Giveaway Win a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Cyberpunk 2077 Edition graphics card from PC Gamer and GOG.COM!

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May 5, 2020
In tabletop RPG I was always playing fixer, so was slightly disappointed when they've said it won't be a playable class... I always go with female characters in games if possible (probably nicer to look at :p)... My first V will most likely be a tech with a bit of solo (few shooting skills) with nomad background (I really want to play with Flathead :D)... What I want to do most in Cyberpunk 2077 is explore... I want to see the city, I want to get to know the city, I want to see city's inhabitants and it's outskirts... I want to interact with the city and see how it changes... I do believe in CDPR's power to create beautiful, realistic worlds and I'm pretty sure they will deliver this time too... Cyberpunk 2077 may be a milestone in gaming industry and may change the way games are made and looked at... I really hope it will be... I do know it will be worth 3 weeks off work that I have already booked... ;) 134 days left...
May 5, 2020
I want to play as an stealth- hacker assassin, hope to upgrade multiple of my futuristic implants and playing on the maximun difficulty if possible.
May 5, 2020
I want to max out my cool. It's not like I I've ever been able to do it in real life!
It would also kickstart my new build for something capable of playing this at high quality.
May 5, 2020
I was thinking about upgrading just to experience the full impact of ray tracing in a game. This card would certainly make that easier to afford. Really looking forward to just do anything in the game.
May 5, 2020
I'm a huge sucker for open world spaces and being able to roam freely and take in a beautiful dystopian Sci-Fi future city is everything I could ask for in a video game. I've had to turn down my settings in games in order to make it playable pretty much my entire life. This is one game I don't want to do that to.

I'll probably spend 75% of my time just walking around, exploring, going about every nook and cranny... Yeah.
May 5, 2020
I can't wait to experience all of the different endings! I think it's really neat just how much work and time the team at CDPR has spent on this game. It'll be so worth the wait. The city looks amazing (As expected from CDPR, especially from their work on Witcher 3) and I don't think there's ever been a game that I've played that holds so much detail, though we've seen only so much gameplay footage. Can't wait to stay up playing Cyberpunk 2077 every night :)
May 5, 2020
I can't wait to finally explore everything that Night City has to offer and dive deep into the story that CD Projekt Red has created for us!
May 2, 2020
I am mostly looking forward to exploring the ups and downs of Night City. Everything from interacting with NPCs to surveying the the land on top of a skyscraper are just some of the things I can't wait to do. Killing in slow-mo is definitely top 5!
May 5, 2020
I am looking forward to exploring the world and NPCs. I spent way to much time looking around the cities of Witcher 3, I can't wait for this
May 5, 2020
The idea that I can play in a setting that is very dear to me, "cyberpunk future" is an exciting one. Games are our generations greatest escape from the real. I love to immerse myself in open worlds and set out on adventures, unlike anything I can accomplish in the real world.

Games like Cyberpunk coalesce only once a decade and are worth the wait.
May 5, 2020
Customization. Anything and everything that can be customized, I want in on it.

I wanna change how V looks from their head to their toes. Hair, eyes, tattoos, clothing. If their apartment/hideout/whatever can be customized, I wanna do that. Furniture, decorations, fixtures, lighting. I will cover the entire place with potted plants and nobody can stop me. If they get a car, I wanna pimp it out. Paint job, rims, grill, fuzzy dice. Come take a ride in my love machine, baby.

And not just looks. Gimme that ability enhancing cyberware too. I wanna make V faster, stronger, tougher, smarter than everybody else, then go back in for upgrades to get even faster, stronger, tougher, smarter than that.

I want to be the V that I want to be.
May 5, 2020
I am looking forward to seeing all the intriguing ways we will be able to enhance V (both legally and through the black market)!
May 5, 2020
I want to explore the Night City, get the taste of the world, Witchers are outsiders, it's rarely their business to know what other people are doing, this time i am one of the people that i meet!
May 5, 2020
I can not wait to see all new augmentations that one can do themselves and what perks come along with them. Time for some sweet ass tech built into my body :)
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