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Jul 3, 2020
What drew me in was the uniqueness of the genres and opportunities offered by the platform. I was visiting someone's house and we made a Steam account on New Year's and played Garry's Mod until the wee hours of the morning trying out different servers and messing around with the sandbox; it's a night I'll never forget. It was an experience that blew my mind as someone who only had access to consoles at the time.
May 3, 2020
I got into PC gaming after 2 of my friends decided to play Overwatch on the PC, and well, since we're all a team, my other friends and I jumped the bandwagon and built our own PC's and never looked back after that:)
Jul 3, 2020
When I was a young teenager I was visiting my cousins and they showed me this game called Command and Conquer by Westwood Studios. Remember, back in those days computers were super expensive, closer to about $2,000. I was in awe. I thought the building and movement of the units was an awesome concept. They had a stack of games: The 7th guest, The 11th Hour, Gabriel Knight, and many others.

I visited another cousin and was then introduced to WarCraft 2. It was at this same time I was also introduced to a magazine. PC Gamer became my Bible to the PC Gaming world. Every grocery store trip was a beeline to the magazine isle.

I was hooked.

I begged and prodded my parents for a PC which they finally relented. Second hand from someone at church. To their dismay it also included Hexen and Heretic. The irony was not lost on me either.

Coming from a split family my dad was already into computers so he had one as well, but I had to foot the bill for games. At the time I sprang for WarCraft 2 and spent countless play hours soaking in the story. This was at a time when EB and Babbages was still around. At the time I was already reading PC Gamer which had released an issue about all the ways to play on this thing called the internet. The article included services like Kali, Mplayer, GameSpy,, TEN, and This was the heyday of dialup.

It wouldn't be until high school that I finally was able to save enough for my own machine, forgoing a car for a gaming machine ($800 at the time).

Now we have the likes of Steam, Occulus Rift, and 4k gaming. Gaming has come a long way from the days of dialup service, Mattrox video cards, and the revolutionary Pentium Processor.

Long live PC Gaming!
Jul 3, 2020
Got my start on TRS80's. First PC was IBM clone made by Columbia. First games were monochrome pixel D&D type games and Lode Runner. Good times.
Jul 3, 2020
I got into pc gaming as a way of making new friends and to experience games as more than just what the developer released through mods and other fun additions and options. I am looking to upgrade so that I can perform better and compete on my colleges esports team for Rainbow Six Siege
Jul 3, 2020
I used to be into pc gaming. Went away and now I'd like to get into streaming on some great pc games and I'm in the middle of building a new pc so would be great to win this monitor for my new set up.
Jan 30, 2020
I got hooked on PC gaming playing Diablo 2 at a friends house on his pc, at that moment I knew I wanted my own pc instead of a console. To this day I still love playing pc games for the better graphic settings and ease of nodding games. This monitor would change my gaming life because I've only ever used a CRT monitor or old 60hz monitors.
Jul 3, 2020
knowing all the benefits of pc gaming over console especially the discounts on steam is what won me over to pc
Jul 3, 2020
I was honestly a console gamer my whole life, as I couldnt really afford a decent gaming PC until the last decade. Started playing cod4 and other games and started preferring kb+m. Currently playing MW and Valorant.
Jul 3, 2020
What got me hooked on pc gaming is that, pc gaming has the best and good playing features such as the game graphics, sounds, fastness and more, with pc gaming you are free to entertain yourself. Thanks
Jul 3, 2020
Doom, Wolfenstein and SimCity 2000 then Command and Conquer and Red Alert and Diablo. All dug their hooks in deep down into my gaming soul.
Jul 3, 2020
I first got hooked on PC gaming when a family member gifted me a copy of Empires: Dawn of The Modern World. This also made me love RTS games.
Jul 3, 2020
I got into PC gaming for Diablo 2. It was my first online experience playing on PC and I've been hooked ever since.
May 8, 2020
The building process I loved because I’m good with my hands and especially being able to pone harder on pc made me smile ear to ear. And the prospect of playing Cyber Punk 2077 is a delight!
Jan 23, 2020
I got hooked on PC gaming back in the 80s because my grandpa built his own computers. When we were over there he would show me how to use DOS and let me play a bunch of games he had. Later on my uncle had a Tandy computer with King's Quest and that was all she wrote. Despite owning a NES and then SEGA Genesis, the PC was always more fun to me.
Jul 3, 2020
I got into PC gaming from watching my dad play Neverwinter Nights when I was little, and I got obsessed with creative story telling/ art/ video games since then
May 3, 2020
The original FEAR game got me into PC gaming. It looked so good for the time, and it made me want to get the best hardware to run it.
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