Giveaway Win an epic DOOM Edition HERO Series Gaming Chair from noblechairs and PC Gamer!

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Aug 25, 2020
I'm currently using an old office chair lent to me by a family friend. It's served me well, but time, and plenty of gaming has really taken it's toll. In fact, it's about to get a few 3D printed replacement parts. I'm working on moving to my first solo apartment and this beautiful chair would make not only an awesome upgrade, but an excellent start to the furnishing of my new home! It may even give me the edge I need to finally beat Ultra-Nightmare!
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Aug 25, 2020
My current "gaming" chair is a fold out plastic chair. I don't like it, but I appreciate it because it's all i have right now
Aug 25, 2020
My current chair is 7 years old and has been shredded by my ex wife’s cats. It’s an executive chair from OfficeMax that was on sale for $200. The PU is basically tassels at this point. It’s technically still a chair in shape, so I sit.
Aug 25, 2020
This chair looks so sick! My current one is a SecretLab and while I do like it, I kinda wish it had a softer seat and back rest. Probably also doesn't help that I sit in it sideways with my legs dangling over the armrest but eh what can ya do (except STOP sitting like a gremlin)
Aug 25, 2020
My current chair is a GTForce Roadster 2 Sport Racing CAR office chair one of those off brand DXRacer chairs from Amazon. Bought it about 3 years ago and all the padding on the arms has flattened nothing but it still rocks and doesn't depress by itself, unlike my Mrs's who has the same chair.
Never had the bones to shell out on something like a Noblechair, is the price really justifiable? I hope to find out if I win! :D
Jan 23, 2020
My gaming chair is made out of wood. My last gaming chair started to fall over and made me fall in the floor. Finally decided it was too risky so started using a very hard basic wooden chair.
Jan 20, 2020
My current gaming chair is a DXRacer and will probably be the last one I purchase from them ( gas strut failed 14 months in and now after 18 months the PU has started to crack and peel ) i did love it but have grown to dislike it and need a replacement. I have been looking at the EPIC REAL LEATHER BLACK / WHITE / RED and the HERO DOOM Edition.

Aug 25, 2020
I bought a cheapo "gaming" chair c.2 years ago and honestly,I'd say I got my moneys worth.It has recently got worryingly rickety though.I was thinking of saving for a better one but there is nowhere near me I could try one before dropping £250+ and I don't really want the hassle of returning something so big if I just don't get on with it.
Aug 25, 2020
Bought a gaming chair a some time back ... and nothing fits for me.
The back cushion is too big and does not stay in place, so I rarely sit with good posture.
Neither the chair itself nor the armrests are cannot put to the right height, so I took of the armrests and had to get an additional cushion to sit on ...
Yeah ... I that was not my best buy ... still it was to expensive to not use it for now.

I heard really good things about the Noblechairs HERO - my back would thank you for it.
Mar 31, 2020
I have a short of office chair I got from the flea market, was in great condition then but now the fronts of the armrests cracked a bit. it's ok, nothing special.
Aug 25, 2020
My current gaming chair is a cushion on the living room floor in front of the couch for back support. This is so I can use the whole floor as a mousepad while my laptop rests on my knees. As an added bonus, it gives me back pain which I can complain about and people assume I was doing hard physical labor all weekend.

But this chair looks really effing cool and I would love to own it.
Aug 25, 2020
My current chair is a mid range office chair, not really too great. It's around a decade old at this point so there's a lot to be desired.
May 28, 2020
My current gaming chair is a dining chair my wife and I got with an entire set for $40 when we moved earlier this month. It's none too comfortable, to say the least. And she's having online classes for her graduate program, so she's actually sitting at the desk more than I am. I'm actually hoping to get her a comfortable chair, more than one for myself.
Aug 25, 2020
My current chair is a crappy metal chair with poor padding and a back that is too low to support me. I really hope that I win this, I could definitely go for some ergonomics right about now.
May 1, 2020
My current chair, like so many here, is just an office chair. Basically a hand-me-down from the SO, that is starting to have the fake leather peel and one arm is starting to come off.
Jan 13, 2020
I bought a DX Racer King Series chair back in 2015 after having sat in one when I attended Quakecon that same year. I love the chair and it is still in excellent condition. Prior to that I had a series of crappy office chairs that were never all that great.

I would love to upgrade again though to the rip and tear quality of this chair. Thanks a bunch for the giveaway!
Jan 31, 2020
My current gaming chair is an old IKEA fabric one which has started going green from so much use, would love to sit in a chair that doesn't give me a back bad after 30 minutes
Aug 25, 2020
My current gaming chair is a DX Racer - it's served me well and has been very comfortable - BUT the PU leather is blistering and disintegrating so I really need a new chair - I would dearly love a Noble Chair but alas I cannot afford one currently:(

Deleted member 28710

My chair just broke and has me sitting lobsided trying to fix it with screws so im entering this giveaway to try to get a new one so that I can actually sit
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