted it, and I really can't wait to see what that looks like!
Nov 9, 2020
I loved the Ezio series specifically, assassin's creed 2 as I grew up in my early teenage years playing them. Loved the story telling mixed with real life historical figures. Excited for Valhalla as I love Norse mythology and it is going be set in the parts of England I grew up in. Perfect combination!
Nov 9, 2020
I played all Assassins Creed games and my favorite is Black Flag. No doubt that I'm a fan of Kenway franchise. I believe that Valhalla is going to be great too, I'm in love with Vikings mythology, watched many movies and series. Cant wait and thanks for giveaway! Good luck:)
May 28, 2020
I'm just really drawn to Norse stuff, whether it's mythology, or even some music ... I also saw the review in PCG and a 92 makes me think this'd be a good time.


Nov 9, 2020
Too many games from the series to just pick one of them. But I guess Odyssey because of the era and setting.

But I believe Valhalla will be my next favorite as I absolutely love the Viking mythos the best. Can't wait to get into it.
Nov 9, 2020
I have only recently started playing Assassins Creed. I played Origins and Odyssey and I think Odyssey was the best of the two. I like most Ubisoft games overall but Ubisofts style is good. Most Ubi games have similar systems and and style. I am looking forward to Valhalla because vikings. Vikings. Got the Viking metal playlist ready to go! I really like the direction of mythology that Ubi has been going.
Jan 14, 2020
I think my favourite Assassin's Creed game so far was Odyssey. I grew up reading about the fantastical works of the heroes of Greek legend, and in secondary school specifically took classes in Latin and Greek so I could learn more about classic culture. We even travelled to Greece at one point to see some of the most legendary sites like mount Olympos, the Oracle of Delphi, Olympia, the Parthenon etc. I have a great affinity with the time period and loved running around in it.

Valhalla also looks very interesting to me. I'm a history buff in general and the history of England is one of the most dynamic and entertaining in all of Europe. I hope it's portrayed faithfully in the latest game.
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