Giveaway Win a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Cyberpunk 2077 Edition graphics card from PC Gamer and GOG.COM!

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May 5, 2020
The thing i will do the most, at least in the first couple of hours, is exploring, just plain exploring of Night City.

Oh, and i nearly forgot the Character-Creator. I hope i wont get so lost in that like i did in Fallou 4. I spent over 20 hours with just creating my Char.
May 5, 2020
I know it sounds kind of pathetic but, honestly i just want to walk around and enjoy the atmosphere i think its genuinely amazing what CDPR have created.


May 5, 2020
I wanna have Keanu help me with missions in cyberpunk so bad and to explore the world aswell completing all the side missions before main missions as always
May 5, 2020
I haven't played PC games for some time, but recently I have enjoyed some point-n-click adventures & it has reawakened my gaming lurve. Being a huge Cyberpunk fan anyway when I saw Cyberpunk 2077 was coming out that was it I upgraded the PC & now cannot wait. I am most excited to be able to immerse into this visually stunning world & engage in ways never done before in other games - it's going to be emotional!
May 5, 2020
The main thing I’m looking forward to doing in Cyberpunk is making a stealth character and trying to be as passive as possible.
May 5, 2020
I'm absurdly anxious about getting into Night City. Using the city to know not only the NPCs, but discovering about my character as well will be something I've never experienced before. Night City looks like it will bring on me situations that will require me to choose what is right and what is easy. The customization settings is something that really caught my attention as well, it looks to be the first one that I'll be able to make a character I'm satisfied!
May 5, 2020
I'm looking forward to being able to experience a new story in a very interesting setting, and creating new characters for some personal writing through it!
May 5, 2020
I'm looking forward to character creation, it'll be fun to experiment with different ways to express myself in game, and maybe discover something new about myself. I've already started thinking about some potential looks for me, and I'm super excited!
May 5, 2020
I am most exited about exploring the world of cyberpunk 2077 been waiting since i first saw the reveal many years ago with the song Bullets in background.

Thanks for the giveaway
May 5, 2020
I've waited long for a game such as CyperPunk2077 to come. When it does, I want my PC to show me the game as the developers envisioned it. This GPU will help me see their masterpiece in all its glory - and will also help me edit videos to spread awareness for what I believe will be a contender for game of this decade.

I look forward to following the will of Johnny Silverhand... Who could say no to a man so breathtaking?

It would be very Cyber of you to select me.
May 5, 2020
I am looking forward to all the little details that you can discover. CD project just puts some much effort in their games that it is just not possible to make a thread/tweet/comment about every nice surprise that comes up. So even when you have already heard so much about one of their games and played it for hours you still find so much stuff you never knew about.
May 5, 2020
I really can’t wait to see the gameplay and the world that the devs created. Being made by Projekt red, I’m also excited to see the interesting story they’ve made for this game. I’ve been waiting for this game ever since it was announced and can’t wait to get my hands on it after having finished the Witcher 3!
May 5, 2020
Why I would would want to Price?

Well I have been working for the past 15 years without any vacation break because I have a job that I need all the hours for in order to pay the bills sadly.
And I have one of those essential jobs that is requires me to go to work for 40+ hours week even with all the COVID 19 going on.
So been a very though year so far anyway.
But now for the first time my boss gave me 2 weeks payed days vacation because he knows that I can never take them myself because that cost money and I can't afford that.
I just put in those 2 weeks from Sept 17th 2020 I now have 2 weeks to play this game.
All I need is a card to play it on.

I don't expect to win at all off course but thank you for hosting such an amazing give away :)
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