Giveaway Win an epic DOOM Edition HERO Series Gaming Chair from noblechairs and PC Gamer!

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Jul 3, 2020
My current chair is an old plastic, uncomfortable chair that I got from a café that shut down a couple of years ago, and I've currently never owned a real gaming chair.
Jul 15, 2020
My current chair is a Maxnomic one. Very confortable. Their offices and warehouse are not far from my house. That's why I bought them one chair instead of another brand.
Aug 25, 2020
my current chair is missing 2 wheels and has no upholstery and no arm rests, a new chair would be nice lol
Aug 25, 2020
I'd love to win a new chair, especially something so awesome themed!

My current chair I inherited from my family when it was going to be thrown out. (I was using a chair made out of extra wood that I made myself, it was a nice upgrade considering). It's over a decade old now. Probably still need to be thrown out honestly. The outer layer that makes it look nice(ish) has been peeling off for a few years now. It doesn't always stay at height when being sat in, and it's just over all not ergonomic.

I've had a lot of good memories playing games in that chair, but I know it's not going to last too much longer.
Feb 11, 2020
My current "gaming" chair is a ten years old offic chair, and it is falling apart :v and It is killing my back. Something regular.
Aug 25, 2020
my current chair is a 11-year-old office chair that has been scratch the hell out of by my cats over the years, also it makes weird unhealthy noises.

overall, my chair is slowly dying
Aug 24, 2020
My chair is an old office chair that they were throwing away at a building I used to deliver to .. the arms are gone off it and the wheels are useless. it's halfway decent but nothing near as good as the one I left behind when I moved out of my parents place. that thing was made for my buttock
Apr 1, 2020
I recently got a decent office chair.

Nothing fancy but it's a lot more comfortable than the dining room chair that I've used before.

But my ripping and tearing skill in DOOM Eternal hadn't improved, so I guess the noblechairs DOOM Edition Hero Series Gaming Chair might help with that;)
Feb 11, 2020
My chair is just plastic is just a plastic stool chair the chair is older than me because before we move in the chair is already there but the sad part you can't rest your back for all that hours you stood your back
Aug 25, 2020
My current chair is a random generic "gaming/office" chair i picked up for really cheap. I mean its okay but i'm currently sat in it and my back hurts.

What i'd do for a Noble chair. Those things are amazing
Aug 5, 2020
my current office chair is not that bad but i could always use more gaming stuff. Doom chair would be a big step up from a solid black chair!
Aug 25, 2020
Currently rocking a second- or third-hand office chair that I picked up for free on Germany's version of Craigslist. I had to carry the damn thing down eight flights of stairs (the guy lived on the top floor of his building, always happens to me when I buy second-hand stuff online).

It's comfy enough, pretty bulky, and one of the castors slips off now and then.

Similar story with my son's chair and if I win, the Doom chair will most likely go to him as Doom is very much his jam.

Good luck in the giveaway peeps.
Aug 25, 2020
First of all this chair is awesome it complements my pc and my favourite 2020 game ,second of all it will trigger the hell of my relegious friends and my chair is a no name "gamer"chair that started leaning a year a go by it self,although i tried to fix it my self it is as stubborn as its owner. Anyway best of luck to everybody RIP AND TEAR!!!
Aug 25, 2020
My chair isn't the greatest at the moment! I've had it for over 6 years now, it's still comfy but I really can't stand the peeling leather sticking to my body! Maybe it's time for a new chair.
Aug 25, 2020
I've been sitting in my current black faux leather office chair for around 6 years. I love it, as it was my first proper chair, as it was an upgrade over a wooden dining chair. However, its age is definitely showing, as the surface material has been peeling off for several months.

If I were to win this chair, I'd probably move my current one into my workplace.

Looking forward to the results!
Aug 25, 2020
My current gaming chair is an Alpha Gamer Vega. It's pretty nice and comfy, but it has nothing on that DOOM throne *-*
Aug 25, 2020
I’m currently using a chair I bought as a student (and you know how students save). With my boyfriend (now husband) I started playing games and now most of my free time my husband and I spend playing our favorite games Heartstone, TFT, Warcraft and Streetfighter. I want this chair to surprise my husband for our first wedding anniversary, to spend less time massaging his back, and more playing games. 😊
Aug 25, 2020
My current gaming chair is actually no chair at all. I’ve never had gaming chair even when I really wanted to. Usually I’m playing while sitting on my couch so I guess It’s not the best position to fully enjoy the game. Especially when I just finally bought new Doom Eternal and It would be nice to finish it in comfortable enviroment. Of course- my back pain will help me feeling like slayer going through hell but why If I could have something that amazing like this Doom gaming chair full of runes and stuff?
Aug 25, 2020
My chair is actually missing an Arm, the lift is somewhat lob sided(probably cos im a big boy....) and every now and then it falls slowly to its lowest setting. I am never buying a chair from that place again...actually I can't anyway because its gone bust....
Aug 25, 2020
My current chair, not technically a gaming chair, was originally found put out by someone's trash that looked in fair condition at the time...that was about 5 years ago. By now though it has much damage from moving, use and a pet gives "decent" lumbar support but it is mostly covered by a blanket nowadays to avoid getting pet hair all over my clothes since it has a cloth back and seat (fairly embedded now). It does have all 4 of it's wheels and can move around still.

Would love that sick looking chair though...not to mention the back support!
Mar 30, 2020
I have an Elecwish gaming chair and the foam has gone down on it since I purchased in January this year. It says it is rated for 300 pounds even though I am not but I don't think it is. Would love to get a chair that wouldn't through my back
Jul 3, 2020
I wouldn't call my chair a 'gaming' chair. It's like the chair Quasimodo used to get his hump in his back. There are no arm rests, no lumbar support, and it is definitely not ergonomic. The cloth is worn and has the color appeal of depression. It's so bad Google removed any reference of it existing.

It was given to me by an old college roommate about 12 years ago,survived a divorce, and is now ready to be sacrificed. Were I to win it shall be horrifically dismantled and placed upon the chair as a sacrifice to the gaming god's.
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