Giveaway Win one of three Assassin's Creed Valhalla Gold Edition Keys from PC Gamer!

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May 3, 2020
My favorite Assassin's Creed so far is Origins. I love the original games, especially Black Flag (who doesn't), but the setting and the fresh ideas, especially RPG elements, are what set Origins apart. I'm looking forward to Valhalla because it seems they've really improved on those RPG elements and Norse mythology is the coolest.
Nov 6, 2020
I have never tried an Assassin Creed, however, I would like to play them, since the history and the setting looks interesting, also, I like open-world games. I would love to tried Assassin Creed Valhalla, since, the history, graphics, and animations looks amazing, also, I do not know much about Norse mythology but I would like to learn more in Assassin Creed Valhalla.
Nov 6, 2020
It would be a toss up between a few games, but I’d probably go with Black Flag. I enjoyed the story, and gameplay so much. I’ve wished for years to have a Viking game in Assassins Creed, so this will be a dream come true!
Sep 30, 2020
I played almost every single game from the Assassin's Creed series and I enjoyed AC Origins the most.
Looking forward to play Assassin's Creed Valhalla now.
Mar 18, 2020
My absolute favorite AC game so far has been Origins. I was a fan of the series beforehand, but the games were getting boring and repetitive. I had just finished The Witcher 3 and that was in my top 5 games of all time, and I was looking forward to seeing some of what that game brought to the table with RPG's leak into other games. Lo and behold, AC Origins was announced. I didn't pay much attention to it at first, but as it got closer to release I realized that it was taking A LOT from TW3, and it was looking good. I put so many hours into the game. The world, characters, and gameplay just felt like Ubisoft finally nailed the AC formula and, quite honestly, reinvigorated the franchise. Now with AC Valhalla, I'm looking forward to getting more of the same experience I had with Origins, but through a Viking story (which sadly, there are not any mainstream games with this setting). I expect it to be as enjoyable or maybe more enjoyable than Origins.
Nov 6, 2020
My favorite one is AC odyssey, i finished with 100% achievement. Can't wait to play this one to. Good luck to all of us.
Nov 6, 2020
I am not a guy to participate in foruns but I do love Assassins Creed, I play the series since the first one (that got old like fine milk), but one thing I can say, the new Legends saga for AC is simply great, I do miss the old games but man I loved Odyssey and Origins and I can't wait to play Valhalla, if I wasn't so in the red right now I would buy the game right now.
Nov 6, 2020
I love AC:Odyssey so much. Because I'm born and raised in Mediterranean. I also love the mythologic creatures. And DLC contents are awesome. These reasons make me think that valhalla will have better mechanics and details than Odyssey. I'm looking forward to play AC: Valhalla. Take care and thanks for the giveaway :)
Nov 6, 2020
My favourite Assassin's Creed would be Odyssey, Origins and AC 2! I loved the older game's free-running, but I love how big the newer games are, especially Odyssey. I can't wait for the Valhalla DLC to discover Ireland!
Nov 6, 2020
Honestly, it's gotta be Odyssey. The game is just so damn gorgeous, and I have a huuuuge obsession with greek myths and legends. I played every AC game in order so that I would be prepared to play Odyssey, and it was so worth it. Incredible game.
Nov 6, 2020
I'm looking forward to Valhalla as I've been obsessed with Norse mythology since I was a kid and always wanted to play as a viking.
May 2, 2020
My favorite was Assassins Creed Odyssey. I love to explore and that game had a lot of interesting places to explore.


Nov 6, 2020
AC II. Partly nostalgia but Ezio is the most iconic character in the series and Italy is the perfect setting
Nov 6, 2020
I love all mythology games origin and odyssey was amazing.I am going to play valhalla and immortals fenyx rising for sure !
Nov 6, 2020
My favorite AC game is the 2nd one. Roaming around iconic Italian landmarks during the Italian Renaissance was mind blowing. The game was superior to the first installation in every way. It truly lead the AC franchise to what it is know for today. I can't wait to play AC Valhalla!
Nov 6, 2020
I am looking forward to being a Viking and I am really digging how they are doing the map from what I have seen. Out of the newest ones, i think Odyssey was my favorite because of the setting and legendary hunts.
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Oct 20, 2020
I havent played any AC games really but valhalla seems like a really cool gaem especially with the viking theme and the amazing graphics
Feb 12, 2020
I've played all of the AC series and AC: Black Flag was my favourite because of the great scale of map and a lot of different encounters in it.I would like to play the Valhalla too, just not to miss anything in the way.
Nov 6, 2020
My favourite Assassin's creed experience has always been Black flag due to it straying away for the norm of the series and incorporating great new features. The sailing is iconic and the story specular i always dream of more games to shake up the experience like that 1 did
Nov 6, 2020
My favorite AC so far is AC Black Flag, mainly cause of the exploration but I also loved the story, characters and the music too. I'm looking forward to Valhalla cause I love vikings and their mythology and really looking forward to explore it.


Nov 7, 2020
I enjoyed the first Assassin's Creed so much that I played it for hundreds of hours. You see I am from Persia and the game had roots in historical facts and it was something I could relate to ( I am like 4 hours drive from the infamous Alamut Castle the HQ used in AC 1), and I enjoyed the twists they added to the game, and I deeply appreciated the level of details developers put into the game. It was a blast to enjoy the smoothness of the game, especially the fantastic counters I pulled off. I did manage to get most in the series on my steam account but due to our situation here we really can't get original copies of the game so there are few gaps in the timeline I have not played yet and I refused to play the cracked version since it is against my principals but thanks to my friends I got some of them on my steam account and since Assassin's Creed Valhalla is also focused on historical accuracy though in a fictional way and me being a huge fan of TV show VIKINGS I would be super excited if I could play AC Valhalla and explore the new fantastic and massive world born out of the hard work of the developers in Ubisoft. Well, at least I hope I get the chance to do so.
I appreciate PCGAMER to provide opportunities such as this to let us gamers to enjoy some of the greatest titles of our generation.
As a gamer for 25 years, I am very hyped and looking forward to seeing how people will react and enjoy this new installment in Assassin's Creed universe.
I also extend my deep appreciation to our beloved developer's dawn in Ubisoft for creating great games most of which I deeply enjoyed such as AC1, AC2, AC3, AC IV, AC Unity, AC Syndicate, AC Rouge, For Honor, RB6 Siege, RB6 Wildlands, Watchdogs 2, Division. (All the games I was able to get originally on my steam either via steam wallet system or the generosity of some of my friends so there are some gaps in most of these titles as they are not on steam or were beyond my reach which I hope I get to play them one day. Keep on Rockin' guys.

Kind Regards
Nov 7, 2020
so far my favorite Assassins Creed game is Assassins Creed II , i played Assassins Creed from the first installment to latest installment (Odyssey) ... why i love Assassins Creed II is because it has the best storyline, character builds and gameplay mechanics!

and why i looking forward to playing valhalla because ITS VIKING BOIS! i love viking-themed game and i love assassins creed game ! the previous series 'odyssey' i'd love how they design the map.. its just beautiful EVERY CORNER so what im hoping for beside the nordic myth is the map design!

honestly, im so excited when assassins creed valhalla teased by ubisoft so im hoping i can win the key! Thank you PC GAMER and UBISOFT for the opportunity.

wish me luck! ;)
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