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Jul 3, 2020
I got hooked on PC gaming back when Doom was on a floppy. Moved on from that to Quake, Unreal, and CS 1.6, and haven’t stopped since. Love the versatility in it.
Jul 3, 2020
One day the beautiful mailman came into my house and said "now listen here you little..." and gave me my 1st PC.
Ever since, i just played games with my friends.
Now im old and i need a faster monitor so i can pew pew them down.


May 1, 2020
My first game was Need for speed Hot Pursuit (1998) and i understood then that PC gaming is the way)
Jul 3, 2020
I played PC games more then the consoles at first, Nintendo 64 just didn't have much to offer me.

Playing Doom or other multiplayer deathmatch games was really fun.

Later, I split my time between console and pc as good titles and great graphics were a strong draw. During this time I would only play one game on the PC an MMO, Everquest my first mmo, followed by Shadowbane and Wow after that. Then I started game hopping.

It was around the time that the ps4 came out that I was done with consoles. They simply didn't do what you could do on the PC and what they did do came with an expensive price tag.

By comparison the investment in a gaming PC was ultimately cheaper and provided better capabilities then the consoles. The PC builds lasted longer imo then the consoles did.

The focus on a single platform became easy. Easer to use, Better control options in most cases, a much larger game availability and for the most part the big expense was upgrading the GPU. Everyone wagged their GPU around because it was better then the rest .. lol

I always built budget gaming rigs, 800 or less for the entire machine. That worked for several years.

In 2013 I made the big dive. Switched to Intel from amd which was suffering from io bottlenecks and jumped to the head of the class with the the hardware.

It's hard to admit but despite the cost of the Intel hardware, the investment was worth it.

My wife also has a gaming rig, though not as beefy as mine, but it does everything she wants.

We have a custom cut desk, 8 feet long and 36in deep. We have two rigs setup each with two monitors side by side.

So.. do I like PC gaming over console? I do, and I doubt very much that I'll ever get/play a console again.

Jul 3, 2020
I went to visit my good friend after not seeing him for a few years back in late 1994. It was an odd visit because he practically ignored me as he played Wing Commander. A few months later I visited again and this time he was playing Doom. I remember being impressed because I didn't realize that he was so smart. He went on and on about how he built the computer from scratch. Being skeptical, I asked if he could build one for me. To my surprise, he said yes and gave me the price for the parts. Thanks but no thanks, didn't have that kind of money. Fast forward to 1996, by now I was hooked on Doom like a kid without candy. He was tired of me coming over to play almost daily. My then-girlfriend hated his guts because she felt that he was interfering with our relationship. She decided that enough was enough and saved her money to get me a computer as a gift. It wasn't even my birthday when she told me to close my eyes and see the surprise. A Compaq Presario Pentium 166 with a copy of Diablo. Diablo? I asked, What is this? She said that she liked the box and thought I would like it. All I thought about was Doom, but I didn't want to be rude. We installed Diablo and the rest is history. She became the greatest PK of all time in Diablo and is the original Sombra. We played Diablo day and night and fought over the computer. We laugh at how many times she was threatened with real death by other players. My wife is now too busy with POE to pay any attention to me. I am about to start my elite run in Grim Dawn. PC is my passion and PC Gamer has been with me since day one. Thank you.
Jan 29, 2020
First game i played on PC was minecraft when it was in Beta 1.6. a few years later I built my computer and have been hooked ever since!
Jul 3, 2020
I first got into PC gaming playing the original StarCraft, playing through user made games with friends in High School. But what really got me hooked was a few years later when a friend taught me how to build my own PC. The ability to change out parts and being able to upgrade at all times got me completely hooked and I've been a PC only gamer ever since.
Jul 3, 2020
Playing 'Sid Meier's Pirates!' at my buddy's house when I was 10. Despite my mother being a software engineer, we didn't have a pc at home until I was 12.
Mar 12, 2020
The Witcher 3 got me into PC gaming. It was the first game I played after building my first pc. There's no way I could ever go back.
Mar 12, 2020
I got hooked over 30 yrs ago in the 3rd grade. Our school got 3 brand new Tandy TRS80s and my class was one of the first to use them. We had one of the first CAD programs and used it to control a pencil holding "mouse" (wire guided bot) to trace a point-to-point course maze. At 8 years old, I became a pc addict and still am.
Jul 3, 2020
I got hooked on pc gaming playing Quake Team Fortress. I saw my cousins playing it one time and I had to get it. Looking back, it prepared me well for pc gaining’s future.
Jul 3, 2020
I got hooked on PC gaming because of my best friends. When I moved across the country away from them, they helped me build a PC so we could all play together and stay in touch!
Jul 3, 2020
Got into PC gaming due to game save preservation. What I mean is growing up with brothers, I'd constantly have memory cards missing or damaged, or even before that, my password code book being destroyed due to juice spillage or some such. On occasion they'd also inadvertently delete save games or overwrite it in games that have only one save slot.

The flexibility of more save slots due to HDD space or the fact that I could back them up and relocate them to a different directory meant the world to me.

I've never cared much for achievements but being partway through a long game or investing in a character and having them lost just...felt crummy. The time invested sometimes felt wasted when that happened.
May 1, 2020
I got hooked on PC gaming because having internet access on the same machine as my games was way better than buying Prima Strategy Guides
May 7, 2020
Becoming a pilot for the Rebel Alliance against the Galactic Empire in X-Wing is what originally got me into PC gaming! I remember being awfully bad at the game at the time, using a 2-button joystick on my family's Packard Bell 486.
Jul 3, 2020
Got hooked on the original call of duty! My grandpa was in world war 2, and passed away before I got to ever meet him. So it was a chance to kind of walk in his shoes and see it from his perspective, even if it was just a video game! Have been playing on pc ever since!
Jul 3, 2020
I cannot remember exactly what my first PC game was, but I believe I got hooked with Duke Nukem and the original Might and Magic games.
May 30, 2020
Well i got into PC gaming since when i had 6 -7 years, now i'm 24, with the game of toy story 2, i loved it and well since then i almost only played on pc
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