Giveaway Win a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Cyberpunk 2077 Edition graphics card from PC Gamer and GOG.COM!

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May 5, 2020
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I just want to fully immerse myself in the vibrant culture of Night City. First things first I'll get a bight to eat, have a walk around the neighbourhood and breathe in that cool, metallic air. Then I'll probably crack on with committing crime cause, you know, Cyberpunk.
May 5, 2020
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Hello. I would love to rejoin the world of Cuberpunk. My high school (92-96) and college buddies (96-00) frequently jumped between tabletop roleplaying games... and Cyberpunk was one of our favorites. Balancing efficiency and humanity, while focusing on style was always a blast.

I want to try and recreate those moments to remind myself of better times... easier times. Shortly after I graduated, I joined the military and have lost contact with most of those friends. Yes, there’s Facebook... but there’s a huge difference between a periodic email or Facebook like, than spending time with your buds around a table... as many people now are just beginning to understand with COVID social distancing.

TLDR; I want to relive fond memories I know I’ll never get back.

Thank you for the opportunity,
Cruise on without a bruise on
Whip heads as I'm firin leads
Laser overrated
Layin on a chair sedated
Electro plasma upgrades
Plasmosteel braids,
That allow me to rip free
Of this corrupt city

And bang out with my friends
Our streets with no ends
Gonna get a degree in gang warfare
And graduate with a muzzle flare
May 5, 2020
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I'm most looking forward to this game because CD Projekt Red seems to approach their games holistically. Character, environment, ambient sound, voice acting, overall narrative....everything is so well balanced that it's hard not to become immersed in their games. Long story short, I'm most looking forward to just being in the environment they create.
May 5, 2020
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During my first Witcher 3 playthrough I did not pay much attention to dialogs and details, which led to lot of bad quest outcomes. I played it again to achieve better outcomes, but it didn’t felt that good because I knew what I had to do. Therefore, I want fix my mistakes and pay much more attention to story, characters and what they say, so I can have best first-time experience in Cyberpunk 2077.
May 5, 2020
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I want to get completely immersed! I want become a part of the world, watch the people do their thing, do my part to affect Night City's dynamics, get to know the people and get sick body mods! I want this game to make me beg for tech developers to develop VR to the point of 'Ready Player One' levels of immersion so I can jump into the game first hand (I don't care that it's a dystopia, I want in!)
May 5, 2020
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I want to play a game that I actually enjoy. It's been so long since I've found one that I do and this looks like the game. So far from game genres that lose their identity and in with what looks like a game that I could enjoy playing for years. I want to explore and fall in love with the game.
May 5, 2020
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I cant wait to check out the character customization, as well as the world design. CDPR did such an amazing job with the Witcher series and I hope that carries over to Cyberpunk.
May 5, 2020
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The Witcher is one of my most favorite things ever. I read all the books, played the games and even watched that scuffed Polish TV show from 2002. I absolutely loved getting lost in that world. I played through Witcher 3 something like 6 times because of how good it was. I guess that's the thing I'm looking forward to the most from Cyberpunk 2077. Just getting lost in the world that they created and exploring every inch of it. The fact that CD Projekt is making a cyberpunk game is still crazy to me and I can't wait.
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